The guy, Idami, looks at me intently whilst circling me, making sure that I don't make a run for it.
"You didn't suspect me to come back today, did you?" Idami says.
"Well, not really. If I'm being honest I thought you would have cried home and wailed in your bed like a big baby." I reply.
Idami scrunches up his face so hard that, for a quick second, he looks like an ugly gargoyle (no offence to gargoyles generally though).
"What do you know about me anyway, huh?" Idami growls.
"Um, I'm guessing you're a mummy's boy? Since your dad's not here."
"Why you little-" Idami lunges at me.
I try to quickly think of a way to beat this guy when it hits me.
Why didn't I do this before?
Just before Idami lands his first hit, I dodge it and raise my left foot upwards and kick him right at the centre of his stomach.
Idami's body is flown all the way over the park.
"Woo!" Cheering comes out of the force field that ny classmates and Rumi are in.
I can't really see them much but I give a smile and a big thumbs up at them knowing that they can see me clearly.
"Gaahh!" Shouting can be hard from Idami as he runs over to me, shoving people out of the way and into the mysterious depths of space.
I get ready for another attack - My secret weapon #2 loaded.
Idami jumps as soon as he's closer to me and spins in the air.
Moving ny weight backwards on my back leg, I wait for the perfect chance to strike. With all my strength, I push my right arm forward and hit Idami hard on his right shoulder.
Idami is once again catapulted towards the end of the park and slammed into a lonely tree, where he is just about seen drifting off into unconcisousness.
I feel a sense of pride rise inside of me, I've managed to do something good; I've achieved a goal. 'Ha!' to the one who said I can't be a hero.
"You!" Idami's mother shouts at me, looking pretty angry. No wonder - I just completely won against her, now blacked out, son.
"Hey there." I wave shyly, messing up the files in my mind in order to find a way to beat her.
"You hurt MY Idami out of jealousy and now you want to go after all that?"
"Well, I wasn't going to go. I still need my friends." I say honestly.
"Your friends? Haha. Your friends are as good as dead." She says as she makes the force field smaller and smaller.
"Wait! What do you want?" I say, hoping she tells me her plan.
"I'm not going to tell you." She smirks.
Oh no! An antagonist that doesn't tell their evil plan. I'm screwed!
Quickly thinking up a plan, I look around the park, hoping I beat the woman somehow and get to go home soon.
Finally, I spot another classmate that I don't know the name of.
"Hey! Excuse me! I need help!" I wave to the boy with the face of a particular kind of bird.
He walks over quickly.
"Deku, Rumi, Mineta and the others are trapped in that force field. Can you help me knock down that woman or something?" I talk really fast, hoping he understood what I was saying.
He nods a then walks past me.
Suddenly, Idami's mother is knocked over and the force field on the others is diminished.
"Tokoyami! Good job!" Mineta runs up to the guy who helped me with overflowing tears of joy.
"Nice job Tenshi. You fought really well and you didn't even need to use any quirk." Ochaco praises me.
"Oh it was nothing." I smile shyly, scratching the back of my head.
"Nothing? If it was nothing then we wouldn't need to celebrate anything, wouldn't we?" Rumi says with smile.
"Yeah! This calls for a party!" The red haired Kirishima agrees, placing a hand on my shoulder hard which makes me stumble a little.
"But what about the woman?" I say, pointing to the body that's lying close by.
"The Pro Heroes will arrive shortly and take her away." Ochaco answers.
"Oh, alright then." I let out a sigh, a bit exhausted from having to deal with Idami and his mother.
I look over to where Idami is and find him gone.
Great (!) We have a bad guy on the loose.
"Where are you staying, Tenshi?" Deku asks me.
"Hmm? Oh, I'll be staying with..." I look at Rumi and frown mentally.
"No one. I don't have a place to stay." I answer with honesty.
"Huh?! You don't? Why don't you come sleep in the U.A dorms? I'm sure there's an extra room there." Deku tells me.
"Really? That's great. I was wondering how I'll be able to sleep tonight."
"You don't have to worry. You're one of the top heroes of today's event so of course you deserve a room." Mineta gives me a big thumbs up in which I return it happily.
Maybe Mineta isn't so bad after all.
"Hey where's Bakugo?" Kirishima asks, looking around the group.
"He's there!" Mineta points to the back of a person at the edge of the park.
"Why dies he get to leave early?" Kaminari says as he starts running after the Bakugo guy.
"Wait for me, Kaminari!" Kirishima goes after him.
"We better get going before it gets too dark." Ochaco says.
We all agree and start heading to our dorms.
Someone was watching Tenshi and Rumi closely from a far away distance. Observing their every move in fascination.
[At the dorms]
We've arrived at the U.A dorms and I was shown to a room at the very end of the corridor. Kirishima and Kaminari asked if I wanted to stay out in the lounging area but I told them that maybe I would next time but not today since I'm pretty tired.
My room is dull and empty except for a bed, a closet, some clothes, a table and a chair.
