Inner area: Safe Zone

(From MC's Perspective)

Inner area: Insect forest,

After spending so much time walking, I arrived a little bit deeper in the inner area. Because I keep picking up red dots in mind from my surroundings.

Unlike the outer area, now I need to move at snail's pace. Suddenly, I spot a few red dots coming towards my direction.

My senses got alarmed. I quickly crouched down to avoid getting spotted by them. At the same time, I concealed my breath.

These bugs usually don't have good eyesight.

But I can't say for sure, so it's best to hide for now.

The buzz! The buzz!

The swarm of bugs went past me in the blink of an eye. Seeing that they were gone, I breathed a relief.


"Did I make the right decision to come here?" I muttered to myself.

Everything around me is like an explosive artifact. If I make a simple mistake, I might get exposed to danger.