Nine - Shoyo's POV

When Atsumu-san and I starts dating, he immediately reports it right away to Kenma who is also the one helping him to get closer with me. I should've known that Kenma is working behind the scene again. I know how mad he is to Tobio and how much he cares for me that's why it really didn't make me mad.

Being with Atsumu-san is different with Tobio. Atsumu-san is so open about his feelings for me. He never once make me feel insecure, we compete with each other when it comes to volleyball but I never once feel that he is stronger or I am stronger, he makes me feel that we are equal. And on top of it all, never in a moment that I didn't feel his love for me.

In game or outside the game he's there for me. Taking care of me like I'm his most precious possession. We rarely have fights that mostly of the reason is because I am too engrossed with Omi-san's hands. Atsumu-san is a bit childish but whenever I'm with him, I feel so comfortable. This warm and fuzzy feeling is totally different with Tobio.

When I was still dating Tobio, I feel so insecure with everything that I keep on working hard just to catch up with him. He's so damn cool and good in everything he do that's why I already expect him to get scouted right after high school. I was so jealous and happy at the same time that I can't comprehend which feelings is more dominant of the two.

That's why I pushed myself so hard so I can be on a par with him. With Tobio, it was suffocating yet I can't help but feel secure whenever he hugs me tight in our sleep every time he sleeps over in my house. He makes me feel insecure yet he could melt those insecurities away in an instant.

I sighed and shook my head to erase Tobio in my system. I'm dating Atsumu-san now and it feels like I'm cheating if I keep on comparing him with Tobio because they're two different individuals.

"Shoyo, Atsumu is so annoying. Can you please stop fighting now and just go lovey-dovey with each other? I'm working here you know? All his comments on my live earlier is about you. I have to end my live early because of him. I know that he doesn't give a damn whether people gets to know about your relationship but damn it! Don't use me for free!" Kenma whined that made me come back to my senses.

This is those rare days where Atsumu-san and I have a fight, but this time the reason is while we're watching a recorded match of Schweiden Adlers and MSBY black jackals before I joined them, I can't take my eyes off on the television and that made him seriously jealous.

"Let him be. I'm still mad. It's about volleyball but why did he got jealous just because I told him that Tobio's tosses are much even cooler now than we were on high school? It's a comment about his tosses!" I said angrily that Kenma clicked his tongue.

"As a former fellow setter, I have my sympathy for Atsumu." Kenma said while looking coldly at me.

I just looked at him and chugged the can of beer he gave me when I came. I don't know why they're both can't understand that I'm not particularly saying that Tobio is cooler, I am talking about his tosses.

"Shoyo, if your boyfriend say the same thing on you about his ex and first love, what will you feel about it?" Kenma asked that made me stop drinking for a moment.

I never thought about it before because he never let me get jealous over anything. We once met coincidentally an overly clingy ex of his while we're having dinner with our team mates, but even before she clings on him, he immediately push her hands away and told her that he's dating someone now.

Although our team mates have an idea that we're dating, they never once asked to confirm it from us. But the way they reacted on Atsumu-san's revelation, I guess they already knew who he is talking about. After all he's so loud and open about it that even Omi-san is using me to get back at him whenever he pisses him off.

"You see Shoyo, your boyfriend won't get jealous too much even if you praise some other guy well except Kiyomi-san, but it's totally different when it's about your ex." Kenma said that made me even more speechless because I wasn't even aware of it.

"Shoyo, what do you really feel about Atsumu? Are you not just deceiving yourself because he makes you feel loved that you never felt when you're still with Tobio?" Kenma continued that made me feel at lost.

Am I? Just using Atsumu-san? Do I really love him? Or am I just deluded about my feelings for him because he loves me first? Am I really over with Tobio?

Those questions and Kenma's words clouded my mind until I get home just to be surprised to see the person I didn't know I'll find waiting outside my apartment on his team uniform while holding a volley ball on one hand and a bag of curry buns that we used to have as our bet in high school on the other hand.

"It's been a while... Hinata dumbass."

But before I could even open my mouth to respond to him, a strong arms encircled in my waist from behind and pullled me closer. When I looked up, I saw Atsumu-san's serious expression while looking at Tobio who has the same expression on his face.

"What ya want to my wing spiker?"