Part two: Breakthrough (Physique)- Special Trainee - Initial

(Zack's POV)

The movement of white energies slowed as the blood essence began to dry. My skeleton's red line mark becomes more dazzling. I'm getting a Dred vibe from Red Mark.

"Boom," a muffled sound burst from my body. The surrounding dense energy poured crazily into my body.

"I finally made it."

"Initial- Special Trainee – Physical Strength"

My physique has broken through; I can feel my meridians widening and my veins strengthening. As a result, it can withstand powerful lightning current in my veins.

My veins were filled with a warm energy. Every cell in my body was pulsing with energy. I can feel a lively feeling, it's almost mystical. In joy, I clenched my fist. I can crush Luke with just my body strength. With each level increase, my confidence grows.

After experiencing a breakthrough, I began adjust my strength. Time passed as I focused on adjusting my breathing. I eventually forgot the time.

Afternoon arrived,