Part one: Breakthrough (Physique)- Special Trainee - Initial

(From Zack's point of view)

Today is my life or death battle. I'm not sure whether or not a variable will appear. Luke is the only one I need to be cautious of. There are no other strongmen on our campus besides him.

Following my return from Mountain Liz. I got one step closer to making the next big breakthrough. All I need to do now is build up enough strength, and I'll be able to make a clean break. For my body strength, I only need two blood essence pills to make a breakthrough.

But there's no rush; I can ask Mr. Arthur after the duel. My current strength is enough to kill Luke and the others. The only thing I need to be cautious of is their calculation. I can dissolve their backhand with my perceptual ability. I just hope no anomalies appear.