First Day

Yvienna's POV

*Kring! Kring!*

I opened my eyes immediately. What the hell?! I was so shocked because of that sound! I massaged my forehead before I get the pillow beside me. I put it on my face and I was about to close my eyes when I suddenly remembered something. Shit! Today is Monday! And today is my first day of being a second-year college student. I stand up immediately and I walked quickly to my comfort room. After 5 minutes, I'm done. I comb my hair and I started to shout. "Yaya Mirna!" After a minute, I heard a knock on my door. I went there and I immediately opened it.

"Yes, señorita?" she asked. "Iron my uniform," I said.

I pointed to my closet and she understands what I mean. I tied tighter my bathrobe before I looked at her again. "Yaya is my breakfast ready?" I asked. "N-not yet señorita, y-you called me so I didn't continue to cook your b-breakfast." she was stuttering. I felt like my blood is boiling. I just rolled my eyes at her. "Are you saying that it was my fault?!" my voice thundered to my room. "N-no," she answered. "Oh dear, just shut your mouth!" I hissed. I suddenly stopped when somebody went here to my room. "Yvienna?! Why are you shouting at Yaya Mirna?!" Mommy's eyes darkened when she asked me. "Mommy, she's irritating me!" She shakes her head while massaging her forehead. "Oh darling, please respect her, she's older than you!" "Whatever," I said before I walked away.

I went downstairs and I saw Lira, one of our maids. She was sitting pretty on our couch. She stood up immediately when she saw me. I crossed my arms before I raise my right eyebrow at her. "G-good morning s-señorita," she said. "What is good in my morning if I saw your ugly face?!" She gasped and looked down. I went closer to her and I hold her chin before I pointed to our kitchen. "Cook my breakfast, faster!" I said before I let go of her chin. "Y-yes señorita," she said before she went to the kitchen.

I massaged my forehead before I walk to our dining table. I pulled out the chair and I started to sit there.

I get the phone that is inside of my pocket and I started to read messages from my best friend.

From: Bff

Hey Yvienna! Where are you?! I'm waiting at the gate of our university.

From: Bff

What the heck Yvienna, I was waiting for you for too long!

I Scroll down and I saw another message from my best friend.

From: Bff

Yvienna! Faster!

I typed a message and I tap the sent button.

To: Bff

I'm on my way.

I lied hihihi! Oh, I forgot to introduce to all of you, Tiffany Elyze Gonzales is my best friend. We already met a few days ago. She helps me to get enrolled at St. Paul's University. I'm so happy because finally, I'm here in the Philippines! And I also felt happy because I and my best friend are block mates. My course is about business. I stretched my arms before I looked at Lira that is already holding my breakfast. I ate quickly and after that, I went upstairs, I wore my uniform and I put powder on my face. I spray my perfume at me and I glanced at my mirror.

Omg! I'm so pretty!

I went downstairs while I was holding my bag. I went to our garage and I saw our driver. His name is Betong. He smiled at me but I just ignored him. I get into our car before I glared at him.

"Faster! I'm going to be late!" He hurriedly sits on the driver seat and he started the engine.


Our car stops at the front of the University. I opened the door and I hurriedly get out of our car. "I will text you, Mang Betong if my classes are already done," I said before I watched our car went away from me. I turn my back and I walked to the gate of the University. I saw Tiffany that is already glaring at me. I can say that her eyes can kill me now. I went beside her and I hugged her. "I'm so sorry my best friend. I will not do it again, I will take a bath faster!" I apologized. "Okay, okay. Let's go!" she said. Yes! I knew it! She was kind!

We're currently walking in the hall of this University but suddenly I heard some students that are whispering. They are like bees and it's irritating me. They are looking at us while they are whispering to each other. Damn! I knew I'm pretty so stop staring at me!

"Look, they are so pretty!" they said.

"Yes but I hate that brat face!" they said again.

"Who? The girl on the right side?"

Hey, that's me! Why are they calling me a brat huh?!

"Yes, she's ugly and I think she was a poor girl!" they started laughing. I stopped and I glanced at them. They stop laughing when they saw me. I walked towards them before I cross my arms.

"First of all, I'm not a poor girl, so please shut your ugly mouth. Gosh! wait! look! I can see some flies, I think they are going to the canal, oppsss! I'm sorry, I thought that your mouth is the canal." I chuckled and rolled my eyes at them. I turned my back and I flipped my hair. I chin up while walking towards my best friend. "Let's go, I don't want to see their ugly faces!" I flip my hair again before I glanced at them. We're peacefully walking when suddenly I felt someone bumping my elbow.

"What's your problem?" I asked her irritatedly. She looked at me and smiles widely. "You're so ahh! I'm so proud of you Besty! But face your consequences!" she said. "Why? What consequences are you talking about?" I asked. I suddenly felt nervous but I can face it because I'm Yvienna Keith Mendoza. Duh! I gave a question looked at Tiffany when she suddenly stopped. "Why?" I asked. She hit my head. "Ouch!" I hissed.

"You fool! We are here outside of our room," she said before she laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry," I laughed.

She opened the door and I felt relief when I didn't saw our professor. Yes! We are not late! We went inside and I can feel that every student here was eyeing me. Yeah I know, I'm pretty. We sit in the back row and I suddenly looked at Tiffany. "What?" she asked. "Tell me a story," I said. "What story?" "Ahm, about your love story?" I giggled when she suddenly coughed. "What the heck!" her eyes darkened. "Why?" I asked innocently. She shakes her head before she went closer to me. "Look at him, he is Andrew," she whispered while pointing at the boy who is sitting in the front row. "And so?" I asked. "I have a crush on him when I'm still a first-year college student." she lowered her voice. I chuckled. "Do you have feelings for him now?" I asked. "No! I have a crush on him back then but now, I hate him! He always teasing me!" My eyes widened because she raises her voice at me. I looked around and everyone's looking at us except for that boy that she was talking about. She smiled awkwardly at them, they shrugged their shoulders before they go back to their businesses.

"Do you know Kyle Light Zamora?" she suddenly asked. I looked at her "No, I don't know him," "He's one of the friends of Andrew. And also, he's the son of the owner of this University." "Is he good-looking?" I asked. She hit my head. "Ouch! I'm just asking!" I hissed while rubbing my precious head. "Oh dear, yes he's handsome and I think," I frowned when she stops talking. "You think?" asked. "You and he are good for each other!" I slap my forehead. This girl! Arghh! "Oh really? I don't think so, I don't want to fall in love again." I said sadly. "Don't think of your ex, he's a stupid person!"