
"Since I have already told you about the basketball court and the other sport fields inside this huge university and also the library in High School Department and the cafeteria next we'll be seeing the laboratories." I said to Xian after I toured him at the volleyball court.

"Hmm, sure?" he said using his cold voice so i towered him and then that sharp jawline of him makes him really so handsome.

And while fantasizing again to him, I didn't notice that he put his arm over my shoulder again. Why is this jerk so touchy towards me? And I didn't notice that there's a smile plastered to my face already while we were walking.

"And why are you smiling?" He said noticing me that I am smiling.

"Huh? Smiling? Am not!" I defended myself.

"Tss, don't tell me you are smiling because of this?" He said then he pushed me more closer to him, the fck?!

"Hey... what are you doing?" I said then distanced myself from him because people around us were watching again then he noticed it so he looked around too.

"Don't do that again, this PDA hmm?" I said then he just smirked then walked again.

"Okay master haha," he answered shortly.

When we arrived at the Junior High School Department' Computer Laboratory 1 which is the coolest of the COMLABs in Junior high school, I saw Gio going out from the entrance of the COMLAB, Omg! It's Gio! Gio Reyes!! The cousin of Mjosh.

Yes the cousin of MJosh Reyes and Gio is one year younger than me, he's still in grade 9 and he always stayed in COMLAB 1 like it is his own home.

Hmm lunch break is about to end and he stayed again there? Well the internet in COMLAB is strong and fast so I can't blame him and students here in USTA are free to use computers for online games, searching etc.

When we were getting nearer to him, I noticed that he is looking around like he is searching for something and hm maybe I can introduce Xian and him and i was about to approach him when this xHITan's phone rang and he took out his cellphone from his uniform's pocket using his long fingers then he excused himself.

"I'll just take this call," he said, then I just nodded before he left.

"Gio boy!" I shouted and that is how I always called him to annoy him sometimes.

"Ohh Leiva! And please, I'll repeat this again and this is one thousand times that can you please-

"Stop calling me Gio boy? Uh it's so annoying," I continued his statement and I also mimicked his tone hahah funny.

"Hayst," he said like he is controlling himself.

Gio is taller than me because obviously? I'm kinda short tsk, tsk

"I'm older than you so I have the right to call you whatever I want." I said with a bitchy tone.

"Uh fck that right huh tsk tsk," he said like he was disappointed.

"And what are you doing here? It's a surprise you're here Leiva and ow," he said then covered his mouth. "Who's that hmm, Senior High school guy? Don't tell me he is your boyfriend?" He said while he was shocked and surprised.

Uhh what's wrong with these people? Is it their first time seeing me with a guy?

"Ang why do you care? And when did you start being gossiper?"

"When we start being friends," he said coolly and I just glared at him then he whispered something "Damn it someone will be jealous tsk."

"What is it again? I can hear it Gio!!!" I said sarcastically.

"Never mind," he said then crossed his arms over his chest.

"Okay and why are you here outside the COMLAB? Shouldn't you inside like the usual?" I asked.

"I was looking for the mother fckers!" He said he was annoyed by those people.


"My friends, who else?" He answered.

Gosh the nerve of this kid.

"Okay I don't know their names, I'm just familiar with their faces," I complained.

"Okay okay I was looking for Emman, Jolan, and Greg," he said while identifying his friends he's like counting using his fingers.

"Hmm maybe they don't want you already so they are hiding from you," I teased.

"I'm okay with hiding but them leaving me? That is hilarious! Lei, I admit I'm a jerk but they won't leave me." he defended.

"If they'll leave you one day dude that's a karma because of your womanizing attitude," I said as I was teasing him continuously and yes he is a womanizer at that age.

"You can't blame me, I'm still young! I'm still exploring things Lei and it's not all about women . I also focus on my studies and of course online games and archery,'' he said with a small smile on his lips… MJosh and him looked the same slightly with that side huh?

"Whatever," I said because I'm out of words then I felt the presence of Xian at my back. He's done with the phone call huh?

"Sorry it takes me too long," I heard Xian say.

"Its fine and by the way Xian he is-"

"Oh Gio, haha nice." Xian said, cutting me from my sentence and I was surprised! They knew each other?

"Wait, you guys already know each other?" I said curiously and they just laughed then do fist bump.

"Yes Lei we are teammates in archery. He is my senior and we work together and always had the same schedule in competing and oh he's the guy you're with," he said hanging not to mention that he thought Xian is my boyfriend.

"Really?" I was shocked.

"Yeah piggy Lei were closed too and friends for ahm years haha."

"Dude want to join our university's team? I'll recommend you to coach" Gio said with an inviting tone.

