Five - Shoyo's POV

"You've been quiet for sometime now, Atsumu-san. Is there something on your mind?" I asked the man beside me who's been giving me silent treatment since we got home after our dinner with our team mates and their respective partners.

We had a few drinks but since it's our day off tomorrow, I asked him if he want to continue drinking in my place, just the two of us since the others wanted to spend their time with their partners, specially Bokuto-san who's been sulking since Akaashi-san came a little bit late.

Atsumu-san looked at me blankly. "I'm just wonderin' Shoyo... It's been on my mind since earlier." He started and moved a little bit away from me. "Why did ya asked me to have a drink with ya? And in your place, alone?"

I drink in the canned beer I'm holding cause my heart is thumping loud like the first time he came here in my place and told me to fall in love with him.

"W-why? You don't want to drink with me?" I answered him with question instead that made him looked a bit pissed before chugging his beer and looked away from me.

I tried to hide my smile while watching him. I didn't know he's this easy to read. It's not that I don't know what he's talking about. I am aware that he has feelings for me and asking him to come in my place to drink just the two of us is torture for him. I know the feeling of being in the same room with the person you love but couldn't do anything because you're too afraid he might hate you if you make a pass at him.

It's just that, I still need more can alcohol so I can tell him what I've been wanting to say since this morning. I still need more time for my heart to get ready.

It's been half a year since he told me to fall in love with him. And for the past months since we reunited, there's not a single day that he show or tell me how much he loves me. It's totally different when I was still dating Tobio. I never know that being loved is too much for my heart.

Those months that I've been with Atsumu-san, I never did once think about the heart break that Tobio gave to me. And to be honest, those months with him, it's hard not to fall in love with him.

Atsumu-san sighed before finishing the last can of beer that we bought. "I'm going to sleep Shoyo. Ya too get some good rest." He said before standing up to leave.

I grab his shirt in panicked that made him stumble on top of me on my surprise attack. Our gaze met and I couldn't help my heart for thumping so loud when I saw the hunger in his eyes while looking at me.

"This is dangerous." He whispered as if telling it to himself. He tried to pull away from me but I didn't let him go.

"Shoyo... Stop teasing me." He groaned painfully as he tried to get away from me but feels to weak to shove my hands that stopping him.

"Atsumu-san... Why are you so in love with me? Why do you treasure me so much? You know I'm a guy right? Why me when you have lots of girl admirers? Are you not afraid being called disgusting?" The questions that have been clouding my mind escaped my lips that made him stopped from struggling internally.

He looked at me warmly and sincerely as if my face is the best sight he's ever seen. The kind of look that I never once saw on Tobio's eyes.

"I love you because you're Hinata Shoyo. I treasure you so much because I love you. I don't care about gender, I am free to love who I want to love. And those girls doesn't matter because they're not you. And lastly, what I'm afraid of is losing you again Shoyo. You're in my grasps, why would I let you go again when I can keep you?" He said in formal tone and not on his usual Kansai dialect that really melts my heart.

Tears starts to fall in my eyes that made him panicked a bit and was about to move away from me once again but I pull him so our lips would met.

He didn't fail me and kissed me deeper and sweet, hungrily yet with sincerity. The kiss that Atsumu-san gives is truly making all my worries and pain fade away. My heart flutters every time he whispers in my ears how much he loved me. And a different sense of euphoria creeps in me on his every touch.

He looked at me with longing. "Do you love me now?" Atsumu-san asked while trying his best to suppress his urge from taking me without knowing our score after these feelings subsides.

"I'll be honest with you. I do. It wasn't as great as how I loved Tobio. But I do. I do love you." I said that made him smile in relief.

"I never once want you to love me like how much you loved him. You, loving me is enough. But can I ask for more?" He planted a soft kiss on my forehead bafore hugging me tightly.

"Will you be mine?" He asked with sincerity and who am I to say no to this guy who has been loving me for so long.

I pushed him a little so our eyes will meet. "Yes. I'm yours now." I said with a wide grin on my face.

This time, it was me who panicked when tears fell on his eyes. I tried pushing him so we could sit down properly but he hugged me instead. Tightly as if not wanting to let me go. We stayed on that position as he bawled his eyes out.

"Hey Atsumu-san, you should be happy. Why are you crying so much?" I asked while tapping his back.

"I love you Shoyo." He whispered sincerely after a while and before I could even answer him, his soft lips are hungrily caressing mine. I kissed him back without inhibitions.

His kiss gets deeper and his hands starts caressing my well-toned body. I gasped in pleasure when he starts nibbling my nipples. I closed my mouth with my hands cause I'm afraid he might get turned off with my voice. I know there's a difference in loving a guy and making love with a guy. He might go limp if he keeps on hearing a man moan.

He looked at me and slowly pulled my hands away from my mouth. "Don't. I love hearing you moan." He said before pulling me up and lift me in bridal style. "Let me do this properly." He said before he kissed me again as he walked his way to my bedroom.