
"Yeah! I saw Vince running away last night, like he saw a ghost when we heard weird noises last night!" Celyn exclaimed while we were sitting in an Indian sit position, in this early morning time.

We were having breakfast right now after the management distributed the foods that we will eat. The cold breeze of wind did not stop me earlier to take a bath on the bathroom because I felt that I needed it to be energized and after I wore my color white long sleeved collared blouse as I paired it with high waisted jeans and a sneaker, a face of yawning Xian but he still looked handsome surprised me after I went pit from the bathroom area.

Our eyes met, making me remember what happened next yesterday after I left him alone and joined my friends. When lunch time came, he tried to sit next to me in the wide eating area but Vince  immediately sat next to me and pretended like he did not notice Xian as he continued to argue with Celyn.