
"Ayoooo… why? Why are you stealing my cousin? Hey stealer, bring back my cousin later!" Vince screamed when we met him on our way to the soccer field's benches.

He was busy shouting when suddenly, Paul kick his a*s who showed himself out of nowhere. I laughed seeing him being miserable and he looked more annoyed when he saw that it's Paul who kicked his butt and we just left them as they started to chase each other as they even reached the soccer field and good thing, the players were still not there.

We reached the bench area and sat there and seconds later, we saw a uniformed guy with the logo of  a famous restaurant food chain. 

Xian immediately approached him as they talked and I saw how Xian accepted the paperbag of foods and he even gave a tip to the delivery guy. He did not pay through online banking or an app maybe?