
I looked around after I immediately ran away from Xian after I got out of the Bus. The fresh tet cold wind slapped my body as the tall trees and greeny surroundings welcomed my eyes, the cloud was being radiant as the dark color of it was absent making the Sun, shines so bright but the temperature of it was not that hot  as the wind were trying to fight the hotness of it because of the season of this month. 

The tents were already placed on the grass and tempting to roll in areas as they were standing and had a space on each other, their colors were diverse like how our race is, there are forms of white, red, black, gray, red, etc.

This place where this event was held was a kinda high elevated area making it more colder but at the same time, the view was breath talking as you have the chance to stare at the lower places and even can take a picture of the wonderful sight.