"You're from U.A, aren't you?" The scary Yakuza guy speaks.
"Uh...yeah..." I say, looking at my uniform, knowing that lying would land me in trouble.
"Well then, do me a good favour and..." He pauses to pick his crookedly yellow teeth.
"Die!" His voice gets so low that I think he may have, at one point in his life, swallowed a bear.
"AAAHH!" I scream as the Yakuza guy tries to land a punch on me but misses, hitting the bench instead which dents it into quite a terrible shape.
I try to dodge the attacks as I think how I am going to beat this guy or, at least, stop him from fighting.
"What do you want?" I ask him as I duck from a jab from one of his dangerous fists.
"To win." He replies, flying his left leg towards me and missing my lungs.
"Why does that matter?" I unconsciously ask, knowing after that it was a dumb question just to find that, perhaps, it wasn't.
"I need to win...against someone with a quirk...so I won't be dubbed...as a loser again..." He tells me in between of punches and kicks and running and jumping.
"So," He stops to breathe.
"Get your quirk out and let's have a good, clean fight." He stands to a sumo squat...or rather squats to it.
Judging from what he said, I don't think he has a quirk. He has that back story where his family and, if he has any, friends think he is a nobody and laugh at him whenever he says that he wants to beat someone with a quirk.
He thinks that if he fights me then he can win over his pride and impress everyone but in truth...it's completely useless. I, as far as I know, have no quirk so by beating me, it's the same as fighting and winning against a normal person. In the end, his family will only scowl at him and show him faces of disappointment. I'm not the right person for him.
"Look um, what's your name?" I say.
"Idami." He replies.
"I'm Tenshi. Nice to meet you."
"I should be saying that!" He gets angry.
"Oh sorry. You say it."
"Nice to meet you Tenshi. Now...shall we continue?" He goes back to his sumo stance and places both fists in front of his face, ready to end my life.
"Uh, no. Let's not continue. I have a better idea."
"You do?" He looks at me, curiously.
"Yeah. Meet me tomorrow at this exact place and I'll bring someone who's stronger than me to fight you."
"Wait, you will?" His face lights up and he starts looking less mean.
"Yeah. Can you make it for 6 o'clock in the evening?"
"Of course. That works out for me...but the one I'll be fighting tomorrow won't be a Pro Hero, right?" His face shows signs of nervousness.
"Oh, don't worry. It will be a student. Like me..." I reassure him.
"That's good. Alright then, Tenshi. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yes, tomorrow...at 6...at this place..." I force a friendly smile.
The guy walks away as I stand here processing the conversation that had unfolded.
I groan. What have I done? Should I just not come tomorrow? Should I find a Pro Hero to help? Or ask one of the students in my class or any class in U.A to help me out? Guess I'm in a pickle here.
"Tenshi!" Someone calls my name.
I turn around and find Rumi with Mineta, holding a bagful of sweets.
"Rumi? Mineta. What are you doing here?" I ask.
"I was showing Rumi around the area and then we got hungry so we bought some snacks." Mineta answers.
"Alright then." I nod, not quite making eye contact with Rumi.
"What about you? Why are you here?" Rumi says.
"For no particular reason. I just wanted to go for a walk." I lie.
"That's understandable." Mineta nods.
Looking past Rumi and Mineta, I spot Deku, Iida, Todoroki, Ochoco, that blonde explosive guy, a spiky red haired guy and a guy with yellow hair and 2 black stripes on either side.
"Hey guys." Mineta waves as soon as he found where my gaze was set onto.
The others came nearer. Deku, Ochaco and the yellow haired guy with the black stripes wave, Todoroki nods, Iida salutes, the spiky red haired guy thumbs ups, and the explosive blonde guy grunts.
"Where are you guys going?" Deku asks us.
"We weren't headed anywhere special. After getting snacks, we walked to the park and found Tenshi here." Rumi replies with a somewhat full mouth of candy.
"What about you Tenshi?" Deku looks at me, waiting for a normal answer.
"Um," I start.
What should I say? Should I tell them the truth? Or should I just say something random?
I feel worry, anxiety and fear punch through my heart, yet confidence, pride and truthfulness pluck at my brain.
