
"Yes, Auntie...I'm with her...okay bye," she hangs up her phone. "Who's that?" I asked. "It's your mother, she asked me if I'm with you because you're not answering her calls," I frowned while I hurriedly get my phone. I gasped when I saw 20 missed calls from my Mom. Shit! I'm so sorry Mom. I look at Tiffany and her phone suddenly rings. "Hello? Yes, Mommy?... Okay, I'm going home now bye," she hangs up her phone. She hurriedly finished her burger before she fixed her things. "I have to go, my mother asked me to go home early, bye guys!" she waved her hands from us before she hurriedly walked away. "H-hey! Wait!" My shoulders fell when she ignored me. My eyes followed her until she went out. I sighed and I just sip on my ice tea.

What Am I doing now? I'm so unlucky. I left alone with this guy! I eat my fries lazily when suddenly Kyle sip on my ice tea. I glared at him and he just ignored me. "What are you doing?!" I hissed. "Drinking?" he said sarcastically. I clasp my hand, "Stop irritating me please!" I stood up and I grab my bag. I hurriedly went outside and I gasped when I looked at my back. "Stop following me!" I walked faster but I failed to get away from him. He still following me. I stop walking and I faced him. "What is your problem? Can't you see that I'm irritated because of you?! Are you blind?!" I shouted with anger. We catch the attention of everyone and I feel guilty when he looked down. He walks faster and he didn't wait for me. He left me! I felt guilty, Am I too harsh to him? I don't know why I run to him. I hold his arm to stop him from walking but he just ignored me and he removed my hand to his arm. He walks faster, and it's irritating me. Why is he ignoring me?! Should I apologize to him?! But it's not my thing to apologize to a guy!

I saw him at the door of this Mall. I sighed before I run faster just to follow him. My eyes widened when he stop from walking, I take a deep breath before I started to shout at him.

"Hey! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! Please forgive me!" I know that I get people's attention but I don't care if they are laughing at me. I run to him, his back is facing me and he didn't look at me. I put my hand on his arm and he just removed it. My blood raises, and I can feel that at any time I will burst my anger. I'm so dumb, why did I apologize to him in front of so many people?! He walks away from me and I saw that people are murmuring to each other. It's so embarrassing. I knew that they were talking about me. "Hey, Kyle! I don't care if you didn't forgive me! Who are you to ignore a Goddess like me?! I just waste my time on you! I'm regretting that I saw you! Idiot! Dumb! Bitch!" I shouted. I run to my car and I hurriedly open the door. I started the engine and my eyes widened when it stops. What will I do?! I try to start again my car but it's not moving! I looked outside and I saw Kyle. He is lying at the door of his car. He sighed before he walks closer to my car. He knocked on the window and I don't know why I open the door. "Do you need help?" he asked. "I don't need your help!" I was about to close the door when he stopped it. "Okay, fine I'm so sorry because I ignored a Goddess like you," he teased. "Are you making fun of me?!" I gritted my teeth. "Of course not! Why would I make fun of a Goddess like you?" I closed my eyes while I'm taking a deep breath. He is getting on my nerves! "So, how can I help you?" he asked. I want to go home so I don't have a choice, I need his help. I looked at him, "My car didn't move," I said. He moves closer and he looked at the fuel. "Your gas is empty," he said. I smell his mint breathe and he unexpectedly looked at me. My heart beats so fast, I think I need to go to my doctor tomorrow. My heart is not normal. "You can get into my car, I will drive you home," he said. I don't know why I nodded at him. He moved away from me and he started to walk closer to his car. He opened the door of his car and I know that he is waiting for me to get into his car. I sighed before I get my phone, I texted my driver to get my car here. I get my bag and I hurriedly went out. I knew that our driver has extra keys to my car or should I say my father's car. I sit at the front seat of Kyle's car. He closed the door before he sits in the driver's seat. He suddenly looked at me. I froze when he moves closer to me. I closed my eyes and I heard that he buckled my seatbelt. I opened my eyes and he chuckled, I felt like someone poured cold water on me. "Are you expecting me to kiss you?" he chuckled. "Of course not!" I looked away and he immediately moves away from me. He starts the engine and he drives peacefully. I jump when his phone suddenly rings. I looked at him and I saw that he bits his lower lip when he answered the call. "Yes baby, I'm going home," I froze when I heard that. Baby? Does he have a girlfriend? "Yes baby, I love you too, bye!" he said on the phone before he hangs up. He looked at me and I hurriedly looked outside. I felt like someone is pinching my heart. I just forced myself to close my eyes so that I will forget this pain that I'm feeling now. "Where is your home?" he asked to cut the silence. I frowned at him. "Why are you asking?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm asking because I don't know where I will drop you," he chuckled. I bit my lower lip before I looked at him. Oh shit! It's so embarrassing! What Am I thinking?! I tell him my home address before I looked away. I don't want to look at him because I'm so embarrassed.

The silence is roaming the car. The car stop, I hurriedly opened the door, I was about to enter our house when he suddenly went out to his car. "Hey! Is that all? No thank you?" he said. I turn my back and I face him. I realized that it's already dark. I smiled at him forcibly. Saying thank you is not my thing, but for his sake, I will thank him. "Thank you," I said. I frowned when he lends me his brown bag. "What's that?" I asked. "My present?" he replied. "But why?" My right eyebrow raised when he gets my hand and he put the brown bag on my hand. "I have to go bye!" He gets into his car and he started the engine. I frowned when the car didn't move, the window of his car get down. "Good night, I wish that you will dream of me when you sleep," he said. "No, I don't want to! It's a nightmare for me!" He just chuckled before his car moves. My eyes followed his car until his car gone to my sight. I went inside our house and I don't know why I smiled widely.