Chapter 2 - Encounter

"It took you long enough to transfer..." The teacher stares us down with his intimidating eyes.

"Anyway, did you introduce yourselves?"

"Yes." I say, as Rumi nods.

"Good, now pick your seats whilst I get comfortable." He slowly moves over to the corner of the room, slips into a yellow sleeping bag and falls into a deep sleep...I presume.

I look at Rumi, whilst he looks at me then I stare at the rest of the class.

To be truthful, I don't have a single idea who to sit next to. All the students could be wolves but I would be a sheep, however, I need someone to sit next to that wouldn't shred me to tears.

Quickly scanning around, I come upon an empty seat next to a green haired boy who's writing in a tattered notebook so I take it. Sitting down, I notice Rumi taking a seat behind me besides a student with purple balls stuck to his head as hair.

As soon as we have sat down, the classroom comes alive with energy - a bit like a bomb from a cannon.

"Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya but you can call me Deku, if you want." The green haired boy, next to me, says whilst extending his hand towards me.

"You're lucky to be in U.A this late in the semester. Why did you move schools?" The boy, Deku, asks.

"Uh well..." I try to think of an answer quickly.

"The school I were in wasn't really the best at making me achieve my dreams."

"And what is your dream?"

I've never told anyone the truth of what my dream is, I've always said some completely different one like an engineer or doctor or something else (but Rumi knows).

"I...I want to be a hero." I answer anxiously.

After saying this, the boy smiles widely.

"You're in the right place then because everyone here wants to become a hero too."

I glance at the other students and the excitement, the determination and the positivity in their faces.

Smiling, I cheer in my mind for having obtained the next step of my goal so quickly and easily.

"Ok class, settle down." The teacher orders from the front of the class.

Everyone quietens down and looks forward.

"Today, we will be going on a field trip to the park to collect some outdoor training for your strength test next week."

"Next week?" Some of the students murmur.

"You will be needing your hero suits with you for training and in case of an attack. Iida will guide you the way. I'll be there momentarily." The teacher walks out of the room.

All students stand up and Rumi and I walk over to the door. We get out of the class and follow the blue haired guy with the glasses to the park.

Upon arrival, we all get split up into equal groups, more or less. I and Rumi were told by the teacher to take a seat away from the students (seeing as we haven't got our suits as the Deku guy told me) so we wouldn't get hurt and so we wouldn't disturb their training.

"This is boring." Rumi exhales once we've placed ourselves in a safe spot.

"What do you mean? The class? Or us being in another worlds?" I reply.

"The class of course! I don't mind being in this world, except being a girl, but we should be able to join in. So what if our uniform gets dirty? We would have learned something than being here...200 METRES away from the rest, with no face-to-face, full on action."

"You complain too much." I say.

"HUH?! You think I complain too much?! What about you back at the Academy, huh? You were whining, saying how you wanted to leave and throw bananas at everyone's faces and go and try to become a hero on your own. You didn't even ask if I wanted to come too..." Rumi pouts.

"Hmm...throw bananas at everyone's faces? I don't remember saying THAT before." I smirk.

Rumi looks away and I can see his shoulders heaving up and down quickly from trying to contain his laughter.

"Hah, but it's great that you're here with me. I wouldn't have thought that we'd be here together, usually people split up in movies when things like this happen." I place my hands behind me and look up at the vivid, blue sky.

"And you are qualified to say that because?.."

"Because you're my best friend and I am yours." I smile.

"Hmm...fair enou-"


A huge explosion emits from where the other students are.

Rumi and I bring our attention to the scene.

To our surprise, a long trail has formed in front of a particular student.

"Don't get in my way Kirishima! This is between me and Deku." The guy with the explosive blonde hair shouts.

"Come on, Deku. What are you waiting for?"

I look at the other boy, Deku, that I met in the class.

"Guys, please stop!" A girl screams out.

"Time to end this." Rumi says as he takes a pebble up from the floor, takes it behind his head and throws it way over the field and right in front of the teacher, who's sleeping once again in his yellow sleeping bag.

"HA! How you like that, losers?" Rumi hollers over.

I feel everyone's eyes on us, but especially the explosive hair boy's the most.

"What did you do that for?!" I hiss at Rumi.

"Huh? Oh that? I wanted a part in the fun." He chuckles.

Seriously?! You threw A ROCK just so you could be part in the fight? I sometimes wonder what Rumi has got going on in his head.

"Come down here before I come up there and blow you up!" The same boy shouts.

"All right then, let's get this party started." Rumi smirks before walking over to the raging student.

"RUMI!?" I shout desperately.

This is going to end badly unless someone does something. I run in front of Rumi and try to push upon him to stop him or at least slow him down.

Bad idea.

Beacuse he's not a guy anymore, my hands are placed in the wrong area and Rumi stops.

"So THAT'S why you wanted me to stop. So you could admire-"

"No, no, no,no. It-I-It's nothing like that. It's only an accident. Not like it means anything..." I feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter and possibly redder.

"I'm just joking. You, out of all people, should know that."

"I know that." I reply.

"Anyway, please stop. I want us to be seen as good guys here, not thugs so please do me this favour and say that that you won't get into any fights whilst we're here?" I plead.

There is somewhat of a silence but it fades when a student shouts.

"Guys! It's time to go back to class, Lunch is starting soon!"

"Ok!" I and Rumi reply.

"So, what do you say?" I ask.

"Fine, fine. I won't try to get into fights...but if someone wants to fight me then I must fight them." Rumi says.

I sigh hopefully.

Thinking about it realistically, I don't think many students will want to fight Rumi. If anything, it's quite the opposite. Rumi has decent looks for a girl and if I didn't know him, I may have most likely fallen for him too. However, the only thing he needs to work on is his manners and the way he acts because right now...he doesn't act like a girl but more like himself.

- / -

It's Lunch time and I'm with the Deku boy I met in the classroom. We had just gotten our food and now we've sat down and he's introducing his friends to me.

Rumi has gone to find another group to join that he approves of. I told him to also behave more like a girl which he half-heartedly agreed to whilst mumbling somewhere along the lines of 'It doesn't make much of a difference, really'.

"This is Tenya Iida, our class representative, as you've met. Here is Ochaco Uraraka, her quirk is Zero Gravity, which means whatever she touches she can make it float by will."

"Wow! Really?! Can you show me?" I ask, quite impressed.

The girl nods. She takes a cup, places it in front of her and puts the tips of her hands together. The cup starts to float as if by sheer magic.

"Damn. That's impressive!" I applaud her.

"Thank you but it's nothing much." The girl replies, shyly, making the cup float back to the safety of the table.

"The last one is Shoto Todoroki. His quirk is-"

"Half fire, half ice. I can put objects on fire or freeze things." The boy, Todoroki, answers in place of Deku.

"Your quirks are SO cool!" I say, bewildered by their fantastic quirks.

"Don't you have a quirk Tenshi?" The girl, Ochaco, asks.

A quirk? I keep hearing hearing that word but I don't exactly know what it means. The only thing I can think the word is similar to is superpower or some sort of gift that not everyone has got.

"I'm not sure." I finally say with honesty.

"In my last school, we weren't taught about quirks and no one had any or talked about quirks."

"Really?" The boy, Deku, looks at me with surprise whilst the blue haired guy, Iida, gawps at me with his mouth wide open.

I nod.

"That must have been some school if they didn't teach about quirks." The Todoroki boy says.

"Yeah...It was." I reply.

"Anyway, let's finish our food quickly. We have All Might next." The Ochaco girl tells us.

"Alright." We all answer and go onto eating our lunch.