The girl

Another day has passed again and as usual, I am with this jerk name, Xian again, on my way home from here in school, who is looking back and off at me while his hands are on the pockets of their Type A uniform.

We are walking with a lot of students too, who are wearing different uniforms that are mixed by color white, turquoise and pine green which means that the students around here, are from Junior High and Senior High School departments.

Those kids from Elementary are a bit far away from us because like the College department, we had our own world and spaces to study too. I looked around and well, my Friends left me as they saw this Weirdo guy, approaching us earlier when we went down the stairs, so that's the reason why we are two alone walking only here.

He continued looking at me then to the way where we are going through, and he looks like a kid who didn't have a chance to be bought a candy or lollipop by her Mother. And it is making me uncomfortable already so I decided to ask him.

"What's the problem?" I asked him and he stared at me for a minute before he answered.

"Nothing," he said and shook his head.

What's with this jerk?

"Okay, nothing huh? But you keep on glancing at me. Don't tell me, you are already having a crush towards me because of my pretty face. I know I am pretty." I uttered as I made my face like a cute cat.

But it's a way only for him to face me near, and have reason to pinch my both cheeks as he spoke," you have already a thick face and have a cocky attitude which is not healthy huh?"

He said as he pinched my cheeks harder and he even brought his face close to mine as if he would kiss me and I blinked my eyes because of that while he was still holding my cheeks.

"Ca-can you move away from m-me and leave my cheeks a-alone!" I said in a complaining tone, trying to not stutter. And I am the one who adjusted already, distancing myself away from him while we were walking on our way to the parking lot where his car was parked.

"Tss, I just want to invite you ." He muttered and he went back to my left side like where he positioned himself earlier after he removed his hands from my cheeks.

"Huh? Where? On your wedding? Will you be wedded soon? Is it an arranged marriage?" I asked continuously while looking at me and he glanced back at me with a questioning look too and he looked surprised.

"The fck are you talking about? Me? Wedding? For your information, I am still not an Engineer. 'So how can I provide and sustain a good life for you, if I am not yet graduated and do have a stable job?'"

He said but the last phrase was in a whisper as he looked at his left side too, so I did not understand it at all. But I decided to not bother that thing about it when I saw Chleo, approaching us.

She is one of our neighbors in AN GOARA VILLAGE and she is older than me. She is a college student majoring in Fashion designing who is studying in USTA too who is currently wearing a college uniform for them, in their course department.

I waved at her while smiling, as she was walking towards our direction and I stopped walking which made Xian stop too and Chleo waved back and smiled back at me.

I noticed how the people around the stairs towards her, well who could not notice and got its attention from her beauty, that's why I also can not blame the people around who were staring at her.

She is the one with her younger brother and friends, who teased us with Xian back when me and Xian had a funny time having a scene outside our gate who are like a couple breaking up with each other.

But what is he doing here in the Junior High School Department?

"Hi Leiva," she said and her sophistication and her seductress aura were screaming at the place as he put her hands at her back.

"Hello too, Chleo. What are you doing here? In the High School department?" I asked straightforwardly and I remember the jerk I mean, the guy beside me so I introduced her to Xian.

"By the way, this is Xian, the jer- I mean the new one who lives in our neighborhood in the subdivision." I said as I introduced Xian to her.

"Oh, Ni hâo Miss, I am Xian Cuevas. Nice to meet you." He said and slightly smiled at Chleo whose smile was like a limited edition bag from a famous brand.

But why does he say Hello in mandarin? Did he know that Chleo had a Chinese race too?

"Hello too, and why did you say hello in mandarin?" Chleo asked curiously and she was staring at Xian like she was remembering something.

"It's not being racist but you looked like Chinese or some blood of an Asian." Xian answered and this older sister Chleo smiled as she waved her hands in the air.

"You have a perfect guess, and yes!" He shouted like she won a billion dollars. "You are the guy right?" She asked which made us confused and she looked back at me again.

"He is the guy, with you last time outside your gate right?" She asked while trying not to laugh.

And I immediately remember that time when we were having fun with Xian after we got home from that resort beach and hotel owned by MJosh' relatives and she finally burst out laughing which I followed too.

I looked at Xian who was giving me a question look and I smiled at him then seconds after, he maybe already remembered that time when Chleo together with Chelo, his younger brother and her friends saw us having a joke drama at that time.

"Uh, you are the girl with the team which is our audience that time." Xian stated as he pointed his index finger towards Chleo which we laughed on.

"Whatever," Chleo said and she jokingly rolled her eyes towards us and she spoke. "And by the way, I am here because I have or we have an offer to you, and I even went here after my last class to see you and that is Amber's fault." She said in a bitchy tone as she crossed her arms over her chest while rolling her eyes.

Here is the Chleo Bitch, again ladies and gentleman.

"What's with Amber?" I said curiously, worried about their best friend who is our neighbor too, in the subdivision we are living in.

"She told me that she had a project regarding things like uh," she said as she held her chin like she was trying to remember a thing again.

"Uh, yeah it is featuring High school students, so she needs your help and your friends too?" She said unsurely. "Yeah, she needs all of you to be her model on her project, so she asked for help and I suggested you," she uttered as she achieved a very serious thing.

Amber is a college friend too, and one of the best friend of Chleo. The difference is, since they are childhood, they are already friends not until, Chleo's family left Sta. Teresita. And Amber is currently majoring in Fine Arts too.

Well, I don't have a slightest idea about her project but I am willing to help her. Besides, both of them were considered by me as my older sisters like siblings since I don't have a girl sibling.

"Huh? You mean, with my friends? And why me?" I asked while looking at her and Xian remained silent beside me.

"I don't know, that is her idea." She answered while checking her nails which I think is a new polish like mine while she is holding her handbag.

"But why, us?" I asked again like a child insisting to go out and play with her playmates.

"I really don't know and I remember, you and your friends are quite popular here. And knowing Amber is a user, she will totally take advantage of you." Sue said like she was back stabbing her friend like they are not best friends.

"Then sure, I will ask my friends and maybe Amber have ideas too which I can help her in." I said and Chleo smiled back like she had removed a fishbone from her throat and she even breathed.

Yeah, her weirdness that I got it too, already.

"My God," she uttered like it was my favorite word too but mine is My gosh.

"Thank you Leiva, uh thanks God," she said and looked up above. "Thanks because I finally convinced you that fast," she voiced out and looked back at me. "You know, we had a deal again." She continued speaking and informing me.

Well, what's known? They always have a deal. I don't even remember when was the last time that they didn't have a deal. It's their habit already

"You are the lady too right? That also seems to be involved in what happened in the main restroom of the college building near us?" Suddenly Xian asked and that made me curious about what happened.

Because don't tell me that this college girl who is older than us and who is in front of us too, got into a fight or trouble again? She looked at us as she smirked and rolled her eyes again like she was annoyed by Xian's question.