Senior High School day

"Are you ready for your first day of being a senior high school student?" Dad asked after I went down the stairs while wearing my senior high school uniform.

I am not classmates with my friends anymore as Paul, Bianca, Anne, and Celyn went to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to pursue their engineering courses. 

Paul went to Accounting, Business Management too, but we are not classmates and I still haven't got any news about my old classmates and what academic strand they got.

I heard that Airhi and Faith went into Humanities and Social Sciences while Mae and Enzo wne into cooking, something like the one who are more into culinary one.

I wondered why Chelo chose to study on ABM strand and not in the culinary one?

Giovve  and Shreen enrolled in arts and design too, and the rest? I don't know what  they chose to pursue and I am hoping that they chose the thing where they are happy and that is really their choice.