Fire Sword Team's action

(From MC's Perspective)

Insect Forest -City of Iron Post,

When the after math was settled, the bandit leader dashed towards me.

Seeing that, I turned my attention towards the other four warriors. It would be foolish to head on directly. I made up my mind to eliminate the other Warriors. 

I slowly recited the blood method in my heart. Next, changes began to take place in my body. while feeling that I evaded the wind attack of the leader.



The wind blade went past the empty air. Using that opportunity, I dashed towards the nearby warrior. The lightning phantom technique was too fast for the opponent to notice.

Seeing my sudden appearance, the opponent was caught off guard. 

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

I covered my fist with purple lightning power. Then I punched at my opponent's abdomen with great force.

"Pfff, " the opponent coughed up blood.