
It's already lunchtime and me and my friends are about to exit our classroom when I felt that my cell phone vibrated .And when I checked it, it was a text message from Xian.

From: xHITan

I'm already here at the stair area near your classroom, wait for me.

And when we reached the corridor we met him there, hmm just great.

"Guys we need to accompany Xian for today and we're gonna tour him," I said then my friends looked at me then next to Xian.

"Owwws sureeee right guys?" Celyn asked.

"Guys! Mr. Anonymous cute guy is here!" Anne announced to the entire class which makes them look where we stand and maybe because of curiosity they all go here in corridor.

"Pres, is he your boyfie?" Airhi asked.

"Is it legit?" Mae second the mentioned.

"Lei you didn't update us!!!" Justin shouted while throwing tantrums like a kid.

"It hurts," John said dramatically.

"Oh my fckng G!!" Enzo shouted and I just tapped my forehead.

"Guys, let me talk okay," I said trying to calm them. "First of all, we aren't dating yet."

"Ow 'yet', so there's a chance." Yza interrupted me then she gave me a teasing look.

"Yieeee," they said in chorus and when I look at Xian he is smirking cooly hiding a small smile.

"Hey let me talk again gosh, first he is not my boyfriend, he is my friend."

"Which is your future boyfriend," Xian suddenly interrupted with his cold yet baritone voice which made my eyes grow bigger then glared at him and then here's my classmate again who's making noise again.

"He is my neighbor and according to Dad me and him will always go to school together and he is here now because I need to tour him." I continued.

"Uhhhhh," they said in chorus again with a teasing expression in their faces.

"And if you guys don't meet Xian yet, he is older than some of us so he is an older bro France Xian Cuevas, Xian they are my classmates." I introduced them to each other.

"Hi guys, are you guys, doing good?" He asked which answered by most of them.

"Yeah we're doing good, bud."

"He is so handsome, Ms. President is so lucky."

"Uh dude how old are you already?" Vince asked.

"I'm already eighteen years old and I'm older than Leiva but you know she sometimes keeps calling me older bro which is inappropriate and I told her not to call me that because we're not siblings." He said which makes me galred to him again.

"Hahahaha," they laughed.

"Cute, hahaha."

"For your information it's a sign of respect, and you're older than me so I'm just showing my respect." I defended myself.

"Hmm you're younger than me right? So I have the right to call you Baby then?" He asked curiously which sent me into a state of shock and I heard the reactions of my classmates.



"I felt jealous haha."

"I fell in love sis."

"Pres!!! Hahah."

"Lets celebrate!! Our president will finally have a love life," they said and they freaked out.

"That's right, bully me more, aren't you guys still not hungry huh? It's already 12:10," I said with sarcasm in my tone.

"You're moving out the topic huh,haha" Paul said with a teasing look.

"Hmm bye! I'm already hungry tss." I said then turned my back to them and I was about to move my body but when I saw Franzz' reaction with Ej which they are both shaking their heads with disagreement then they left they… are… weird… like wtf? What's wrong with them.

"Susss haha," Anne said.

"Hey shi- I mean, Xian lets go." I said then Celyn, Anne and Faith followed me.

Jess is not with us because she is still in their classroom so maybe she will come to us later.

We were going down the stairs when I saw Jom who was running toward us. He is from another section and he is my co-writer in our school paper publication. He is handsome too, and his aura screams manliness.

"Lei!!" He shouted so I stopped and when he reached where we were standing I asked him.

"Why?" I asked.

"The deadline for all the articles is tomorrow," he said.

"Gosh? Really? I haven't finished all my articles yet." I said nervously.

"'Me too, Ms. Cristobal said it's fine if we can send him a soft copy to you first then forward all the articles to her."

"Oh my gosh, I need to finish it all later, thank you for the update Jom," I said.

"No worries Lei, me too. I need to rush all of the news articles that have been assigned to me, bye Ms. EIC," he said then he left.

"Bye," I replied to him while smiling.

Gosh, deadline? All of the articles? What's with rush goodness gracious. We already reached the two story cafeteria building and i don't know why people are staring at us and then realization hit me that the one they are staring up is Xian.

"Oh guys we will be the one who will be ordering our foods," I said, which made their lips form a big smile.

"Ahm guys it's my treat n since it's my first time to have you as a companion." Xian said he is really a rich kid huh tss. We are now in the people's line to order food when someone called Xian.

"Xian dude."

"Oh hey Laurenz." Xian replied as they did the man's hug.

"We will eat in this cafeteria's department too, why didn't you inform us so we will have lunch together," the other guy wearing the USTA Senior High School uniform too.

"Oh sorry I'm with my piggy, I mean Leiva." He replied shortly which I didn't give a sigle attention or reaction.

"Hmm you're bullying Leiva huh! She will put you on the news headline haha," JanPaul warned him jokingly then gave me a smile then I smiled at him also. He is the co-cartoonist of Rogel in our school paper publication.

"By the way Lei, he is Laurenz." Xian introduced me to the cute guy with a dimple on his right cheek "Joshua," he pointed to the guy with a light aura "and since Janpaul and you look that you already knew each other, they are my classmates and guys this is Lei." Xian asked using his baritone voice with a happy aura.

"Oh, she's quite popular here in the USTA dude haha" the Laurenz guy said.

"Hmm piggy is famous huh," he whispered in my ear so I glared at him again.

"Oh we'll be leaving you guys for now," Xian said so can we order out food.

"Sure dude."

"Take care man," his classmates said and he just gestured a goodbye sign.

"Bye." I said to them too

AFTER we ate our lunch in the cafeteria, Faith said that she will be doing something so she can join us touring this very important guy which is the heir of Cuevas Empire hmm.

"Lei you'll be touring Xian right? Here on campus?" Celine said.

"Yeah," I replied shortly.

"Uhm sorry we aren't able to accompany you."

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"We will go to the library , we'll be finding books hehe," Anne answered and wow as if that they are reading those books I smell something fishy.

"Ooww, Kayy." I said then went near to them" ill act that I don't do what you guys doing" i whispered to them.

"Hehe bye Pres!" They both said then ran towards the High School Department Library.

"So we are the only ones left, let's go." he said in his baritone voice then he held my right hand, wait what?

"Hey people might misinterpret us that we are couples!!" I yelled to him and gave a distance myself so he could hold my hand again.

"Who cares," he shortly replied and he is trying to hold my hand again and trying to hide his smile.

"Xian!" I warned.

"Ohh hm, okay I'll just shout here that we are already dating since we are in the field right."

"Hmpp," I said shortly and let him hold my hand while we are now walking… this is really against my will... I swear.