
Camping Site-Iron Post City,

The atmosphere becomes solemn for a moment.

Because Mateo hadn't started the discussion yet. He is simply observing everyone's reaction. In particular, he looked at Morgan.

Mateo's suspicions about the other four teams have grown since his last conversation with his father.

Suddenly, Mateo asked, "I'll come to the point. The Black Fist team got destroyed recently. None of the members were alive. We couldn't even find the leader's body. "

After saying that, he added further, "So, I suspect apart from four of you. None of them had any guys to fight against us. "

Hearing that, Morgan immediately fumed in anger.

Before he could say anything, Caleb replied with a small laugh, "Ha.. ha.. ha...,Mr. Mateo, there is clearly a misunderstanding between us."