
He blew his breath as he placed his both arms on my waist hugging me, feeling each other the warmth that we had while we were still staring at each other, minding our own world.

"Phew…" I sighed too.

"That was an amazing kiss we got out there." He commented.

"Want a more amazing kiss?" I offered and he just made his eyes narrower.

"What a naught kid we got here." He remarked, making me hit his chest.

We were  just staring at each other again and that lasted for more than a minute until I slowly tried to hide my smile but I didn't continue doing it when he started to chuckle, making me laugh too.

I giggled and he was about to pick my gift for him when suddenly I grabbed his left hand that was not holding my waist as I held his cheeks and this time, I am the one who initiated the kiss that he turned more deep.