"Nothing much. Enjoying the view? Yeah. That's right. All by myself and I." I say.
Everyone looks at me as if I've gone crazy. Now I've done it.
"Where are you going to go now?" Mineta asks the rest.
Rumi looks at me with eyes of suspicion as he tries to guess whether I'm lying or not.
"We were thinking of going to the movies, a new superhero movie just came out." Deku says.
Rumi suddenly moves his head in Deku's direction.
"A superhero movie? What is it about?" Rumi asks, whilst starting to walk with everyone.
I follow behind.
"A boy who drinks a mysterious liquid and becomes invincible but ends up developing too much hair for his body." The guy with the yellow and black stripe hair explains.
"It may sound boring but there are a lot of plot twists and it's very popular at the moment, since it's from a manga." The red hair guy adds.
"Hey Mineta? Can you tell me the names of those 3?" I point to the only people that I kept referring to their hair colour.
"Oh sure. That's Kaminari, Kirishima and Bakugo. It's better not to get on Bakugo's bad side so I'd rather avoid him but Kirishima and Kaminari seem to be fine." Mineta explains.
"Thanks." I smile, happy to know more names of my classmates.
"By the way, who's paying?" Rumi asks bluntly.
"Bakugo." Everyone points to the explosive hair boy, who looks like he's ready to murder everyone in a 5 mile radius.
"Shall we get going then?" Ochaco asks everyone as to break the silence.
We all agree, or most of us, and start going.
* * *
We've finished the movie and all I can say is...
"That's the best movie I've ever seen."
"Really? It's even better than all the Marvel movies combined?" Rumi asks.
"Marvel?" Deku asks with a puzzled look.
That's right. We're not in the usual world with our usual movies and mundane lives. This is the superhero and villain world where quirks exist and hero schools thrive.
"It's just a movie series we used to watch as kids." I lie.
"Oh okay." Deku replies.
Rumi walks over to where I am.
"Used to watch as kids huh?" Rumi quotes my words.
"Ah, well, what could I say. We're not in our world anymore so they won't know our movies."
"Hmm...but you made it sound a bit like we're old men. You could have said 'sometime' not 'as kids'."
"Sorry." I apologize.
"Why are you apologizing? You know you should never have to say sorry to me." Rumi says.
"I know but it's a little bit difficult when, um, you're looking like that."
Rumi looks at himself and then at me.
"So?" He answers simply.
"Well, I don't know. I just said sorry for the sake of it." I reply.
"That doesn't make any sense. Also, it doesn't matter if I look like a girl or if I'm an actual girl."
"Actually it does. You've been hanging with Mineta ever since we've transferred into the school. I don't mind you being friends with him but I have a bad feeling about him being friends with you because you're a girl."
"So are you saying Mineta can't be friends with anyone that's a girl?" Rumi shouts which makes the others turn around to look in our direction.
"N-No. That's not what I'm saying." I try to calm Rumi down.
"Then what exactly ARE you saying?" Rumi's anger level steadily increases.
"You over there." Someone calls to us.
We all switch our attention to a lady with green, dark energy pulsing out of her hand. Behind her stands the person who I was to next see tomorrow evening - Idami.
"Are you the one who challenged to fight my Idami?" The woman points to me.
"No?.." I whimper slightly.
"Really? Then this isn't yours, right?" The woman lifts up a piece of grey fabric and presents it to me.
I quickly look through my uniform and find a missing patch of fabric at the side of my blazer. How did I not know that?
"I'm guessing that answer isn't 'no' and you thought of bringing a Pro Hero for tomorrow's match, right?" The woman smirks.
"In any way, I've decided to move the fight to today. You seem to be free so Idami and you can have a little fun." The woman steps backwards as Idami walks forwards with both of his hands into fists.
"Time to end you." Idami says as a third arm emerges from the back of his back.
"Sweetie, wait just a second." The woman, who I'm suspecting to be Idami's mother, raises her arm and clicks her fingers, forming a dark kind of electrical forcefield around Rumi and everyone else.
"You can continue." She smiles with sinister glory.
With this confirmation, the fight begins.