Chapter 7 - Back to unfinished business

After walking for 20 minutes we reach the villain's lair...or rather their tiny shack of a home.

"This is where you live?" I say, doubting that she lives in a tatty building probably infested with rats, mice, cockroaches and spiders.

"YES. IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH WHERE I LIVE?" She says, or rather, shouts.

"No, no. I was just double checking if you knew where you were going."


"Okay, okay. You can turn off your quirk now. I'm not used to people screaming constantly around me." I mumble the last part.

"Alright. Let's go in." She turns the handle to her door doesn't open.

"Why isn't it opening." She fumbles with the door handle.

Then, she walks to the right to where a flower pot hangs near the top of the outside window.

"Aha. There you are." She whispers, as she takes out the key from inside the soil of the pot.

She opens the door.

"FINALLY! sorry," she apologizes to me and Deku.

"Welcome to my home."

Deku and I look at the room and see it pretty much empty. There's a sofa, a table and a carpet underneath. However, there are no pictures or cabinets or anything like you would find in a normal kind of home.

"Please take your shoes off and slip into the slippers. I don't usually have guests over so you can have these." She hands us a pair off slippers.

"Come on." She says, after we put the slippers on and she tied her hair up.

We walk past the empty living room, I presume it is a living room, and past the door straight to the stairs which leads downwards to a basement.

Then, we keep on walking past 3 empty rooms and turn left past the kitchen and engine room.

Wait. Engine room? Why is there an engine room in a house? Unless it isn't a house and it's really a train in disguise but that's impossible. What kind of train would that be?

Walking past another set of rooms we arrive at the last room of the maze of rooms and hallways.

"Before you enter this room, you must promise to NEVER tell anyone what you see here or how to get here. Even if your LIFE is in danger, never EVER tell anyone. UNDERSTAND?" Silverstone goes on and off with her quirk as she stares at us, daring us to tell anyone her 'secret'.

"Uh, sure." I say.

"I-I promise." Deku swears.

"Alright, in you go." She opens the door and this is when we find out that this is the main room and the room with the most decoration and everything.

It's like a mixture of a gamer's room and an FBI's office.

In the front of the room, there is a table with multiple screens in place on the wall. In the middle of the room there's a large table, kind of the one that you use for experiments and the like, with various potions and concoctions.

There are several chairs at the back of the room and a board with different cases all interwined with the ominous and familiar red string. All of this is accompanied with a neon, dark blue light that makes everything cool and mysterious.

"Wow." I breathe out.

"What can I say. I'm the best." She smiles smugly, proud to be showing off about something.

"Hey, guys. Do you think we can go onto finding Aoyama. No one else has been able to find him and the only thing they want to do is ask the Pro Heroes for help."

"TELL THEM TO WAIT." Silverstone shouts.

"Now then. Tell me from the start, as fast as you can, what you know and what clues you've received." She says, whilst sitting down on the chair next to the monitors.

* * *

After telling her everything we know, she gets to work on finding out where he could be. She told us to just sit down and wai-

"FOUND HIM!" She shrieks out loud.

Deku and I jump in our thought of Aoyama.

We rush over to Silverstone and look at her screens.

"So, looking through the security cameras in the neighbourhood, it seems someone came out of the boy's dormitory at 8:34 PM and went out the gates to this place before heading off to the park.

He left some kind of lights on the bench at 9:57 PM, which looks like it says "12 AM". The good thing is, he is still there with your friend or classmate or whatever and the bad thing is he has backup, here, here and here." She explains.

"I searched the quirks of these 3 and they aren't strong. Their quirks are hammer fist, blade blender and spike point. They're pretty useless if you ask me but I don't think you should worry about them. The one you need to worry about is him." Silverstone points to the guy who kidnapped Aoyama and I know exactly who it is.

I look at the time and see that it's 11:48 PM. We don't have much time.

"Deku, let's go." I say.

"Yeah." He agrees.

"Tell the others to come to the park and make sure they're not in sight. I'll go talk to him first and if anything goes wrong, you can signal yo the others to step in."

Deku nods as we walk out the door.

"HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Silverstone shouts.

"To save our friend and fellow classmate." I turn around, looking mysterious and brave looking. Then, we head upstairs and off to the park.

We finally arrive at the park and I tell Deku to hide.

I walk forward, trying to think of a plan to get Aoyama back.

Stopping in front of the person, I breathe in and say:

"Nice to see you again Idami. I didn't expect to see you for the 3rd time today."

He smirks.

"Hello, Tenshi. How are your legs?"

"Huh?" I look down at my legs.


I feel my legs freeze up.

"Hey, what did you do?" I unconsciously ask.

"What do you mean? I did nothing. Did you see me move? No, you didn't. So that means it wasn't me that did anything to you." Idami smiles, his plan most likely going into effect.

"Enough of your games!" I growl, getting a bit angry with him for wasting my time, and frankly, everyone's time.

"Give me the one you kidnapped and everything will go back to normal."

"Normal?" He repeats my words.

"How can everything go back to normal when my mum has been taken away? When I'm getting laughed at and mocked at by my own family?"

"That's not my problem. That's your life. Not mine. Your problems are yours to deal. Whatever is happening in your life should not affect other people. You brought it up on yourself so don't put the blame on me." I explode.

There's somewhat of an eerie silence afterwards.

"I see." Idami slowly says.

"My problems are mine to I guess I'll be going now? I should be handling all the problems that I have even if I'm sick and tired of everyone expecting me to do everything around here? Huh? Is that what I should be doing? Tackling my problems by myself even if it's useless?

Well, thank you Tenshi. I've realized my problems start with my family and end with your classmate." Idami snatches the sack in which Aoyama is bundled in, from behind the bench, and takes out a large knife, even larger than a professional chef's knife, with his third hand and gets ready to impaled Aoyama with it.

"NO!" I shout out but it's too late.

Idami slices the middle of the sack. Then, he draws the knife out, blood trickling down the hole and the knife, whilst looking at me with a crazy look.

Chat with class 1-A via text.

[Kaminari] Hey guys, what's everyone up to?

[Yaoyarozu] Watching a movie.

[Ochaco] Doing homework.

[Sato] Baking.

[Jiro] Listening to music.

[Kirishima] Playing a game.

[Mineta] Watching girls~ 🥰😍

[Mina] Who let Mineta back into the chatroom?

[Izuku] Not me.

[Kaminari] Not me.

[Toru] Not I.

[Sero] I didn't.

[Mezo] I don't know who did it.

[Todoroki] I wasnt in the chatroom lately so I don't know.

[Mina] So who did? He didn't get in by himself.

[ExplosiveKing] I did.

[Mina] Bakugo? Why did you do that? You know how Mineta gets.

[ExplosiveKing] I did it so I don't have to be in the chat anymore. I'm replacing me with Mineta. Have fun!

(- ExplosiveKing - has left the chatroom)

(- Mina - has blocked - Mineta -)