Chapter 3 - Training

"No need to fear, All Might is here!" That is the first thing I hear the new teacher, All Might, say.

"Afternoon class. Today we are going to be taking a relaxing walk around the gym to get your heart rate up and then we'll proceed onto strength exercises." The teacher tells us.

"You will all need your gym kit. The two new students, I have already got some gym gear for you to wear so you don't have to worry about getting some."

My face lights up. We'll be able to join in the training with everyone else. I turn to look at Rumi and see him grinning from ear to ear. I guess I'm not the only one who enjoys the good news.

"All right class. Up, up and away." The teacher smashes his way through the doors.

"Uh, does he always do that?" I ask Deku.

"Not usually..." Deku says with a sheepish smile.

"Only when he's excited. Maybe it's because you and Rumi have just transferred, and more students means more opportunity to train us."

I nod, understandingly and with a bit of unknown happiness. Not many teachers would be over the moon to hear that they have extra students in their classroom. If anything, they would be sad to hear that a troublemaker and a normal kid with a useless career plan have joined their already large group of pupils. At least, over here, I don't need to worry too much about anything.

"Hey dude, come on." Rumi whispers to me.

I slip out of my trance and look at the rest of the class...which are walking out the same way the teacher went.

"Oh, right." I say when I've started realizing what I should be doing instead of daydreaming.

Standing up, I follow Rumi and the rest of the class out to the school gym.

Once we've arrived at our destination, we are told to change and get into equal groups of two. I instantly glance around for Rumi but I see him with the purple hair ball guy which I need to yet know the name of.

"Um, can we be partners?" I turn around to see Deku.

"Sure." I nod with relief.

If I can't be with Rumi then at least I can be with Deku.

"Alright class. I want you to take 100 laps of the gym with your partner. You have 10 minutes. Your time starts now." The teacher, All Might, orders.

"WHAA?!" My jaw literally drops.

"We have exactly 10 minutes to complete 100 laps?! That means we have to run 10 laps every minute. Is that even possible?" I say.

"Well, All Might isn't too strict when it comes to completing things but as long as we run 70 laps that should be enough. Anyway, let's get started, we're already behind." Deku starts running and I follow him from behind.

Back at Flora Spring Academy, we only had to run 30 laps of our field in 15 minutes which was OK because I was one of the top 5 students to finish first. However, in this world, everything is of a higher expectancy. You're required to complete a higher amount of sets in a shorter amount of time.

"Seven minutes left." The teacher says.

I look for Rumi and see him running and talking with the student next to him as if they were just on a stroll.

"Hey, Deku? What is the name of the student next to Rumi?" I ask Deku before I forget.

He glances over at where Rumi is at.

"Oh, that's Minoru Mineta. His quirk allows him to take the balls out of his head and stick them to things easily." Deku explains.

So, in a sense, he could be like Spiderman, but without the suit and the height. He could probably use the balls to climb up walls and fight the bad guys...bad guys, villains...if this school is about becoming a hero then that means there are, most likely, real life villains in this world with their evil plans and, I'm guessing, evil 'quirks'.

"One more thing." I think how to best phrase my question.

"Have you fought any villains?"

"Uh, yeah, there was an incident at U.A before where Nomu and the main leader of the villain group, League of Villains, appeared out of nowhere and attacked us. But that was a while ago. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I was just curious since I haven't encountered any villains yet." I reply.

"You're bound to meet villains soon enough." Deku says.

"Three minutes!" The teacher reminds us again.

"How many laps have we done?" I ask Deku.

"This is our 83rd lap." He answers.

"Wait...really? I didn't even feel the laps go by that fast."

"The gym isn't that big so that's why we were able to cover so much."

"I see." I say.

I decide on thinking about my life back at home. I've lived with my mum for some time before living together with my dad. He passed away 5 years ago when I was 12 with a stab to the heart from a shop robber on his way to work. My brother, who at the time was 20 years old, moved away from home to live by himself because he felt the house reminded him too much of dad.

Personally, I felt a bit betrayed that my brother moved away. To be honest, the house wasn't the only reminder of dad. Many things were connected to him like the ball from our ping pong games, the bow and arrow from our Kyudo practice and the shoes from our weekly races which remind me of why I am able to run this many laps in so short time or why I was one of the top 5 students to finish first in the academy. It was because of how much practice I did with my Dad that I'm able to do this now and I really should have thanked him for it.

"Time's up!" The teacher announces.

We all slow down our runs and look at each other. No one is remotely out of breath, including me and Rumi and I thought Rumi was the unathletic type. I guess the the next thing we do will probably get our heart rate up.

"Well done to everyone passing 100 laps and congratulations to Izuku and the new student, Tenshi, for completing a total of 129 laps."

Most of the class gives a big cheer of applause, whereas some individuals scowl or just clap, being a total mood.

"Now, you are free to use the weights to build your muscles." The teacher says.

I see everyone move over to various machines and sets of weights. Deku uses the lifts and I see Rumi using the dumbbells.

"What should I use?" I ask myself. I look around the equipment laid around. I decide to take up the treadmill.

Placing my feet on the treadmill, I press the 'GO!' button to start. The speed is low so I press the speed increaser button to pick up the speed the treadmill belt is moving at.

As I'm waiting for the number to reach 9.00, I look over at Rumi who's taking 20KG weights. If we were back in our world, Rumi wouldn't be able to pick a dumbbell over 5KG. Guess over here, you're more stronger.

Remembering that I have my finger on a button, I look at the number the speed is at.

"27?!!" Immediately, I remove my finger and look at how fast the treadmill belt is going.

I can barely see my feet!

I think of lowering the number but find that I'm not really out of breath or tired. I'm as fast as the fastest man on Earth yet I'm not tried at all!

Smiling to myself, I increase the speed further to 35 mph. I feel like Flash or Sonic if their speeds were real...actually I don't think I'm as fast as them but I feel like it.


"Alright. That's the end of the lesson. Get changed out of your gym kit and I'll see you tomorrow! Plus Ultra!" All Might announces and speeds away.

"Aw. It's already over?" I mumble to myself. I just found out that I can run extremely fast and the class is finished.

* * *

After changing back to my U.A school uniform, I look for Rumi but find that he's nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, Tenshi. Who are you looking for?" Kaminari says.

"Rumi." I answer, simply.

"Ah, you just missed her. She went out with Mineta." He tells me.

"Ok. Thanks." I say.

"Don't mention it."

This is what I get for having Rumi as my best friend for 6 whole years? He just dumps me because he's found a new friend and doesn't bother to even say bye to me. Talk about being a fake friend.

Taking my bag with me, I walk out of school and wander around.

I observe my surroundings. There are cherry blossom trees as far as the eye can see and the grass seems to be filled entirely with flowers with no gaps to rest on.

Now that I'm outside, I realize that I don't have a place to sleep in. How am I going to find a place by myself? It's fine...I'm 17 so this shouldn't be hard for me. I need to be independent and forget about how I did most things or literally everything with Rumi.

Glancing around for a mere 30 minutes has proven me that there will be no place for me to sleep tonight. Guess I'll take refuge on this bench in the middle of a small park.

Sighing, I sit down and wait for night to creep by slowly.

"Yo." I hear a voice speak near me.

"Hmm?" I hum, wondering who could be needing me.

"Are you gonna open your eyes or what?"

"Fine." I lift my eyelids upwards and find a super ripped man with a truckload of tattoos on his body and blood on his pants.

The first thought that comes up: 'Is he part of the Yakuza?'