Lightning finger technique

From MC's Perspective:

The following day,

Before leaving the dorm, I took some time to review my techniques.

1. Sword Divide: Big wheel (Beginner)

2. Lightning Wheel: Big wheel (Beginner)

3. Lightning Phantom: Big wheel (Beginner)

4. Blood Field Technique: Small wheel (intermediate)

5. Soul Tower Method: Small wheel (Beginner)

6. Soul Needle Art: Small wheel ( Beginner)

After recalling the techniques, a strange glint flashes in my eyes. I got a few attacking techniques. Leaving aside lightning and soul techniques, I don't have any attack techniques related to the body method.

In a critical situation, where I exhausted my lightning essence. I can still use my body strength to kill the opponent. So far I haven't used my body strength properly. 

This puts me in a passive situation. Thinking about how I stood behind other special element warriors. My face couldn't help but turn ugly.