Travelling to Marshcity

I left Mr. Arthur's cabin after a long conversation and went to Ms. Adeline Key's cabin. She persuaded me to attend every class every day. It appears that I will devote more time to sparring in the future. I arrived at her cabin a few minutes later. Then I rapped on the door.

The door slid open with a "Creak." Ms. Adeline Key walked out of the cabin. When she saw Zack, she asked, "Are you ready?" When I heard that, I smiled and asked, "Mentor, I hope you're gentle with me. I have a life-or-death duel coming up in a few days."

"Don't worry, I'll seal my cultivation at your level," Ms. Adeline Key said with a shake of her head. "I'm going to work with you on your reflexes." With a smile, she said.