
I opened my eyes and I yawned. I stretch my arms before I enter my bathroom, I take a bath and after that, I wore my clothes. I was wearing a black off-the-shoulder top and a denim skirt. I went to my shoe rack and I was busy thinking about what should I wear? Sandals or rubber shoes?

"None of the above," I murmured.

I pick my brown ankle boots and I grabbed my sling bag. I went downstairs and I saw nobody. as usual, my parents are busy with their works. I flip my curly long hair before I went outside. Our driver was looking at me curiously. He looked at me head to toe. What the fuck is his problem?!

"Where are you going Señorita?" He asked.

"None of your business, give me the car keys," I said lazily.

"W-what? Your father will be angry at me if I give you the keys,"

"Stop that nonsense, my Dad taught me yesterday and he knew that I will use our car!"


"No buts, give me the keys, or else I will tell my Dad to fire you!"

His eyes widened, he gave the keys immediately and I quickly get into our car.

"Opened the gates!" I shouted. He hurriedly opened the gates.

I drove our car. I'm currently in a high way when someone catches my attention. I looked in the side mirror and I saw a white sedan car. It's irritating me because the beep from it is so loud! Arghh!

I'm just a newbie! It's natural for me to drive slowly because I'm just a beginner! But I was so thrilled to drive faster because of that bullshit car!

I drive faster and I frowned when I saw the white sedan car on my side. What the heck?! I can smell that the driver wants a race huh?! Okay! As you wish!

I drive as fast as I can and I saw the car behind me. Yes! I won! Haha!

After half an hour. I stop at the front of Tiffany's house. I saw her walking outside of their house. I wore my sunglasses before I get down from this car.

"Hey! let's go!" I said excitedly.

"I don't want to die! Be careful okay?"

"I don't want to die either! I promise I will be careful."

We get into the car and I started to drive. I frowned when she suddenly laughed.

"What?!" I irritatedly asked.

"I thought you are a fast learner, why are you so slow! Hahaha!"

Wait and see. My eyes widened when I saw again the white sedan car. You want another round huh?!

The car went beside me, I smirked before I drive faster as I can. Woohoo!

"AaaaHhhhhhhhh!!! Oh my gosh!!!! Ahhhh!!!" Tiffany screamed.

I laughed because of her reaction.

"You're teasing me earlier! Why are you so scared?! Hahaha!" I laughed.

I stopped the car at the parking lot of the Mall. The LTO office is beside this Mall so that I parked the car here. I looked at my side and I laughed when I saw her dumbfounded.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked but she didn't respond.

I poked her cheek and I gasped when her eyes widened while she's looking at me.

"You! Why did you do that! I think I have a trauma because of that!"

"You're so exaggerated! Let's go!"

I was about to open the door when I saw a familiar car that was parking beside me. The white sedan car?! Don't tell me that the driver of it wants a fight with me?! Oh, dear!

I quickly opened the door and I saw a familiar man that was already looking at me. He looked at me head to toe and my mouth forms a letter O.

What is he doing here?! I take off my sunglasses and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"You?!" he said.

"Wow! You're meant to be!" Tiffany teased.

"Don't you ever dare to fight with me okay?!" I rolled my eyes at him before I started to walked. I pulled Tiffany with me and I bit my lower lip when she shouted at Kyle.

"Bye Kyle! You and my best friend are good for each other!"

I hit her head.


I shake my head before I looked for the LTO office. We arrived there. Tiffany decided to wait for me outside.


We're currently walking and we entered Starbucks. We ordered frappe and muffins. After that, we find a table for us.

We're in the middle of eating when suddenly, she looked behind me.

"Hey, Kyle! Here!" she shouted.

I hit my forehead when I saw Kyle that was already sitting beside me. I sip on my frappe before I get up.

"Restroom," I said.

I went to the restroom and I curiously looked at the mirror. I don't know why I suddenly put powder and lipstick on my face. What's wrong with me?! Why am I doing these things?!

I touched my chest and I was curiously looking at my reflection when I felt my heart runs so fast. Why?! I suddenly remembered him. He's so handsome, oh my Kyle. Oh shit! What am I thinking?!

He's not handsome and I don't like him! I don't like him! I don't like him period!

"Arghhh!" I screamed.

I saw a girl that was already looking at me. I glanced at her and I raised my right eyebrow.

"What?! I know that I'm pretty so stop staring at me!" I said before I rolled my eyes at her.

She looked down and went outside. I breathe out before I looked again at my reflection. I opened my sling bag and I get my comb. I'm combing my hair when I remembered something.

Why am I doing this?! Am I crazy?! Arghhh! I put back my comb and I suddenly saw my perfume. I sprayed it to my whole body before I put it back. I close my bag and I went outside.

I chin up with a matching catwalk. I smirked when all of the people turn their heads at me. Yes, I know! I'm pretty duh!

I was about to sit when someone bumps at me. Oh shit!