
The room is full of scent from the soap that she's using. She's rubbing her back while thinking some matters. She's currently lying in a bathtub. Thinking that for the last time, she want to stay in her bathtub. The bathtub that knows her pain. The bathtub that witness her sorrows from the past. She gets up feeling cold, she wrap the towel on her body before stepping out from the bathroom. She hurriedly went upstairs, not worrying that she can fall or slip to the stairs.

Her eyes shine when she saw the purple walls of her room. She felt like someone is pinching her heart, feeling sad because they will going back to the Philippines. She wear a white shirt and a pair of black jeans. And After that, she started to pack up all her things. She and her parents lived in Canada for 3 years because of their business. Their business almost went down because of the former secretary of her father. Her eyes darkened when she remember that woman, anger is running on her blood. She remembered that their life almost ruined! She hate that cheater! She want to kill her! Thankfully that she didn't saw that traitor. "Arghhh!" she screamed. She closed her eyes and she clasp her hands. "Breath in, breath out Yvienna," she said to herself.

She's Yvienna Keith Mendoza, a pretty gorgeous girl that can get whatever she wants. She's a spoiled brat, she's dangerous. She's always involved in every catfights. Some wants to be a brave person as her but they didn't know that she's not brave inside. Yeah, she's strong and brave outside but she has a fragile heart inside. She's scared to be hurt by someone.

Her parents treated her like she's the most precious diamond of their lives. Her parents have a lot of businesses. One of them is their famous resort. The Mendoza's Resort. Yvienna started to comb her hair while sitting pretty on her soft bed. How time flies, she loves her room, she's pretty sure that she will miss every corner of her room. Her room witnesses her changes. She smiles and she gets up, she put her comb on her luggage bag before she put some powder on her face. She's pretty, she don't need so much make-up because she's a goddess. She jumped out of shock when someone knocked on the door.

*Knock Knock*

Her eyes went to the door seeing her mother. "Yes, Mommy?" she asked sweetly.

"Are you finished packing up your things?" her mother asked.

"Not yet," she answered.

"Okay, go downstairs when you finish packing up your things." Her mother smiled before walking away. Yvienna breathe heavily before she went to her drawer. She opened it, and she saw her old favorite book. She started to read it when suddenly, a small piece of paper fell to the floor.

Her hand grabbed it and a sudden anger and pain run to her blood. She felt like someone is stabbing her chest, front to back. Her heart thud, feeling the sudden pain. This is the old picture of her and her ex-boyfriend. That boy cheated on her! He didn't love her back then before! He just used her for a bet! She hate him! She really hate him! Her tears running down to her cheeks. A painful memory is the number one teacher to teach how to become a brave person. She promised that when she went out from this house, she will forget him, she will forget their painful memories from the past. She will forget every painful word that came from her evil ex-boyfriend mouth. She will forget all the stuff that gives her a way to remember him. Her hands torn their old picture, she walked near to the window and threw the pieces of the picture. Her eyes watch it fell, that pieces of picture are like her memories from him, she will watch it but she will not reach it to go back to her. She closed her eyes and a person suddenly flashes on her mind. Her best friend, Tiffany Elyze Gonzales. She's wondering if her best friend was doing fine.

She went downstairs holding her two luggage bags. She's ready! Finally, she's going home! "Let's go?" her Dad asked. They come out from their house and Yvienna hurriedly opened their gate. She saw a taxi that probably is waiting for them. She gets in first. For the last time, she look at their house smiling.

"Thank you for letting me lean on you, thank you for letting me realized that boys should not be my world. Thank you for letting me cry every night. Thank you for helping me out from my painful past. I'm ready, I'm ready to face my real home, I'm ready to go back to the Philippines. I, Yvienna Keith Mendoza saying that I moved on from my painful past." she whispered.

Finally! She miss her own country!