Ten - Shoyo's POV

Tobio clenched the paper bag he's holding but set his gaze on me instead. "I want to talk to you, Shoyo."

I opened my mouth to speak but no words escaped specially when I saw mixed of sadness and fear on Atsumu-san's eyes. My heart clenched seeing him like that. It was like I'm seeing my old self when I'm still with Tobio. The scary feeling of losing the person you love but still can't act selfish to keep them locked up with you forever because you know that they won't be happy if you do that.

"I..." His hands loosen his grip on my waist and took a deep breath. "I can't act selfishly when all I ever want is for you to be happy. So... I'll... I'll just wait for you. I won't get tired of it anyway." He said with a sad smile on his face before letting me go and enter his apartment quickly, leaving Tobio and I.

My heart aches as I watched him leave and I feel an unfamiliar coldness that I've never felt when I was with Tobio. Not only my body felt icy cold but as well as my heart. And the coldness is prickling my heart making me feel a sharp pain as if it's being prick by needles.

Tobio walked towards me with longing in his eyes that I've been wanting to see before when we're still together.

"I love you, Shoyo."

How long did I wait for him to tell me those words? I can't remember now. Even the feelings that I will feel if ever I heard him told me those three words, it's long gone now.

"Why just tell me now?" I can't hide the sadness in my voice.

"I was afraid. To be honest for the past four years that we've been together, I was happy yet I'm also scared. Scared that you'll end up hating me if I tell you what's going on in my mind whenever some other guy approach you or casually touch you or just even them calling you by your name. I have this urge to lock you up so nobody can have you, nobody can see you except me. That's why it's hardto tell you thosr words. But I realized. When I lost you, when I see you happy with somebody else, it's more scary to lose you. I'm sorry Shoyo. I'm sorry. I want you back." Tobio said while tears streaming down his face. Looks like he's been crying ever since he got here.

I feel sad and relieved. Sad to see him breakdown like this. If there's one thing that I hate about him, it's his habit to keep everything to himself until he breaks down. It's also saddening that for the past four years he never saw me as someone who can support him when throughout our relationship, I let him to be my support. I guess, his love for me ain't enough for him to trust all his worries to me.

And I feel relieved because the heart aches that he gave me fades after hearing his side. I felt relieved knowing that I've been loved by him. And felt relieved because now, I'm sure who I want to be with.

I took a deep breath and smiled. The kind of smile I used to give him before, a reassuring smile that his worries will all fade.

"I'm not mad. I'm sorry too for making you feel unsecured all those years that we've been together. And I'm sorry... I can't go back, cause you see..." I sighed and looked to the apartment next to mine.

"Someone's already waiting for you." Tobio finishes my sentence. I smiled and nod before setting back my gaze at him.

"I can't go back to where I'm still yours. But I want you to remember that, I'm here." His tears keep on falling but he looks relieved after I say those last two words.

"Thank you... For the past four years." Tobio said before handing me the old ball that we used to use for practice and the bag of buns that we always had as bet before turning his back at me but stopped midway and looked back.

"Hinata dumbass...."


"Are you happy?"

I smiled sweetly. "So much."

He nods and gave me a smile. A real smile. "Then there's no other choice for me but to flight." He said as parting ways.

When I was on my happiest, he left. I watched him leave. But unlike the first time, it wasn't painful. It was like a weight has lifted. As if my wings healed without a single trace of scar on it.

My feet feels light as I walked towards his door and open it with the duplicate key for the first time after he gave it to me.

The light is off and I didn't dare to switch it on when I saw him sitting right at the entrance while his head on his knees, not even looked at me. I put down the things Tobio gave me and ruffled Atsumu's hair.

"I'm home." I greeted.

He looked up with tears on his eyes but the sadness and fear that I saw earlier has vanished at the sight of me.

"Welcome home."