"I'll think about that because still I am adjusting here." Xian said coolly and he's really friendly even though that intimidating yet sexy looks huh?

"Dude want to join our team here in school? I'll recommend you to coach?"

"Nice inform me dude huh! I'll go first," he said then he is now bidding his goodbye probably to go now in his classroom?.

"Sure take care," Xian said.

"Lei I'm gonna go now, Greg and others are in the baseball field bye!" He said while looking at his cellphone.

"What are they doing there?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know that's why I'm going there right? Bye!!"

"Tss, jerk." I commented while watching Gio leaving.

"Haha," I heard Xian laugh.

"Then why are you laughing?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised you knew each other okay," he said defensively.

"Yeah and that's because of MJosh."

"And why?" He asked while his aura is changing again?

"They are cousins I met Gio two years ago when we attended his birthday party," I answered then he just shook his head.

"Can we go to the clinic?" He said out of where I was looking around.

"Oh why? Aren't you feeling well?" I said worryingly and I was about to check him but he talked again.

"I had a cousin here too, and he's there"

"Oh Okay let's go," I said and led the way going to the school's clinic.

When we reached the clinic, I opened the door immediately, not minding if the doctor or nurse was there.

"He is lying in clinic's bed again and pretending he's sick," Xian whispered

"Huh? Who? Your cousin?" I asked.

"Yeah whatever," he said like he was pissed.

And he opened the one curtain and he was right because I saw Krize lying in bed coolly and on the other bed I saw Dale, my classmate, wait what?.

This is Krize! The son of the owner of this university means the heir of this university! The only one Krize Sta. Teresita and he are Dale's best friends even though they are from different sections.

"Oh hello there my dear cousin you're already here huh!" Krize stands up and he dramatically hugs Xian which Xian didn't even move and Krize looked like he used to do what Xian does.

But he is relaxed and didn't even give a surprising look because we came here together huh. Then Xian looked at me.

"Lei he is Kri-" he spoke but I cut him off.

"Yes he is Krize Sta. Teresita son of the owner of this school."

"See cous, that what I'm always telling you that you had a handsome and famous cousin," he said then stood up beside Xian but Xian is much taller than him then i looked at Dale and we just watched each other's hand.

"Hi Leiva," Krize greeted me.

"Hi krize and whatever you are here again doing lazy stuff huh? And you even include Dale huh?

"Leiva sis it's lunch break," Krize complained.

"And where's the thing that I've mentioned?" Xian spoke to his cousin shouting superior hmm looks like he is really intimidating huh.

"Oh right there!" Krize pointed to the table near the curtain then he's lying in bed again, "get the folder in the table," he said to Xian which Xian did then opened the folder then a smirk appeared on his lips.

"You are really something huh thank you for this bud goodbye," Xian said then he grabbed my hand then he led me towards the clinic's door.

"Rancii maddafakka, that is unpaid!! You should pay!!" Krize shouted which the nurse in charge said, "shhh."

"Yeah yeah whatever comes to our house then!" Xian replied.

"Sure!!" Krize answered.

But wait what? Rancii!? His nickname?

I checked my wrist watch and gosh there's only fifteen minutes before my first period class.

"Shi- I mean Xian. Hehe," I said then he just raised his left eyebrow to me but he's so hot in that face, uhh irritating.


"Tomorrow again, I need to bid goodbye for now our mathematics class is about to start again and that subject is difficult you know," I said then pouted my lips when I noticed that we were near our department building.

He checked his wrist watch so I noticed his bracelet was kinda familiar huh?

"Oh yeah but you're having a hard time in Math?"

"Yeah," I answered then he grinned.

"Hmm I can help you," I looked at him straight to his mesmerizing color brown eyes.

"Really?" I said surprisingly oh my gosh!!

"Yes but," he paused.


"I'll tortu- I mean tutor you in our house," and he smiled but it looks like he is still handsome, he smiles like he's planning something.

"Uh can't it just be in our house?" I said like it's a favor.

"No baby, it must be in our house." He insisted.

"Please?" I said complainingly.

"Hmm, let's go. I'll accompany you going into your classroom," he said.

"No, they will have a topic to gossip again."

"You don't want that huh? You don't want me as an instant boyfriend?" He said teasingly but he looked serious wtf?! How was that?

"What are you saying?" I asked, acting like an innocent child.

"Think about the tutor thing huh go now then," he said then smiled.

"Whatever," I replied shortly then ran towards the stairs leaving him with this crazy heart which is beating again nonstop every time I'm with that guy hayst, tsk tsk… but that tutor thing… is that a good idea?? Hmmm.