Invite for?

"Is it true?" I asked her as I stared at her and she glanced at me and grimaced while she held her temple like the question was stressing her out.

"Lei, it's not my fault that they are involving me in their stupidity. My God, those morons." She said and annoyment was visible on her face as she let out a deep breath.

"So, it's not you who initiated what happened?" I asked and she glared at me.

"Do I look like a war freak? I am just good at flirting but trouble making? My God no!" She shouted.

"Yeah, and you flirting boys is a kind of making trouble and fighting." I stated because it's true, her brother was involved sometimes too. But her brother seems to enjoy it sometimes if someone dared them.

He is protective like my older brothers.

"Is it my fault that their 'so-called-boyfriends' likes me and wants me to flirt with them? They are lucky enough that I gave them attention and time." She reasoned out.

What's wrong with this old hag?

"Okay, if you say so, don't worry. I won't bothered to go in 'TsikenSy' to report this on Uncle Leo." I said calmly.

"Leiva!!!" She said in a complaining tone which I just laughed on.

"How are you related to Chelo or Marcus Sy?" Xian asked out of nowhere.

Wait, did he met Chelo already? Oh crap maybe he saw him when Chleo and her friends watched us.

"He is my younger brother but we don't look alike. I think he is adopted because I am so beautiful but he is so ugly." She said while holding her chin without knowing that her younger brother is at his back with his annoyed facial expression.

Chelo Sy, he is a grade 11 student and right now, he is wearing tie Senior High School department uniform like Xian. His Asian features are visible but his Hispanic features were visible too that makes him look half blooded.

Chleo and Chelo had a lot of similarities on their facial features but it was undeniable that Chelo's features was more harder because Chleo has these soft features which made her look more Asian although they are both half blooded.

If you'll ask if I would compare Chelo and this guy beside me, well, he had this familiar half Hispanic too, but a mixture of British aura.

Yeah, he is that hot. But when he almost caught me staring at him I immediately turned my attention to Chelo who started to speak behind his sister. But before that, I witnessed how the lips of Xian rose up and turned into smirks.

Whatever. I prefer MJosh who is half Asian and half American. I don't like Xian. Hmm.

"Adopted huh?" Chelo's manly voice startled Chleo from her back while Chelo was holding his waist. "Then, you will not survive from your punishment now that you have done something again." Chelo said like he was scaring her sister.

"And so?" Chleo asked coolly.

"Mamá, will love this news." Chelo said as he started to walk fast already because he knew how his sister would react.

"Hey, I am just kidding." Chleo's voice echoed around and she glanced back at us saying, "I am going now huh, I have something to buy around." She said as she bid her goodbye and I nodded.

"Sure, goodbye." I said.

"Take care," Xian said too.

And Chleo started to chase his brother while shouting, "You jerk," but Chelo stopped and he stuck his tongue out as she annoyed her sister in the crowd like they are kids.

"Are they really our neighbors?" Xian asked and I just nodded while laughing. "Then that's why it explained why you are weird too." He said that made me punch his arm but he just chuckled.

"You can pass as Chelo's best friend." I said but he just held my right shoulder as we started to walk and I kept on removing it but he will just put it back. My goshh, why the hell he is so freaking tall compared to me?

I wish I was tall enough to reach his face, but I can't reach it. And when we are already near the parking space where the student's car was parked he suddenly spoke.

"I am glad that you are not that bitch like Chleo. Don't let her virus infect you okay?" He said and I just glared at him.

"Whatever," I answered and I remember why he knew about Chleo, involved in a fight scene or sort of what she always does again.

"How did you know about what happened in the College department? Don't tell me you are a quiet gossiper too?" I asked and he let out a small chuckle again as we were reaching his car.

"Me? In this handsomeness?" He said as he pointed to his face. "This face do gossiping? That's a big no, baby." He said with a high confidence.

And why the hell, he is calling me baby again? Is he aware that every time he calls me baby, it makes my heart flutter and beats rapidly like a drum? And I hate that feeling because I know it's dangerous.

Can he not let me fall for him if he would not catch me at the end? Because that will hurt me, big time. Even though I knew that we are still young and naive but, yeah whatever.

"I thought having a cocky attitude is not healthy?" I asked remembering what he said earlier.

"I am exempted and hey, I was just stating the truth?" He said as we were near to his car already.

But I notice that the ford that usually we rode is not his car that I saw. And I knew it's not his so I gave him a questioning look.

"Oh, my other cousin got mine while it was parked here, so I asked our one driver to get my other car too." He said like he was shy and he looked in the opposite direction avoiding me.

He is so full of himself every time and now he is being shy already? What a surprise?

"So, the ford right here is not yours?" I asked while I pointed to the car that was parked that we just passed by.

"Yeah, the one will ride in is color black," he just simply answered because his ford is color gray.

"Uh, okay.." I answered while still walking following his path.

"Me and Reyes will have a basketball match next week," he uttered which made me walk fast to see his reaction if he is serious about his statement.

Because I am sure that which he is pertaining Reyes, is MJosh because Gio's sports is not on basketball and he is on Archery, although Xian is in Archery too like what he said.

"Really?" I asked with a tone of slightly surprised and he glanced at me and he nodded.

"Yeah, maybe you want to play how hot a Xian on basketball court," he said and smirked which made the whole place hot because of his hotness.

"Tss, what a vain?" I said and continued to speak. "Does the coach know about this?" I asked curiously.

"Of course, he is the one who initiated and insisted me to join the varsity," he said confidently again which made my eyes roll.

"Wow, don't you know that the coach doesn't really do recruiting? Especially for the transferees." I uttered and he smiled at me like a proud man.

"Hmm, they told me that too. But it's not surprising for me because I am already used to special treatment, and you are aware that I am handsome right?" He said as he winked and made me stunned but I recovered fast too.

"So? Maybe the coach wanted to watch MJosh on how MJosh will humiliate a transferee on the court." I said trying to tease him but when I gaze at him, his aura turns dark but it immediately fades.

"Hell? Me? Humiliate?" He asked unbelievably as he walked near me and he pressed his nose to mine like we are about to kiss." Not gonna happen baby, and see it to believe." He whispered and it made me have difficulty breathing until he put his face away from me.

I roamed around my eyes trying to check if someone saw us, but thankfully, this is a sort of hidden place where no students are standing by.

"S-so," I said, trying not to stutter. "Why are- I mean why did Coach conduct that?" I said as I avoided his gaze and he let out a chuckle again.

"Coach said that Reyes will be the new captain for Taekwondo and there's a rule that you need only to be a captain in one sport." He said as he continued," and maybe the Coach wanted me to watch how I will enter," he said and stared at me.

Why did his statement look like a double meaning?

"The ball, and how I play basketball and see if I am deserving to be the new captain," he said and I just nodded on his statement trying to remove the green thoughts in my head.

"And that is by competing with MJosh?" I asked.

"Yeah, he divided the whole basketball team including the substitution. The other members are in my team while the others are in Reyes." He answered and why the hell it's so hard for him to call MJosh by his given name and he only called him by his surname?

"So you are inviting me to watch MJosh?" I asked like I am teasing him and he stopped as he glared at me.

"I am inviting you to support me, not the other way around." He answered like he is not affected.

But why the hell sometimes, if I caught him every time I teased him about another guy, he looked like he was raging mad?
