Mission ends

(From MC's perspective)

Monster Zone,

Seeing the bull monster is getting berserk. I gripped my sword tightly and began to pour lightning essence into the sword. Soon the black blade flickered with a purple glow. Feeling the bursting power in it. I raised my sword against the monster and made a target in his eyes.

"Sword Divide," I released the lightning beam the next second. The powerful beam shot at the monster in a blink of an eye.

When everyone is hesitant, a purple beam went past them out of nowhere.


The lightning beam lands a blow to the monster's eye. Which caused the berserk state to unstable. A gruesome injury can be seen in the monster's eyes. The attack from Zack came out as a surprise again.

Using this opportunity, Michael made his move. He released consecutive golden light attacks on the monster. 

A few minutes later,