National Bookstore

"What the heck?!" she shouted.

She looked at me head to toe. I just raised my right eyebrow at her before I looked down at her blouse that is already has a stain on the cake. I looked at her right hand and I saw that she was holding the plate with an ugly cake because it was already destroyed.

"Oh my goodness! Look! I'm a mess now! It's all your fault!" she shouted.

Who is she?! She doesn't have the right to shout at me! I looked at her angrily and I was about to walk away when she holds my arm.

"Don't touch me!" I said irritatedly.

"Don't you want to say something to me?! Remember, this is all your fault!"

I removed her hand from my arm before I crossed my arms.

"First of all, I'm not the one who was holding the plate that contains a delicious cake, and second, I don't want to waste my time talking to you. Remember, my time is very precious, unlike your face." I rolled my eyes at her and I was about to walk away when she suddenly blocked my way.

I looked around and I saw that all of the customers are looking at us.

"Say sorry to me!" she said.

"Why would I? For your information, you're the one that needs to say sorry to me because you bumped at me, and take note, you bumped into the goddess."

"How dare you?! You're a brat girl! You're so pretentious, ugly girl!"

My eyes widened, she's getting on my nerves! This bitch! I smirked before I hold the strand of her hair. I was playing with her hair when I suddenly stopped. I looked at her eyes, she was curiously looking at me. I looked down at her hands, I smirked when her hands trembling.

"W-what are y-you doing?" she asked.

I ignored her words, I hold her chin and I make her looked at my face.

"Am I ugly?" I asked.

I hold her chin tighter, I can see in her eyes that she's scared. Why? I thought she was a tough woman huh?

"N-no, you're not," she said.

"Really? I thought I'm ugly, you said it earlier right?"

She shakes her head. I pushed her before I fixed my hair. I smirked when she run away quickly. I went to our table, I was about to sit when I realized that all of the customers here are looking at me.

"All of you, stop staring at me!"

They looked away. I glanced at my best friend.

"Let's go, I want to buy some books," I said.

She nodded and she stood up immediately. I was about to walk when she called Kyle. Gosh!

"Come with us, you want?" she asked.

Kyle nodded, I sighed before I started to walk.

"H-hey! Yvienna wait!" Tiffany shouted.


We're currently walking inside of this Mall. I shake my head when I saw a girl staring at Kyle. I coughed when the girl asked him if she can take a picture with him. Gosh!

Is he an artist? Why he's so famous? It's that because of his looks? Oh gosh!

"Thank you," the girl said. I shake my head before I walked faster.

I stopped when I saw the National Bookstore. I looked at my side and I saw Tiffany and Kyle curiously looking at me.

I raised my eyebrow at them. What's their problem? Tiffany steps closer to me. She whispered to me and my eyes widened when she asked me if I'm jealous.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"You quickly walked away when someone asked Kyle if she can take a picture with hi-"

I quickly put my hand on her mouth.

"Lower your voice and stop that nonsense understand?"

She nodded, I looked at Kyle and he was curiously looking at us. I rolled my eyes at him before I went inside the National Bookstore.

I started to find books that I want. I looked at the higher bookshelf and I stopped when something catches my attention. Omg! My favorite book!

I tiptoe and I was about to get it when someone gets it first.

"Oops, sorry but I get it first," Kyle said.

I looked at him angrily. He's getting on my nerves!

"Give it back to me!"

I was about to get the book from his hand when he suddenly raised it. Oh gosh!

I tiptoe and I started to get the book from his hand when suddenly he lost his balance. Shit!


I blink many times before I looked at his face. I'm on his top and I froze when I looked at his eyes. I can say that his eyes hypnotizing me. I looked at his perfect eyelashes, down to his perfect nose and down to his perfect and pinkish lips.

I bit my lower lip while looking at it. I was stunned when I saw his adam's apple moved when he swallowed. I looked at his eyes and my heart melt when he was staring at me.

My eyes widened when he touched my cheek. My heart beats faster when his head moving closer to me. I swallowed when he looked down at my lips. I swallowed harder when he closed his eyes.

"Hey hey hey! Both of you! What are you doing huh?!"

I stand up quickly and I fake a cough. I looked at Tiffany and she was teasingly smiling at me. Ughh! This girl!

I looked at my side and I saw Kyle standing beside me. I awkwardly looked away when he looked at me. Argh! What did I do?! It's so embarrassing!

"Yvienna, here's your book," he said.

I looked at him. I rolled my eyes when he was giving me the book that I want.

"It's yours now, I don't want to hold it because it has germs from you ogre!" I shouted.

"Ogre? Why did you call me ogre?"

"Because you're ugly!"

"Really? But I remembered earlier, you were looking at my face for a long time, right?" he smirked.

"Blablablabla whatever!" I quickly walked away.

Aish! I hate him! I hate him! Ahhh!