
"Good morning everyone, I'm Miss Sanchez your professor in language." I looked at her and I was stunned because of her beauty. Oh well, I'm not lesbian but I'm attracted to her beauty. "Since you don't know each other, I want you to introduce yourself, understand?" she said. We nodded. They are starting to introduce their selves, after a few minutes, they looked at me because I'm the one who will introduce myself, so I stand up and chin up while I was walking. I stand straight in front of all my block mates and I was about to introduce myself when somebody interrupts me. I glanced at the door and I saw a handsome man. He stares at me, his stares are intimidating me. I looked away while I was putting the strands of my hair to the back of my ear. "I'm sorry ma'am, I'm late," he said. "It's okay Mr. Zamora," Miss Sanchez said. Oh! He is the one who Tiffany tells me? He is Kyle Light Zamora?! The son of the owner of this University? Omg! I heard his footsteps, and my eyes followed him. He sits at the front of my seat. I bit my lower lip.

"Ahm, Okay, kindly introduce yourself," I looked at Miss Sanchez before I nodded. "A pleasant morning to all of you, I'm Yvienna Keith Mendoza, 20 years old. I hope all of you will be a good friend of mine. That's all thank you!" They clapped their hands and I smiled sweetly at them. I looked at Kyle, he looked away when he saw me. What is his problem? I shrugged my shoulders before I walked back to my seat.





Yes! Finally! It's our break time! I looked at Tiffany when she stands up. "Let's go to the cafeteria," she said. I nodded before I stand up too. I'm so hungry, my tummy is groaning. We went out of our room and I'm enjoying to look around, this University is beautiful and clean. Tiffany stops walking so I also stop. She opened the door and I'm curiously looking at her. She went in and I just followed her. "Wow," I whispered. This is the cafeteria and it's big and clean. I shivered when I realized that this cafeteria has aircon. "Besty, look! There is a vacant table, I will go first! Follow me okay?" she said. "Okay," I was about to follow her when suddenly someone bumps into me. I felt cold when I felt that something fall on my blouse. I looked at my blouse and my eyes widened when it's already wet. I looked up and I glared at the woman who bumped into me. Who is she? I looked at her side and I saw a familiar face, she's the girl, the girl who called me a poor girl earlier. "Oppps sorry, I mean it." the girl who bumped me said. They rolled their eyes at me before they walked away. I sighed before I looked around to find my best friend. I saw from my peripheral view that someone's hand is waving at me. I looked at it and I saw Tiffany that is waving at me. I hurriedly went to her table. I sit before I let my eyes look around. I smirked when I saw the girl who bumps into me earlier. I raised my right eyebrow when I saw that their table is not too far from us.

"Wow! I thought you will slap their faces!" Tiffany said. "Just wait for a minute," I said.

I grabbed her empty plastic cup and she was curiously looking at me. I grabbed the bottle that contains soy sauce at the center of this table. I pour it into my empty plastic cup. I also saw containers that contain vinegar and fish sauce. I pour it into my plastic cup and I started to smell it. Ewww! Smells stinky! "What the hell is that?!" Tiffany asked. "Watch me," I said before I stood up. I walk towards the girl's table while I'm holding my plastic cup. I stop at the back of the girl who bumps into me earlier. I raised my hand that holding the plastic cup. I started to pour it on her head.

"What the fuck?! Yuck!" she screams.

I just flip my hair before I threw the plastic cup on their table. She hurriedly stood up and she's now glaring at me. I gasped when the witch holds my right arm. I smirked when I hold and twist her arm using my left hand. "Ouch!" she screams. I released her arm and I was about to walk away when she suddenly pushed me. "Shit!" I lose my balance, I closed my eyes and I was stunned when I felt someone caught me. I opened my eyes and I looked at him. I blink many times before I stand up straight. "Babe!" the witch shouted. My eyes widened when she runs towards Kyle and clings to his arm. "She's irritating me!" she said while glaring at me. I frowned at them. Babe? So, this witch is Kyle's girlfriend?!

"I'm not your babe," Kyle said before he walked away. I bit my lower lip to stop me from laughing. Oh, dear! This witch is not Kyle's girlfriend. "This is your fault! Looked! He left me!" she glared at me. I smirked at her. "Who's asking?" I asked sarcastically. "You're a bitch!" she shouted. "Looked who's talking," I smirked. "Do you know who am I?!" "Who are you?" I asked with sarcasm. I raised my right eyebrow before I crossed my arms.

"I'm Cassandra Soriano, Kyle's future wife so back off!" she said and it made me chuckled. "Oh dear, you're so desperate, stop daydreaming," her face is now color red. I looked around and I'm sure that we catch the attention of everyone. "Kyle's mother is my godmother so I can tell her to kick you out!" she shouted. "So? Do I look like I care?! I don't care if she is your godmother!"

"Ahh! You're a bitch!"

"Yes I'm a bitch and you are a witch!" I flip my hair before I waved my hand at her. "Bye witches!" I shouted before I went back to Tiffany. "Let's go, I lost my appetite," I said. "Okay, let's go," she hurriedly stands up. We get out of the cafeteria. We are currently walking in the hall when I heard some screams. Where is that? My curiosity is killing me! I looked at my side and I suddenly stop. "Why?" Tiffany asked. "What is that noise?" I asked. "It's nothing," she answered. She was about to walk when I hold her arm to stop her from walking. "I want to know! Please!" I pleaded. "Okay, okay, let's go." I smile widely while I was following her.

Eventually, we ended in a court? I saw many girls that are screaming. I walked closer and I saw men that are playing basketball. I walked closer again and I suddenly stop when someone caught my attention. That was Kyle! He's playing basketball with his friends. His friends are familiar to me because they are my block mates. I looked away when Kyle suddenly glanced at me. I looked at my side and I saw Tiffany that was already panting beside me. "Why are you panting?!" I asked. She hit my head. "Ouch!" I hissed. "You fool! You walked too fast!" "Oh really? I'm so sorry," I apologized.

She suddenly grabbed my arm and I gasped when she walks faster. I don't have a choice, so I let her bring me to what place she wants to go. "Hey!" I shouted. My feet are aching because she walks too fast. We stop at the front of the chairs of the basketball players. I saw Kyle that is already wiping his sweat. I looked away when he suddenly looked at me. Why is he always looking at me?!

"Hi, Tiffany!" my head turns to the boy who called my best friend. I smiled teasingly when I realized that it was Andrew. Tiffany hit me using her elbow. I looked at her innocently and she just shakes her head.