
I slowly opened my eyes, I touched my head in dizziness. I felt dizzy, my sight is blurry so that I blink many times until my sight clear gradually. The ceiling is facing me, I looked around and I get up quickly when I realized that I'm not familiar with this place. "Where Am I?" I felt like something is glued on the back of my hand. I looked at it and I saw that it is dextrose. I heard the doors open. "Yvienna, you're awake! Thanks, God!" I hurriedly glanced at the door and I saw my mother that is running towards me. "Are you okay my darling?" she asked and I nodded. A smile appears on my lips, I'm touched because I saw how my mother worried because of me. I felt at ease, I know I'm too selfish when I want to lose consciousness every day. I always want to feel like this. I felt like I'm protected. " Are you hungry?" she asked. "Yes, Mommy." she hurriedly opened the paper bag that she was holding, she took out a lunch box. She opened it and she gets a spoon. I was about to get it from her but she stops me. "I will feed you," she said. My heart flutters and a wide smile appears on my lips.

"I'm full Mommy," I said. "How's your foot?" she asked. I looked at my foot which is wrapped by the bandage wrap. " I can't feel the pain, Mommy," I said. "Should I tell your professor that you can't come to your class today?" I hurriedly shake my head, "No Mommy, I can come to my class today, what time is it?" I asked. "It's already 3:00 am," she answered. "Are you sure that you can go to your class today?" she asked worriedly. I smiled at her to assured her that I'm fine. "Be careful okay?" "Okay, Mommy," she kissed me on my forehead. "Mommy, can I go home? I want to rest," she pats my head. "I will ask the doctor," she went out. I'm finally lying on my bed, I'm so happy that the doctor let me go home. I felt a little pain when I'm walking but I can endure it, I don't want my Mother to get worried because of me. I want to assure her that I'm fine. I slowly closed my eyes, I felt sleepy.

I'm sweating while running, it's too dark, I can't see anything. Tears are falling on my cheeks. I'm so scared, I looked at my back and I saw men chasing me. I suddenly stumbled because of a rock. "Get up," her voice is so cold. I slowly looked up and my eyes widened when she directs her gun on me. "Noooo!!!" I screamed. "Yvienna! Yvienna! Wake up!" I immediately opened my eyes. I felt so hot, I'm sweating and I'm panting. "Are you alright?" Mommy asked. I hurriedly get up and I hugged her tightly. "I had a nightmare," I said. I felt that my hands are trembling. What's that nightmare all about? "It's alright Yvienna, Mommy is here so don't worry," she hugged me too. I sighed and I felt relieved. "I will cook your breakfast, take a bath now," she said. I loosen the hug and I forced myself to smile. "Okay, Mommy," she went out.

My smile faded when I remembered my nightmare. It's so scary, I stood up and I entered my bathroom. I removed my clothes and I slowly went into the bathtub. I'm looking into the air while thinking about my nightmare. I shake my head before I continued to take a bath. I'm currently eating my breakfast, I don't have an appetite but I forced myself to eat because my Mother cooked this food for me. "Yvienna," I looked at my Mother. "Yes, Mommy?" "Don't think about your nightmare, it will not come true okay? Just be happy, don't mind your nightmare." I smiled at her. "Thanks, Mom," I stood up and I went closer to her. "I'm going now," I kissed her cheek. "Bye! Be careful," she said. I went outside and I hurriedly get into the car. I sighed, I think my mother is right, I shouldn't mind it. I closed my eyes and I breathe heavily, "I will forget it," "What will you forget señorita?" I opened my eyes and I saw our driver sitting in the driver's seat. "Just drive," I hissed.

The car stopped at the front of the University. I get out of this car and I already saw Tiffany. "Hey, besty! Is your foot alright?" she shouted. I hurriedly went closer to her. "Lower your voice," I hissed. "Ouch!" I look at my foot, I should not walk faster! "Are you alright? Why are you wearing your shoes, you should wear slippers!" "I'm alright, just shut your mouth! Let's go," she pouted before we started to walked. We are now walking in the hall when someone emerges at my face. "Hi, Yvienna!" Kyle said. I hold my breath when I saw him. My heart bit so fast when he moved closer to me. "Do you like my present to you yesterday?" he asked. "What present?" Tiffany asked. I glared at her but she just smiled at me teasingly. "G-get out of my way," I looked at Kyle. "Why are you stuttering?" He asked. "Just get out of my way!" I pushed him and I walk faster. Why my heart beats so fast when I saw him. I jumped when someone grabs my arm. "Why are you running?" he asked. I looked at his eyes, my chest throb and my heart is pounding like it wants to get out from my body. "Are you blushing?" he teased. I felt shy but I bravely looked into his eyes. "I'm not!" I removed his hand from my arm and I hurriedly get away from him. I ran to our classroom, I heard Tiffany is calling me but I didn't look at her. I don't want to see Kyle, I don't want to feel how I felt when I saw him. I don't want my heart to beats so fast because of him. I hurriedly sit down on my seat. I felt pain in my foot. I was about to remove my shoe when Tiffany called me. "Yvienna! Are you alright?" she asked worriedly before she sits down beside me. "Yeah, I'm fine,"