"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"
She looks at me with fear and disgust as if I'm a burglar who just broke into her home and stole a few looks of her beautiful home.
"Um..." I start smile nervously, wondering if I should make a joke to lighten the mood or be truthful.
"I found your son on the street and didn't want to leave him alone so I took him to his home and stayed with him until you came back." I tell her truthfully.
She stares daggers at me as she keeps her son close.
"Did the boy do anything to you?" She asks her son.
Kendo shakes his head.
"No, he brought me home and made me some food. We were just about to go play upstairs." Kendo replies.
"I see." The mother says.
"I don't know if you have an ulterior motive or not but thank you for sticking around to help my son."
"That's no problem at all. I was actually doing a race at school but saw your son on the street and didn't just want to leave him there."
"A race? Isn't it finished now?"
"It is, I haven't told anyone that I'm here yet so I'm going to go." I say.
I walk down the stairs and move past Kendo and his mother but then I stop. I turn around and look at Kendo.
"Nice to have met you Kendo." I place my right hand forward.
"Nice to have met you too, mister." He takes me hand and shakes it.
"If we ever see each other again just call me Tenshi." I smile.
"Okay." Kendo nods his head, enthusiastically whilst smiling wide.
"Alright then, I'll be going off. Have a good evening." I walk down the outside steps onto the nonexistent grass.
"Thank you again." The mother says.
I nod my head goodbye and wall back to school.
I hope the kid will be fine. I wouldn't want to see him in the streets again. But now I have to get back to school. Everyone must be looking for me!
* * *
I arrive back at the dorms in less than half an hour.
Walking in, I see everyone just lounging in the sitting area.
"There you are. Where did you go off to?" Kaminari asks.
"I saw a boy all alone in the street so I helped him to get back home and stayed until his mother returned." I reply, eyeing everyone, wondering why everyone is here.
"Oh, I see. Rumi said that you didn't want to finish the race and probably went off to play in the arcade."
I scan for Rumi but don't find any trace to him.
"She went to her room as soon as we came back. She must be tired from all that running." Mina tells me.
When I see Rumi next I'll have to properly deal with him.
"Anyway, who won the race?" I ask.
Everyone looks at Bakugo, looking smug and mighty.
"Anyway, I'll be going to my room. I'll see you guys later." I say.
I go down the corridor and into my room, closing the door behind me.
Today was an interesting kind of day. I really wish the best for Kendo and his mother, I wouldn't want to see him alone in the street again.
Sighing, I get up and look at the time, 17:03 PM.
It's too early to sleep now, right? But I'm so tired and today was a long day...
I fell asleep.
* * *
I'm flying through the race and running faster and faster. I feel as light as a feather and can barely feel my feet land on the ground.
I'm certain I'm going to win this race. There's no way I wouldn't. I've got speed by my side after all.
Speeding through the meadow I can just about make the destination of the race that Mr. Aizawa had said to reach.
It doesn't look like there's anyone near even. I'm about to break a world rec-
At the corner of my eye, I see a boy with brown hair, fair skin and brown eyes running towards me.
Turning to see who it is, I find Kendo who seems to be in fear of something, that which is chasing him down.
I abruptly stop running and instinctively run towards Kendo to try and save him from whatever is bothering him.
However, it doesn't seem like I'm getting closer to him, in fact, if anything, he's getting away from me even though he's running in my direction.
"Kendo!" I try to call but don't hear any emittion of noise coming out of my mouth.
I call again, louder this time but the same thing happens; no noise.
I stare in horror at Kendo as a black veil of darkness engulfs him whole and leaves nothing behind.
Then the darkness seems to approach me and I fumble to escape but even though I have advantage over my speed it's not enough. The darkness has caught up and is just behind me.
In fear of having the same fate as Kendo, I jump in front of a log in hopes that it won't get me. However, the space after the log is empty and there is nothing to stop me from falling, just a freefall space into death.
I jolt my eyes open and sit up in my bed. I'm sweating vigorously and my eyes are scanning everything in a matter of seconds.
I try to catch my breath by counting to ten slowly.
It works and I've calmed down. I think about the dream I just had and what it could mean. Up to this point since I got reincarnated, I didn't have any dreams at all. I was seriously wondering if I would ever dream again but then today came.
If I'm dreaming this, it means that its important.
I need to help Kendo and his mother. My conscience has been telling me to help from yesterday and its finally time I did something about it.
[Sorry, no bonus today, please try again lat-]
[ExplosiveKing] Who said there's no bonus?! There is one, you just don't see it!
[Deku] Kacchan, don't be mean, you have to be nicer for it to work.
[ExplosiveKing] Haa?! As if I'd be nicer. If I were then it wouldn't do anything! You have to show some grit for them to listen.
[Deku] *Sigh Emoji*
[Rumi] Hey guys, has Tenshi come back?
[Yaoyarozu] He came back at 5PM, not long after you went into your room.
[Rumi] I see. Is he in the sitting area?
[Kaminari] No he went into his room to rest.
[Rumi] ...
[Rumi] Do you think he's mad at me? Because I told you guys not to look for him?
[Kirishima] Definitely.
[Rumi] Eh, he'll forgive me.
[Kaminari] Will he really?
[Rumi] Yeah, we are friends after all.
We do not know if Tenshi will forgive Rumi.