I sit down on the bed and look around, feeling the surroundings and atmosphere.
I can't believe I'm here. In a world where heroes and villains exist, where there are hero schools and people with different superpowers called "quirks". If it's a dream then I want to be dreaming just a little longer.
Thinking back to earlier, what happened at the park was great experience for me. I'm also glad I used my karate skills on Idami and it worked in my favour.
However, there's still the problem of me not having a quirk like Deku, Ochaco and the others.
Why don't I try to initiate it here? Wait. Maybe that's a bad idea. What if the quirk is bigger than I expected and blew this room up? Then I'll really won't have a place to stay.
A thought suddenly struck in my brain. Maybe I'll be able to find my quirk if I observe others.
Quickly leaping off the bed, I get out of the room and out to the corridor. Since I only really know one person, I'll go to Deku's room, hoping he'll be able to help me with my goal.
I give the door a knock and wait. Deku opens it and looks at me.
"Hi Tenshi. Do you need some help?" He asks.
"Yes. I was wondering if you could tell me more about other quirks that our classmates have?"
"Oh, sure." He steps aside and let's me in.
I walk into his room and glance around.
"Wow. Your room looks so cool. Mine is dull and boring." I say, looking at his aesthetic green sheets, duvet, pillow and furniture with little figurines of Pro Heroes on his shelf...Looking at me with intense judgement.
"Thank you but I didn't do too much organising or anything. Also, you just moved in so you'll have time to make your room as you want." Deku answers.
"Yeah true." I agree whilst sitting down on one of the chairs at the side of his study desk.
"Midoriya! Oh, hi Tenshi. Have you guys seen Aoyama?" Kaminari says with evident worry on his face.
"Aoyama?" I say, confused on who Kaminari is referring to.
"Yeah. Aoyama is the one that sits next to Ojiro. He has blonde hair and his hero name is 'Can't stop twinkling.'" Deku explains.
BUAHAHA! 'Can't stop twinkling'! What kind of hero name is that? I laugh uncontrollably in my head whilst keeping a poker face. Okay Tenshi, that's enough. My classmate, Aoyama, has decided this to be his hero name so you have to be respectful.
"Oh, okay. So, what happened?" I say to Kaminari once my mental humour has significantly calmed down.
"He's missing."
"What?!" Deku and I exclaim at the same time.
"Kirishima, Todoroki, Ojiro and Iida have already went to look for him outside whilst Mineta, Tokoyami, I and the others are looking on the inside. The girls are helping us too."
"What about Kachaan?" Deku asks.
"Uh, well, he went out before I could say anything to him. He said not to call him."
I'm guessing a missing student is a big deal around here (like a missing student isn't a big deal anywhere). I think about what I should do then decide on joining up with Rumi so we could find Aoyama together.
The thing is, I have absolutely no clue on where he could be because I can't call him seeing as he and I don't have mobile phones (in this world).
"Hey, uh, I'll help the others look for Aoyama outside whilst you guys keep looking on the inside. If anything, I'll call for help. Actually, give me both of your phone numbers so I can contact you." I say.
"Sure." Both Kaminari and Deku agree, writing their numbers on a piece of paper.
Once everything is done, I say bye and run off in pursuit of a missing classmate.
I run outside the U.A dorms and look around for Rumi.
I don't think I'll be able to find him now. I think Aoyama will have to come first before Rumi. He's already looking for Aoyama so I should be too.
Quickly thinking where he could be, I spot the student that helped me beat Idami's mother.
"Hey! Uh..." I wave to the guy who's approaching me.
"You haven't found Aoyama, right?" I ask.
"No." He replies.
"Ah, I see...Also, um, what's your name again?" I smile, a little bit of embarrassment washing over me.
"It's Fumikage Tokoyami." He says.
"Ah, alright, Tokoyami, thank you."
He nods.
"Anyway, do you have any idea where Aoyama could be?"
"No." He moves his head from side to side.
"Do you know where he likes to go or anything that could help us find him better?"
He shakes his head.
I sigh.
This Aoyama guy really is mysterious.
I try to think about all the possible locations anyone may want to go to this late at night.
"Let's try the park." I tell Tokoyami.
He nods once again and we start heading off, unknowing to the fact that we'll be meeting trouble...
[Half an hour ago]
"Goodnight monsieurs." Aoyama bids the rest if the boys goodnight.
He walks into his room and switches the light on. Waltzing across the room to his wardrobe, Aoyama opens the door with a bright smile until he finds an unexpected guest inside who fishes his body into a straw bag and runs off, dodging the students in the lounging area.
"I've finally hit jackpot." The person mumbles with an evil aura emitting out of them, before the voice echoes of to an eerie silence.
Information about Tenshi.
Name: Tenshi Zendri.
Age: 16
Height: 175cm
Blood Type: Unknown.
Quirk: N/A
Birthday: 12/08
Likes: Inspirational quotes and chicken noodle soup.