Chapter 8 - The end of the menace

"So, Idami? How does it feel to not be listened to?" Idami smirks with a crazy look in his eyes.

"It doesn't feel good, huh? Well, now you know how I feel? Now you know my pain."

"Actually, I'm pretty sick and tired of not being listened to." My rage increases  and I feel my blood boil.

"Oho? Reall-"

I punch him straight for his face but he dodges just in time. Then I try to go for his hands with my right leg but he stops it with the arm that's not carrying the sack Aoyama is in.

"Nice try." He smirks and he starts to swing his arm for my stomach but I catch his eyes look over at one of the locations his 'minions' are hiding at and hear a wishing sound near from behind me.

I dodge just in time as a long spiky object shoots past me and Idami.

Idami seems a little annoyed that I wasn't hit.

"Hey, tell you what. Let's play a game." I say, a plan forming in my head.

"I don't have time-"

"Oh come on. You're all fight and no play. I'm proposing that we spend time having some fun instead of injuring each other. Besides, the winner will get to do whatever they want. In fact, you could take me and all my friends hostage if you were to win, however, if I win...well, that depends if I win." I think mockingly, knowing that my first step to my plan is working.

"Alright, what game are we playing?" Idami asks, a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Month Medley." I say.

"Month medley? What kind of game is that?"

"It's a game I used to play with my friend a lot. The game goes like this: First, one person says a random month, for example, June. The next person, says a month beginning with one of the letters in that month so June has N for Novemeber. After that, the first person says another month using a letter from that month.

Basically, the rules are you are allowed to say the same month,for example June, no more than five times. If you cant think of another month and have used your 5 month limit, the other person wins. However, for our game, we'll lower the limit to 2 months." I explain, hoping I had said it clearly and correctly.

Idami looks a little bit confused.

"Why don't we do a trial game first? We'll play until we say up to 5 months." I say.

"Alright. I'll start." Idami grunts.

"January." He starts.

"November." I answer.

Idami thinks for a bit.



He thinks again.

"August." He says after a slight pause.

"That's 5 months. See? It's as easy as that. And all you have to do is say a month from one of the letters. Should we start the real game and get it done with?" I observe Idami.

"Yes. Lets." He radiates an excited vibe.

"Okay. I'll go first." I clear my throat and my thoughts.

[*I = Idami / T = Tenshi*]

T: "July."

I: "June."

T: "November."

I: "May."

T: "April."

I: ...(Idami thinks for a few seconds) "August."

T: "September"

I: "March."

T: "February."

"Wait a minute. March doesn't have F in it." Idami cries out.

"No but it has r in it. You can say a month which has the same letter in the month that the other person said, it doesn't have to start with one of the letters." I say.

'You should have said that at the start." He glares a bit.

"Where were we?" I continue.

"You said February." Idami answers.

"Got it." I give a big thumbs up to which Idami scowls at.

I: "October."

T: "December."

I: "February."

T: "January."

I: "April."

T: (I think about all the months I've said and haven't said) "May."

I: "July."

T: "June." (I sweat a bit. Trying to guess what the next month could be.)

I: "December."

T: "October."

I: "September."

T: "August." (I say, knowing this one of my last months).

I: (Idami takes some time to think) "January."

T: "March."

I: "November."

{Month score for Idami and Tenshi = 1 each. The next person who says a month that they've previously said before loses}

T: ...

"It's your turn Tenshi." Idami smirks, knowing that if I say any month next, I am going to lose.

T: "July."

"You said July twice. You know what this means right?" Idami gets a bit overexcited.

I smile, not holding back my pride.

"Yeah. I win and you lose." I look at him dead straight in the eyes.

"What? I won! I said each month once and you said July twice, meaning I'm the winner." Idami growls, getting annoyed.

"That would be true in a normal game but it's not about just playing, it's about being clever and using your smarts." I point to the sack next to him.

He looks inside and sees a pile of rocks.

"Wait a minute. Where did he go?" Idami shouts.

"He was taken away. Whilst you were busy figuring out which month you said and which one you didn't my classmates had already taken down and tied your backup crew, taken my classmate from the sack and replaced it with rocks and lastly, they were able to surround you with your feared Pro Heroes."

Idami moves his head around him to look at his surrounding.

All around us are Pro Heroes of various quirks,  abilities and skills as well as heroes in training including my class, 1-A, Rumi and class 1-B.

Idami states in disbelief.

"You may think I'm just a normal student at a hero school but I'm so much more. Yes, at the start, when you met me, I was telling the truth that I don't have a quirk. However, that doesn't stop me from using other skills that I have gained and are still gaining to take down someone who is stronger than me.

I just want you to live a good life without doing any damage to others or to being a bad guy. I may be asking too much but I really do wish you would change because I know you can be better if you really tried."

"CRINGE!" Rumi shouts out.

I clear my throat out of embarrassment.

Idami hangs his head down towards the ground.

"I'm ready to be taken in with my mother." He mutters.

"Come on then." One of the Pro Heroes takes Idami away to be with his mother...spending some time in prison.

"Well done Idami. You have proven that you can be a hero without using any quirks and use strategy to come up with an effective and fool proof plan. When you have time come to the principal's office." Mr. Aizawa compliments me which makes me a little too happy.

"Tenshi, are you okay?" Ochaco asks, worry painted all over her face.

"Yes. I'm okay. Just very tired." I yawn.

"Wait. You can't go sleep yet." Kaminari says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because we have a supr-" Kaminari startd but one of the girls stops him from saying anything further.

"Follow us." Deku tells me.

I follow everyone back to the dorms.

"Wait here." Everyone goes inside and leaves me outside.

"What's going on?" I mutter.

"You can come in." Mineta comes out and tells me after a few minutes goes by.

"Okay." I head inside.

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone shouts out as soon as I step inside.

"Huh? What's all this?" I look at everyone and at the decorated area that has balloons, streamers, lights and confetti literally everywhere.

"Since you've encountered that guy three times today, we decided to throw a party." Ochaco says.

"We did say we were going to celebrate with a party when you saved us the 1st time." Mineta smiles.

"You haven't even transferred to U.A for more than a week and you're already a hero!" A girl with pink skin and pink hair cheers.

"Let's give a toast to Tenshi!" Kirishima shouts.

"CHEERS!" Everyone holds up imaginary glasses of an unalcoholic drink (since we're all underage) and laughs.

"Who's going to cut the cake?" Deku asks.

Everyone points to one person.

"Why do I have to do it?!" Bakugo shouts, annoyed and bothered.

"That's your punishment for letting Mineta in the chat." The girl with the pink hair says.

"Can I still join back?" Mineta asks.

"No." The same girl replies.

Information about Rumi

Name: Maru Rumiere

Age: 16

Height: 168cm

Blood Type: Unknown

Quirk: Unknown

Birthday: 15/07

Likes: Video games, playing pranks and causing mayhem.