Am I in love with him?

I'm currently in our sala when suddenly someone throws a pillow on me. "You! Who permitted you to race on the highway?!" My mother shouted at me. She's glaring at me and she was about to throw another pillow when I hurriedly went closer to her. "I'm so sorry Mommy, I will not do it again, forgive me please!" I pleaded. She froze and curiously looked at me. I looked at her back and I saw our maids and our driver. Their eyes are all widened. Did I say something wrong? I just say sorry to my Mother, what's wrong with that? I frowned when my mother checks my temperature on my forehead using the back of her hand. "What did you eat? Are you okay? Are you sick?" she asked continuously. I chuckled while removing her hand on my forehead. "I'm okay Mommy, is there something wrong to apologize to you?" I asked. She hurriedly shakes her head. "Of course not, there's nothing wrong with that but I'm not used to it. As I remembered, you never apologize to me that's why I'm so shocked." I smiled at her. "I'm so sorry Mommy if I didn't apologize to you before, I'm going upstairs," I said. She nodded and I went to my room.

I put my bag on my table and I suddenly looked at the brown bag that Kyle gave me. I curiously looked at it. Why did he give me a present? I sighed before I opened it. My eyes widened when I saw my favorite book. Oh my gosh! I jumped in happiness. I screamed because of my happiness. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Kyle! I want to thank him but It's too late. Maybe I can thank him tomorrow at University. I'm so happy while reading the book, my smile faded slowly when I remembered that he called someone baby on his phone. Who called him earlier? Is it true that she has a girlfriend? I closed the book and I immediately put it on the table. Why did he give me a present even if he has a girlfriend? Is he a playboy? I knew it. He is like my ex-boyfriend. That scumbag! All boys are the same! They are all cheaters! First, they will court you, and if they are already your boyfriend, they will find another girl. They are not contented in one girl.

I jump to my bed. I forcibly closed my eyes, I want to sleep but I can't. Kyle's face is always flashing on my mind when I'm closing my eyes. Arghhh! What did he do to me? I touched my chest and my heart beats so fast. I hurriedly get up and I get my phone in my bag. I was about to call Tiffany when I suddenly remember that how my mother knows that I race on the highway? This brat! I tap the call button and she answered it. "You brat girl! Did you tell my mother that I got a race on the highway?!" I asked on the phone. "I'm so sorry besty, my tongue slipped when she asked me how's your driving, please forgive me," I sighed. "Okay, but can I asked you a question?" I asked. "Of course, what is it?" I was confused, I don't know why my heart beats so fast, in this situation, the only one I needed is her. "Why my heart beats so fast when I always get closer or see Kyle?" I asked. "Pffff! Hahaha!" she laughed. "Why are you laughing?!" I'm pissed. "Okay, okay, the answer is very simple," she tried to be serious. "So? What's the answer?" "You are in love with him," she said which makes me stunned. "R-really?" I stuttering. "I have to go, bye!" she hangs up the phone. I slowly put down my phone on the table. I felt like someone took my soul. I don't know if I will believe in Tiffany. Is it true that I'm in love? Shocks!

I let my body fall on the bed. I hugged my pillow tighter, I'm biting my lower lip while looking at the air. "Ouch!" Shit! I think I bit my lower lip harder. I touched my lip, "Am I in love with him?" I roll on my bed. Arghh! I want to sleep! Why is he always bothering me even in my mind?! Yes, he is handsome, tall, and has perfect lips but is it true that I'm in love with him?! I get up and I hurriedly went down. It's dark, where is my mother? Maybe she's now sleeping. I went closer to the switch of the light. I switched on the light and I went to our kitchen. I opened our refrigerator and I grab the pitcher. I poured water on the glass and I hurriedly drink it. Am I really in love with him? Is this for real? "Hey!" I jumped and the glass that I was holding fell on the floor. The noise from the glass roamed our kitchen. "What's that noise?!" I looked at the stairs and I saw my mother looking at me. "I'm so sorry," Yaya Mirna said. I looked at her and she is trembling. "I-if I didn't talk maybe the glass will not fell," she's stuttering. I sighed, I was about to go to her but I screamed when I take a step. "Ahhhh!" I looked at my foot and I felt scared when I saw blood. My foot is bleeding! I'm walking barefoot, I'm not aware that I step on the crystals from the glass. Shit! "Yvienna!" my mother shouted. My hands trembling while I was looking at my foot. I hate blood! I felt dizzy, I looked at my mother and I saw her get blurred. I looked around but it's also blurred. "Senorita!" Yaya Mirna shouted before my sight gets blurred. I heard the noise but I don't know who's shouting. I felt like someone pushes me, I can't stand up because I felt like someone is pulling me from my back. I forced myself to stand straight but everything went black.