
"So, if you will be the captain already, does that mean that MJosh will no longer be included in the group? What a very sad news." I stated, while thinking that MJosh will no longer play basketball.

He is so cool on playing that girls in this university and even outsiders when there is an Intramurals or any events that outsiders are welcomed screams MJosh's names and other players, those screams and shouts can even destroy your eardrums. Well, I can not blame them, they are too handsome while playing.

"What's with the long face? You really do have something for him? Hmm Piggy?" He asked, raising his right eyebrow and he put his muscular arms over his chest and he even stopped walking.

I noticed that this place is getting mote darker because it is more far than the spaces that we passed by, I saw some students going to their cars too after they entered it.

"No!" I asked defensively. "It's just all of us, all of his admirers will no longer watch him and shout for his name." I voiced out because his facial expression is being stoic again.

"Okay, don't be sad. There was still one slot left which was vacant for him. So he was still included in the team but 'your Reyes' will no longer be the captain." He said highlighting the word 'your Reyes' while he is talking and I pouted my lips about that.

"And he will be under my supervision, and I am here already as the new captain.You can scream my name in the court too, but I prefer in, ." He said like he was planning a very evil plan. "Yeah never mind, we can save it in the future," he simply said and continued to walk.

"You looked like the lost twin brother of Lucy," I uttered, which made his forehead cease, who is a very curious boy.

"And who the fck is Lucy again? Is he a boy? 'Is he a new opponent again that will take you away from me?'" He said but he just whispered the last statements.

Why does he love to whisper? What's the point of talking if you will just whisper. and not to hear by other people who are obviously in front of you and talking to you.

"Hmm, Who Is Lucy? He is your cousin, he is Lucy-fer and like you, he is devil too." I answered and he just gave me a light glare which caused me to giggle while carrying my backpack.

" I saw Chelo and Chleo arguing earlier herein the parking area and that Chelo is advising her older sister." He uttered and shook his head.

"And then?" I asked while still walking, we are walking for 10 minutes already huh?

Why it feels good inside my heart whenever we have talks like these and the time was so slow while we were here, walking and talking to each other.

"I remember Krize on him, Krize used to do that to our older girl cousin before. Funny how Krize will talk like a very matured man at those times." He said in a duration like he was mesmerizing a very nostalgic memory.

Well, I don't really have good memories with my cousin, especially on Father's side, but in terms of the mother side, well I have something to share a story too, and something to be proud of, but not that many.

I was walking and I decided to go on his left side to tease him again but only to find out that there is a car running from our back that causes the car make the horn sound loudly.


I heard Xian cussing and he immediately glanced at me and his reflex was so very fast as he grabbed my not so small waist and he faced the other direction for us to step aside from the car that beeps loudly.

While avoiding his gaze, the car stopped and the owner of the car who is a student took a wine tour from his color red car as the guy student asked, "Is everything okay?"

And Xian answered, "Yeah Dude, don't worry." He said as I glanced at the guy too and when the guy and his car left, I stared at Xian.

I stared at his Adam's apple which was slightly waving, to his sharp and perfect jawline which was clenching too, till my eyes darted to his aristocratic nose. I wonder why this guy is so handsome and right now, his face was in a high definition resolution.

I gazed at his straight forehead with a little sweat visible on it and my eyes moved to his perfect thick eyebrows. I wonder if he shaves it sometimes. And then my eyes reached the cold but with a mixture of warmth brown eyes of him who was already staring back at my face again.

And here again, the unfamiliar feeling suffocated me and oh, those butterflies, are they having a fiesta again or a celebration which they are having rejoiced with the rapid beating of my heart right now?

"Why did you go there? I swear if you ever do it again, I am not gonna hesitate to kiss you." He uttered while staring seriously at me, I pouted my lips like a baby to hide the embarrassment that I am feeling right now.

Seriously? Where is the fierce class President and Ms. EIC Leiva Cruz? Does she drown already to the depths of the guy's eyes in front her?

"I-I am so sorry," I said and avoided his gaze again trying not to stammer but it was not successful enough.

"Look at me," he commanded using his deep baritone voice and I could sense danger on it but I did not obey.

So using his left hand, since his right hand was still holding my waist for me to not fall and wow, with this guy's flexibility that he can balance my weight. He still did not shift our position as he held my chin directly facing him.

"Don't do that again huh?" I said but I just stared at his face which contained expressions of concern and worry. "Okay?"

He asked again and I nodded slowly, and he slowly closed the distance between our faces like he would kiss me and I was stunned about that, until we heard a guy's voice which made us stop.

"Oh!!!" The guy said loudly, "someone is making a move already, nice." Krize simply said as he looked at me while clapping which made me blushed and removed Xian's arm on my waist and set a distance between me and Xian.

I saw that he is not only the person who almost witnessed me and Xian, while kissing. I thought someone would watch me as I gave my first kiss already.

Dale smiled at me maliciously while his left arms rested on the other guy that I think was from another section of grade 10, and I think from Krizer's section? And Dale even showed a finger heart before they finally left the area.

I looked at Xian and when his brown ones, met my black ones once again. I kept away my stares at him and glanced at other directions, I heard him sighed and his footsteps coming near me again and I don't know how to react.

"I'm sorry for that earlier," I heard him voice out and finally I decided to look at him back while he was staring at me. "I was just taken away by what happened. I thought something bad will happen to you already, baby, I am sorry for almost kissing you." He said softly while he pleaded.

I opened my mouth but I think I just ran out of words because of what happened like why did not he continue to kiss me? I think my lips were just left hanging around.

Wait, what am I thinking? Am I craving for his red and looking luscious lips?

"It-it's fine, no need to worry. I am sorry too because I made you worry." I said as I looked straight to the ground feeling shy because what I made him feel earlier.

"It's okay, but please always take care of yourself and be safe, Leiva huh?" He asked and I nodded slightly, staring back at him again.

"Yes, boss." I said trying to remove the awkwardness between us, "let's go home now?" I said, invited him and he smiled slightly and we started to walk.

But when I felt that we almost reached where his car was parked, we heard some girls gossiping near us and based on their uniforms, they ate from the Senior High School department and I don't know why they were standing by in a color white van.

Maybe they are relatives?

"Did you already hear about the game of Xian and MJosh, next week?" I suddenly heard a woman's voice from their direction and it made me curious and made me slowly walk.

"Really? What day and time?" The other girl's voice and eagerness was audible in her voice.

"I wish it was our vacant time so we can watch them!"

"But even though it was not our vacant time, I still watch." A voice said desperately which made me frown while eavesdropping them already while walking but their voice can still be heard because it's a little bit loud.

"What's new with you bićh? You are obsessed with the basketball captain who is younger than you."

"I think they will play because MJosh will retire as a Basketball captain already and he'll focus on Taekwondo." A voice said with an informing tone.

"Awww, sad."

"Agree, but I heard that the guy that the basketball Coach candidate that will replace him is very hot to the point that he burns the whole area if he plays!!!" I heard another voice saying that before they scream put together shouting,"Arghhhh!!"

Was my eardrum still okay? My gosh, I glanced at Xian who was patiently waiting for me in front of a color black car that looked cool, and he gave me a meaningful glimpse. Like those glances means, 'see? I told you."

And I knew which is talking and pertaining about, and that is what those Senior Highs school girls said that 'he is hot' which made me roll my eyes again.

Why is that every time I am with him, I always roll my eyes?

When he already stopped walking, I stopped too and I noticed that we stopped in front of every luxurious car which Buz wanted, but he didn't want to waste money.

But this car is freaking cool and expensive!!!