
I continued walking while the person who accused me, being a boyfriend stealer, was holding on to the railings of the stairs.

Honestly, I don't know what she was talking about. I looked at her from her feet up to her head. There is no doubt that we are both short based on the height gap we had.

I smiled like I was a fckng psychopath making her have emotions like she was shocked or like she is mentally unprepared at all which made me more excited.

"Excuse me? Did you just accuse me of being a boyfriend stealer?" I asked in a mocking way while I was holding my hand bag in a very classy and elegant way.

Yes, I am on my P.E. Uniform but classiness should be always present. Classiness was not just only based on how you dress, but also how you act, how you think like what, how your mindset runs. 

However, this b*tch, I mean gal in front me seems that she doesn't have that kind of classiness and even the elegant thing that I am expecting.