"Aoyama where are you?.." I think in my head.
So far, Tokoyami and I have checked the park, the nearby shops and restaurants as well as all the places that usually students go to but unfortunately, no luck.
We start to head back to the U.A dorms when Tokoyami gets a message on the 1-A student chat.
[Kaminari] Have you guys seen any clues about Aoyama?
[Yaoyorozu] None of the girls could find anything.
[Mineta] Its as if he disappeared... 😱
[Mina] Mineta, no one asked for your input.
[Mineta] *walks out the front door* 😔👣
[Kirishima] You're literally outside the U.A dorms Mineta.
[Ochaco] Guys, pull it together. Let's go back to the dorms and see if we can plan anything out.
[Tsuyu] Good idea. 🐸
"Guess no one was able to find him as well." I say, a little bit worried about the circumstance of classmate Aoyama.
"Let's hurry back." Tokoyami starts to walk faster as to get back quicker.
"Yeah." I agree, following him closely behind.
We've arrived back to where the others are and went inside to brainstorm some ideas.
"Okay, so what is our plan of action?" Kirishima asks.
"We've checked virtually everywhere but still didn't see any sign of him." Ochaco says.
"He doesn't usually go out at night too." Mina adds.
"D-Do you think a villain has taken him away?"
"Mineta!" Everyone has a go at him.
"It wasn't me! I didn't say it. Kaminari did." He defends himself.
We all look at Kaminari. He smiles nervously.
"Did any of you hear Aoyama walk outside?" Iida inquires.
"No." The boys answer.
"...There was shadow whilst I was going to bed at the end of the corridor..." Todoroki says.
"I thought it may have been Tokoyami so I didn't go to check."
Everyone has gone quiet as we wreck our brains to the max.
Suddenly, a thought pops up in my mind.
"Hey guys," I say.
Everyone stops thinking and looks at me.
"Have you guys been in Aoyama's room?"
"We don't usually go in his room, he usually comes out to ours, or this area." Deku says.
"It's been a while since we last been in his room to be honest." Ojiro adds.
"Maybe we should go in his room and look for any clues." I propose the idea.
"If anything, we might find clues about where he could be."
"Alright. Let's go." Deku agrees.
We all take a short walk to Aoyama's room and open the door carefully.
Putting the light on, we peek inside and find nothing unusual at first.
We start looking through his draws and around his bed and table.
I open one of the drawers and find neatly placed plushies of various animals like fish, dogs, cats and other domestic pet like animals.
He sure likes animals, huh. I think.
"What did you find Jiro?" Ochaco asks.
"This is one of the sweets Aoyama usually has with him. Remember, he always used to try to give us some until we told him we didn't like them." The girl, Jiro, says whilst picking up a yellow sweet, probably lemon flavoured or perhaps a menthol, from the floor.
"Have any of you tried any cat or dog or animal cafés or any places with pets? Because he has a ton of stuffed toys of animals." I say.
"No. We haven't." Mina answers.
"So what are we waiting for. Let's hurry and check all of the animal related places in the area." I say.
We all head out and decide to look for Aoyama in different places.
"Can I join you?" Deku asks me.
"Sure." I say, happy to have a companion with me.
* * *
We look through all the pets shops, vets and animal related shops for any signs of Aoyama. Then we look through all the cat and dog cafès and still find nothing which could lead us to him.
Sighing, I look around the shopping district. Viewing the people, the children and...a particular person who looks like he's up to no good.
He walks into a dark alley way after checking his phone.
"Deku. Follow me." I whisper, though I don't have to because the person won't hear me anyway over the sound of the bustling place.
Deku and I go through the same alley way, trudging through darkness as if we're blind and walk out of the end of the path way to a street with barely any buildings or, for that matter, life.
I spot the guy go inside a old and run down building that has a rusty sign which has some letters missing. The only letters that are still left are SI__ST_R. Maybe it stands for sister? Though that's a weird name to call a place.
"I think that guy has to do something with Aoyama." I say.
"Deku?" I turn around and find him not where I was expecting him to be.
I look around and up to the sky and then I find a powerful looking villain, grinning at me with confidence.
I cant see much (because its night and there are barely any lamp posts) but she has red hair with streaks of another colour. Her clothes are thoughtfully worn and consist of the colours silver, black and blue. Her eyes seem to glow a cool shade of silver and she's floating in mid air.
"Who are you?" I say, although I'm pretty tired of asking the same question each time.
"I AM silverstone." The girl shouts the first 2 words out but whispers the last word.
"I'm sorry. I didn't hear the last word you said."
"I AM silverstone." She says it again in the same way.
"I'm sorry but can you come closer? I'm not hard of hearing but you whispered the last bit and if you want me to hear what you're called then you need to either speak up or be nearer to me."
I think I see the girl sigh grumpily before ascending down closer to where I am. Well, 2 metres away to be exact.
"I AM silverstone!" She shouts.
"Okay. I can hear you know. You don't have to shout when you're next to someone."
"WHY?" She shouts again.
"Because you're going to break someone's ear drums...and you're going to get us in trouble."
My mind stops working for a second.
"That's your quirk? Couldn't you turn it off?"
"I CAN...but then I'll be whispering."
"Can't you speak normally without Shouting or whispering?"
She looks at me and then looks down to the ground.
I've never heard of someone having something like that before, not even in the real world.
"Oh. Did you do something to my class mate?" I say.
"OH YOU MEAN HIM?" She points to Deku who's stuck painfully straight at the side of a building by an unknown substance.
"He looks comfortable, doesn't he?" She whispers whilst smiling, enjoying seeing Deku helpless and weak.
"Let him go." I say.
"What if I don't want to?"
"It's not about if you want to or not. I need him to help me find a friend."
"WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT YOUR 'FRIEND' ANYWAY?" She returns to shouting.
"He's our class mate. He's been missing for..." I look at my clock on my right arm.
"Two and a half hours. He doesn't usually go off missing and everyone is looking for him but we have no clue where to find him. Now, well probably need to call on some Pro Heroes to come help us and-"
"Why do you need 'Pro Heroes' when I could help you." She grumbles.
"Huh?" I remark.
"Take your friend. I'll help you find your class mate." She says, turning around to the dark alley.
"Wait. What's in it for you? Why are you doing this?" I ask, a bit doubtful having a villain side with me.
"Let's say, I'm sick and tired of following the same darn rules and you're helping me achieve my goal?" She starts walking into the darkness.
This gives me a somewhat strong case of deja vu.
"Wait. How am I supposed to get him down?!" I shout.
"I don't know." I just barely hear her say.
Nice (!) I'm officially the life size villain magnet. First Idami and now this girl. Woop de doo...
Interview with Tenshi and Rumi.
(Question) Dog or cat?
(Rumi) Dog.
(Tenshi) Cat.
(Question) YouTube or Tiktok?
(Rumi) Hah. Tiktok. You don't find the things you do on Tiktok like on YouTube.
(Tenshi) Tiktok as well.
(Question) Pizza, burger or burrito?
(Rumi) Pizza foreva!
(Tenshi) I prefer burritos, they're very tasty, healthy and filling.
(Rumi) That's it. We're no longer friends anymore.
(Tenshi) Why?
(Rumi) You don't like pizza.
(Tenshi) I do like it but I prefer burritos.
(Rumi) Wrong answer.
(Tenshi) ...Ferrero ice cream?..
(Rumi) ...Alright. we're still friends since you like that ice cream but next time you don't choose the same answer as me and you'll get it.
(Tenshi) Alright. Alright.