Chapter 15 - A Helping Hand (Part 1)

[The next day]

I'm currently in class right now, reading a book on the History of Pro Heroes. Everything went well this morning except the fact that I haven't spoken to Rumi and have stayed "mad" at him eventhough I'm not.

My mind has still been preoccupied about the dream I had last night about Kendo. My plan of action today is to go back to Kendo's home and ask his mother to be his tutor and sitter.

It may be a useless plan but I think it will work in my favour.

"You can't." Kendo's mother says.

"Huh? Why can't I be Kendo's sitter?" I ask, standing in front of the door, trying to plead my case.

"I told you, me and Kendo are fine, we do not need someone to look after him."

"I understand that but remember the last time what happened when you needed to go do your errands? Kendo would have been kidnapped if it weren't for me.

I know you care for Kendo very much but it's also important for him to also be safe and have someone there to look after him. You won't even have to pay me. I'll do it for free. So please...let me help you." I say, hoping that she will give in.

She sighs and takes her glasses off, placing them on top of her brown hair.

"Alright. I'll give you a chance. However, if I see that you are unfit to care for my son, I will make sure that you won't be able to meet or see him again. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand. Thank you very much, I'll take extra care of Kendo." I smile, happy to have obtained at least a little bit of trust from Kendo's mother.


Kendo's mother takes the call and beckons me inside and upstairs into Kendo's room.

"Hey Kendo." I say as soon as I walk into the room.

Kendo perks up and looks at me with excitement.

"Tenshi!" He jumps up and hugs me.

"How have you been?" I ask.

"I'm good, I finished my favourite TV show and now I'm playing a game."

"What game is it?"

"Mineblock. You can build anything you want. Look! I built this mansion all by myself."

"Wow. Impressive. I could never build that by myself." I say as I feel a vibration coming from my pocket.

As Kendo keeps on showing me the other things he's built, I look at the message I have just received.

A strong sense of fear washes over me. The text reads:

'I know you're not from this world and I will tell everyone about you if you don't come to this destination

{Destination address}'

I don't know if this is a trap or not but I'll need to discuss it with Rumi first before doing anything.

[Tenshi] Hey, Rumi, are you free?

[Rumi] Yeah, what's up.

[Tenshi] So I got a text from this random number and it says this: (paste text message)

[Rumi] What if it's just someone who's messing around with you?

[Tenshi] I don't think it is. How would they know I'm not from this world.

[Rumi] I'm not sure. What do you want to do?

[Tenshi] I don't know. I'll just go and meet them but would you be free to tag along?

[Rumi] Yeah sure. What time?

[Tenshi] 3:00 PM, so in 1 hour.

[Rumi] Alright I'll start getting ready. See you there.

[Tenshi] See you.