
When I arrived at our classroom I felt relieved that few of my classmates are only there because even though me and Xian are in the first floor they do still have a source of what happened in there if the majority of the gossipers are already present.

And because USTA is a private school when you are outside of every classroom or laboratories in here you must think that there is no person inside and also it's not too noisy so maybe few of them are in there for now.

But when I finally entered our classroom I'm suddenly shocked because almost all of my classmates are now inside of our classroom and they are peeping outside using the windows and from that spot you can have a view where me and Xian talked earlier like what the fudge?!!!

Why have I not noticed their silence? Or maybe when we are still on the first floor they are already watching or listening. And why are they all so early for afternoon class? Goshh.

"Ehem!!" I said with a shouting tone and they all looked at me in their eyes grew bigger like they've seen a horrible creation.

"Friend!!! You're finally here huh?" Celyn  muttered acting like they didn't gossip earlier.

"Hey president!!! Have you been there before? We didn't notice you haha," Vince said coolly.

"You guys are really quiet gossipers huh what are you seeing over the window?" I questioned them while they are now going to their perspective chairs.

"Uh nothing Pres ugh, were just playing and thinking hehe." Vince answered.

"Of what?" I asked curiously.

"About things between you and the senior high guy" Paul whispered so I didn't hear it clearly.

"What is it again Paul?"

"Uh Uh oh nothing oh, were just waiting for our teacher and that's all hehe," Paul said while smilingly.

"But is it compulsory for you guys to hear all together while waiting?"

"NO" half of my classmates said in chorus.

"SILENCE! GO TO YOUR PROPER PLACES!" Suddenly shouted by our first period class teacher and he is Teacher Toffie.

And I saw Franzz together with EJ at the back of Teacher Toffie and there's a disagreement on their faces about what? Hmm maybe they're just bad or whatsoever they are literally weird.

"Uhm... hi Leiva" said by EJ when he noticed that I'm staring at them.

"Oh hi Pres hehe," Franz said also then he half smiled which likely forced a smile after he frowned.

"Hey, you need to sit already Toffieror (Toffie+Terror) will get mad," I whispered.

"You're really weird, huh?" Ej said which I only laughed at.

Then I finally seated in my chair then put my hands on top of my table and Bianca is my seatmate and she really excelled in Mathematics same with Celyn so I'm in between of them haha.

The class goes on its flaw and we don't have time to go to the cafeteria to buy some food because we had a lot of activities and we don't have vacant time this time and this is tiring.

I'm coming out of the classroom when I saw MJosh at our classroom's corridor together with his friends.

"Oh hi babe Princ- I mean Leiva," MJosh greeted me and his friends fake coughing which I laughed at.

"Ehemm hmm ehem ehem," Ivan and Niel said in duet and it looks like that they are not complete huh?

"Hi babe- I mean Leiva," the chick boy Niel said.

"Hello girl fri- I mean… Leiva,"" Ivan said while he really made intentionally his mistake.

"Hello to you too, how are you guys?" I asked.

"Oh, we're fine but I'm not sure about the one on the side," Ivan said while smiling he is weird too huh.


"Oh ignore that motherfcker he's crazy again I mean they are crazy again," MJosh said and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay haha by the way why are you here huh? Waiting for Franzz and Ej?"

"Yeah and also to invite you on Sunday," MJosh answered.

"Invite for what?"

"For your wedding," Niel whispered so I didn't hear it clearly.

"Can you repeat it Niel?" I asked.

"Uh he said nothing," MJosh said while he gave Niel a dude what the fck look.

"I'll just want to invite you on my little sister's birthday, remember her? Kitty?"

"Oh yes hmm it's her birthday huh?"

"Yeah she'll turn eight years old and I want you to come, can you?" He asked while pleasingly smiled.

"When it is?"

"On Sunday," he answered shortly.

"Ow sure," I said excitedly and he gave me a color black invitation and there's a car racing theme design on it, ow weird girl? Car racing? Well gender equality though they are open in it then.

"Oh it will start at nine o'clock? Hmm sure" I said then I flashed a smile.

"And you can take your friends too," he said and the people at my back laughed and they are no other than my very own classmate.

"Dude, are you sure? All of the friends of Leiva?" Ej asked.

"Yup," MJosh said surely.

"Dude we are friends and you know that our whole section is Leiva's friend and almost the grade 10 students are all her friends too haha." Franzz said.

"Yeah I know that, and that's why the venue is big enough to accept thousands of visitors " then he looked at my back, "you guys can come to my sisters birthday bash." He said. well they are really rich too that's why and if he would like to buy an island then their money said, WHY NOT?

"And that is a beach resort too so you can do whatever you want and there's a pool and other activities other sections will come too," he said then all of my classmates freaked out then started shouting.

"Woah so guys!! See you on Sunday!!" Vince shouted and they shouted again due to excitedness and the girls are so happy wanna know why! Well they will see their crushes on MJosh's section which are the varsity players.

Gosh there's no class also on Monday to Tuesday because they will be utilizing the university so I guess a lot of USTAians will attend.

When I glanced at MJosh it was wtf! His face is too near mine and id ever someone will push one of us if they will be a chance for us to kiss.

I was about to put a distance between us when I felt that my phone vibrated and that's a cue for me to distance myself from MJosh and I checked my phone and its a text message from Xian so i excused myself.

"Excuse me," I said awkwardly.

"Sure," he answered.

From: xHITian

Hi Piggy we'll be attending a thing with Krize I will not accompany you to go home sorry take care

That's what I read and hmm there something but wait I immediately composed a reply to him.

To: xHITian

Uhm.. Okay be careful.

And he immediately replied too.

From: xHITian

Don't miss me that much

To: xHITian

You wish.

I send then I put back my phone on my pocket and when i turned to MJosh we are backed again in the same position.

"Uh MJosh can you move away haha I cant breath," I said and thank God he did it.

"Uh sorry, so you guys will come?" He asked, glancing at my classmates.

"YES!" my classmate said in chorus.

"So you'll let them?" Ivan asked.

"Yeah if that's what they want and they will be happy," I answered.

"Nice Babe princess," he said and he messed up my hair but again WEIRD why the hell, he'll put his face near to mine?

"Y-yeah," I said, trying to not stutter.

"Okay we'll gotta go bye," he said shortly then they left.

"Yiee, you had a MJosh then you have Xian too? How to be you, Pres ?" Airhi said then I just rolled my eyes then laughed.

"Hmm your hair is so long huh!" Mae commented too.


"Guys can you please shut up, we're just friends okay" I clarified.

"Friends… only?! Hmm let's go home then" Anne said too.

"Tell a lie to us and yourself but don't tell lies to the air!!" Faith said too which I laughed about.

"Of course," I said and started to walk with them and since Xian is out I'm gonna call our driver for me to not commute because commuting sucks.

But where the hell Xian go huh?