Three - Shoyo's POV

"So when do you want to meet with our friends? Lev has been pestering me to meet up with you. I guess he wanted to show off how much taller he gets after two years and of course his billboard in Shibuya." Kenma said on the other line while I'm unpacking my stuff to my new apartment here in Tokyo.

It's been a week since I went back home after two years of training beach volleyball in Brazil. Yamaguchi was the one who picked me up on the airport since he was the only person available at that time. Kenma was still in Brazil when I went home, and he just got back yesterday. We usually meet up in Brazil every weekend, because Kenma has been very attentive to me since Tobio and I broke up.

I feel the same heartache whenever I remember him but there's nothing I could do about it anyway if I keep on thinking about my heartbreak. I need to move forward and fix my crippled wings on my own. I can't be the same Hinata Shoyo who only knew how to fly using somebody else's as wings.

"We can have our get together tonight. Damn it! I should've accepted Tanaka-senpai's help if I knew it'll take me longer to put all my things into places." I whined that made Kenma laughed.

"Do you want my help?" He asked but I decline his offer. I know he's still tired from his trip back home.

"Take a rest and I'll give you an update later. I miss the gang too, so whatever happens, I, Hinata Shoyo will come tonight because it'll be your treat. I'll make you pay me back from that one time that you stir the social media on your post about my love life." I said that made him clicked his tongue.

"I don't regret it anyway." He said that made me shake my head on his remarks.

Kenma sometimes is too cunning. When I saw the photo of us in Instagram partying with his youtuber friends wearing the same shirt I'm wearing when Tobio and I broke up, he looks apologetic at first when I confronted him about it. It was an old photo of us that I asked him not to post because Tobio and I were already fighting about me going out with Kenma and his youtuber friends when we first meet up here in Brazil. It was a one time get together.

But now, it seems like he really do it on purpose to get back at Tobio or maybe show to him that I am not affected on our break up. A part of me was thankful for it, but a part of me was still hoping that Tobio will at least get mad at me for it so I could explain myself and asked him back. But I hoped for the impossible.

"I got to go. I'll text you where to meet later." Kenma said and then hung up the call.

I put my phone on silent after Kenma's call so I could finish my unpacking without getting distracted. I keep receiving lots of messages mostly from my team mates in High school asking about house my new apartment and all about my moving and stuffs.

The good thing about my old team after meeting them when I got back, they didn't asked a thing about me and Tobio as much as they wanted the details of out break up. None of them got the courage to ask as if giving me time to open up to them, and for that, I'm so thankful.

I was so engrossed in unpacking and arranging my things when my doorbell rang. My brows knotted when I looked through my video door phone system a tall man wearing a black jersey with a mask and cap on, holding a box of pizza on one hand and cups of iced coffee on the other hand. I open my door in wonder just to be astounded when I saw the person I didn't expect to see.

"I heard you're movin' today so I brought ya food." Atsumu Miya said in his usual Kansai dialect with a wide smile on his face.

"O-oh thanks! Come in Atsumu-san." I said before opening my door wide open for when I get over with his surprise visit.

Atsumu-san and I has been in contact even after I left for Brazil and it just got cut off when I changed my phone number after a few months of staying in Brazil. Although he followed me on my Instagram account and liking mostly of my photos, he never did once send me a private message to ask about that matter.

"Your things are all over the place." He laughed that made me pout.

"I know! I didn't know I have lots of things until I see all of these boxes." I complained before telling him to just sit wherever he can while I make space for the food he brought.

"Ya should've ask for help if it's this too much. Why do it on your own?" He asked after setting up the food he brought on the small space that I cleared for him.

Somehow, his words feels like they have other meaning but I choose to ignore it and just tell him that they're busy.

"How did you know my place by the way? And about my moving?" I asked before grabbing a slice of pizza.

"It was me who told Kenma about this place. Didn't he tell ya about it? I asked him when you're moving so I can help ya out since I'm living next door." He said that made me choke on my drink. 

Atsumu-san's laugh echoed in my place while handing me a tissue. It's true that Kenma was the one who told me about this place but I never knew that he's been in contact with Atsumu-san and that he's my neighbour!

"I thought Kenma told ya that I'm comin' over? I also texted ya a while ago asking if iced coffee and pizza is okay for ya. Kenma gave me your number by the way." He said nonchalantly before giving me another slice of pizza.

I immediately checked my phone and saw Kenma's text message just right after we end the call and also Atsumu-san's messages.

From :Wild Kozume

Sent 10:49am

By the way Shoyo, my gift for your moving and getting accepted in MSBY is coming over. Enjoy! <3 <3 <3

From : +639360081074

Sent 11:11am

Shoyo, is iced coffee and pizza okay?

From : +639360081074

Sent 11:49am

I'm outside your house. Open up.

I immediately replied to Kenma about Atsumu but before I could even send it, Atsumu-san took it from me and replaced it with another slice of pizza.

"I only have three rules for ya Shoyo. No phone when you're with me. If ya want me to give ya lots of tosses, that's rule number 1. Trust me is rule number 2." He said with a serious expression on his face that somehow is making my heart races.

"I'm not as good as your partner in high school but if there's on thing I am better than him? I don't have any plans to give up my wing spiker." He said while on his lips plastered the most beautiful smile I've ever seen from him.

"But Atsumu-san... What's the third rule?" I asked in wonder.

His smile fades and before I know it, he's already to close to me. And as he whispered the third rule, I feel like I've been caught up in a whirlpool of emotions that I've never encountered before.

"Fall in love with me. That's the third rule."