Chapter 9 - Unfamiliar Rumi

It's another day at school and we are having a free period to study and do whatever we want (basically study in any way that we can).

Aoyama is still resting up after getting unwantedly cut by Idami.

I'm drawing a hero suit in my sketch book that Deku gave me since I dony have my own suit yet because Rumi and I had just transferred.

Oh wait. I forgot to say good morning to Rumi.

"Rumi-" I start but then stop when I dont see Rumi in his seat. Where could he have gone?


"Yeah?" He says.

"Have you seen where Rumi went?" I ask.

"No. She didn't say anything when she went."

"Oh. Okay."

It's not like Rumi to disappear out of class, I mean it is like him because back in our world he would, most of the time, skip class to go play games in a game cafe or get sweets from the shops and go to street fight tournaments.

However, since we've transmigrated into this world he really enjoys being in class and talking to everyone.

I decide to go out and look for him.

Walking out of the class, I walk along the corridor, looking at the other classes taking place in the various classrooms. Then, I wonder about if Rumi may be in the toilets but remember that if he is then I won't be able to go inside.

Going through the 2nd floor corridor, I look out the window.

I see Rumi in the yard by a tree, just sitting down on the bench.

Why is he there? I wonder.

I go outside and walk over to him.

"Rumi?" I say once I'm close enough for him to hear without shouting.

He looks up.

"Oh hey."

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Why you asking?"

"Uh, because I'm your friend? I talk to you whenever there's something bothering me so you can do the same."

Rumi sighs with an annoyed breath.

"There's nothing wrong with me so leave me alone." He looks off into the distance.

"Okay, I'm not the one to be stubborn or anything but what is wrong? You're acting out of character."

"What the hell?" Rumi snaps.

"What's wrong with me? What is wrong with you? Can't you just let me be? I dont have to tell you everything that I do or don't do or that bothers me. So drop it already."

"Alright then. I'm going back to class. Free period will end soon so you better come up soon." I say, not wanting to push the matter anymore.

Rumi keeps on looking off into the distance.

I go back to class.

"Hey Tenshi. Where did you go?" Kirishima asks.

"Oh, I just went to check up on Rumi."

"How is she?" He asks.

"Uh, she's good. She just wants to take in the fresh air." I lie.

"Hey, Tenshi. Did you draw this?" Mina asks, looking at my sketchbook.

"Uh, yeah. Is it okay?" I ask, a bit nervous to hear their responses.

"Is it good? It's amazing! I cant wait to see you in the suit when it's made!" She exclaims in an excited manner.

"Oh. Haha. Me too. But I'm not finished yet-"

R I N G!

The bell rings for the end of the lesson and the start of another.

I put my sketchbook away and get ready to learn new things in the next lesson.

I've finished with the lessons for school today and I haven't at all seen Rumi come in class or wall around the school. He must have skipped school for real then.

I keep on walking outside and start heading to the convenient store.

I reach it and go inside.

Walking over to the sweets aisle, I try to find a bag which I know I'll like because in this world, there are new flavours and ones that I dont even think anyone on Earth has even tried (especially green slime bombs).

Finally, after finding something normal sounding I hear some very familiar voices enter the shop.

"Thank you for letting me meet with you." Person 1 says.

"No problem. I didn't think you would need my help but I'm glad to be here." Person 2 answers.

I slowly peek through the side of the aisle and spot Rumi and Silverstone.

What are they doing together?

I try to hear what they're saying but then more people enter the store and I get blocked by this other big guy from another school.

Instead of causing drama, I decide it's better to get out of there and ask Rumi about it later.

I head to the counter to pay for my sweets.

"Tenshi?" I hear someone say my name.

I look around and see Kirishima and Kaminari.

"Oh hi guys. What are you doing here?" I say it in a kind of whisper but still loud enough for them to hear.

"We came to get some snacks back to the dorms. What did you get?" He asks.

"Sweets. I say, taking them off the paying counter and trying to quickly walk out the store.

"Hey, Tenshi wait for us!" Kaminari shouts and that's when I know I have to run out of there before Rumi and Silverstone find me.

More people keep on coming into the shop and i try my best to squeeze through them to the exit but i can't and instead I get pushed away and across the shop until people stop moving.

"What in the-"

"Tenshi?" Rumi's voice speaks behind me.

"Um..." I say, not turning around.

"Tenshi." He says it in a lower voice.

I turn around to face him and encounter his stare.

I look at Silverstone and then back at Rumi.

"Oh...I didn't think I'd see you here." I fib.

"Tenshi. Come with me." He starts walking towards the exit.

I look back at Silverstone but she's looking away.

I wonder what's really going on.

After, Rumi and I have escaped to the outside, Rumi stands still, facing away from me.

"Rumi. What did you want to..." I start.

"Tenshi...Let's not be friends anymore." Rumi says.

"Huh?" I try to process what's been said.

"What? Why? We've been friends for a long time so why stop now? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?" I say, desperate to keep my long life friend.

"I'm sorry, but it is the way it is. Goodbye Tenshi." Rumi slowly walks away without turning to look at me.

"No..." I mutter, in disbelief, blinking with mixed emotions swirling inside.

Is this the end of our friendship?

After School Group Chat

{4:15 PM}

[Deku] "Have you guys seen Tenshi? He forgot to take his sketchbook."

[Iida] "I dont know where he is."

[Ochaco] "I saw him walking out of school. He may of just gone to the convenience store across the road."

[Kirishima] "Kaminari and I are heading off into the store so we'll tell you if we see him."

[Deku] "Ok."

{4:30 PM}

[Kirishima] "We found him. He's in the store buying sweets."

[Kirishima] "But now he's gone."

{4:40 PM}

[Kirishima] "And now he's not friends with Rumi anymore."