Insect Forest : Attacking on the bandit team

Hansen Campus-Red Stone City,


Elder Thornton is having a conversation with Arthur. He didn't expect Zack to react like this. He didn't answer anyone's call from Hansen Campus. At that time, he really felt Zack was requesting too many resources from them.

So he was a little harsh on Zack. Thinking about it, Elder Thornton sighed internally.

He asked, "Is there any news from James? We don't know. What is Zack doing out there? "

Last time, Elder Thornton went to Star Tower with Zack as a guardian. This time Zack went all alone to Iron Post City. 

"Factions were busy preparing for the Crimson Hall competition. On the surface, it might seem like no one cares about weaker organisations. But actually, that's not the case," Elder Thornton thought to himself.

On the other hand, Mr. Arthur was also concerned about Zack. He replied, "Elder, Zack is doing fine. He hadn't joined any teams yet. Currently, he is cultivating in seclusion. "