
"How's your foot?" she asked. "It hurts," I hurriedly took off my shoe and my eyes widened when my foot is covered by the blood. "Oh my, let's go to the clinic," Tiffany said. I nodded at her. She stood up and she was about to help me stand up when somebody interrupted us. "Hey Yvienna, why did you run away from me?" Kyle asked. He looked at me down to my foot and his eyes widened. "Stand up Yvienna, I will carry you," he said but I immediately shake my head. " I can go by myself," I stand up and I feel pain, I gasp when he suddenly carry me in bridal style. "What are you doing?!" I can feel that we get all of the attention of our block mates. Kyle started to walk while carrying me, I grumble while he was walking until... "Shut your mouth or else I will let you fall," He warned me. I zip my mouth, I saw him smirked but I better shut my mouth or else I will fall.

He places me on the patient's bed and he immediately calls the nurse, "What happened?" the nurse asked. Kyle pointed my foot and the nurse shock. She hurriedly gets the bandage wrap and so on. "You should not wear shoes," she said while covering my foot with bandage wrap. " I don't want to," I rolled my eyes. The nurse sigh while Kyle chuckled. "Seems that I need to carry you until you go home," he teased. I felt my heartbeat is beating so fast. I slap my forehead, why is this happening to me?! "Nurse, where are the slippers? I will wear it," I said. "Okay, I will look for it, wait here," she walks away. Kyle followed the nurse, I cross my arms while my eyes are following him. "Seems that the nurse is Kyle's girlfriend huh?" I murmured. I rolled my eyes and look around. I fix my hair when I heard footsteps. "I'm sorry but there are no slippers in here, I think you need Kyle's help," she said. "No way!" I glanced at Kyle and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Don't mind her nurse, she can walk barefoot, I gotta go bye," he said. I immediately look at my poor feet. I need to eat my pride, this is for my feet' sake! "Kyle wait!" I shouted. He looks at me and he raises his eyebrows, "What?" "I-i need your help," I said in a low tone. "Okay," he walks towards me and he carried me gently.

We went out of the clinic and I can feel that all of the students are looking at us. I don't have a choice, I squeeze my face on Kyle's chest. I felt shy but I can endure it because I need to hide my face. My heart is beating so fast, I'm sweating cold, I felt hot and at the same time, I felt cold. What's happening to me? "I will drive you to your home," he said in a low tone. I nodded before I squeeze again my face on his chest. I heard mumbles from students. I don't want them to see me like this. This is so embarrassing. Kyle stops walking, I look at him, "Why did you stop?" I asked. He looked at my side and I also look at it. I bit my lower lip when I saw that we are now at the side of his car. He opens the door of his car and he places me on the front seat. He closed the door and he sits on the driver's seat. "It seems that you're enjoying my chest earlier?" He smirked. "Of course not! Stop being confident to yourself moron!" he went closer to me, the time stop when he looked into my eyes. I blink many times and I was about to close my eyes when I heard that he buckled my seatbelt. He moves away and he started to drive. I felt sleepy so I let my eyes closed.

I felt like someone is touching my face, I slowly open my eyes and I smile when I saw a handsome face. "What a handsome face," I murmured. He smirked and he flicked my forehead. My eyes widened when I realize what's happening. Oh my! You're so embarrassing Yvienna! I hurriedly unbuckled my seat belt and went out. I felt the pain in my foot. I forgot my shoe in our room while the other one is in the clinic. I'm on my barefoot! I gasped when someone suddenly carried me. "Why did you stand up? What if your foot will cause you pain again huh? You should be careful," I daze at him. I can hear my heartbeat. It's too loud, I hope that he can't hear it. My eyes locked on his eyes. I don't know why I can't do anything. Is he worried for me? I thought he has a girlfriend, why is he doing this to me? "Oh! Yvienna!" wait! That's my mom's voice! I hurriedly look at her and I saw her eyes widened. "Are you alright my darling?" She asked worriedly. "Ma'am I should place her inside of your house," Kyle said. "Sure! Sure! Come in!" Mom's voice is full of energy. Kyle started to walk and he places me on our couch. "I will go home Ma'am," he said politely. "Wait, It's embarrassing if I let you go home now, do you want a cup of tea, coffee, or juice?" Mommy asked. "Anything will do Ma'am," "Please have a seat and don't call me Ma'am, Just call me Auntie or Mom," Mommy chuckled. "Mom!" I hissed. "Just wait here Mr?" she ignored me. "I'm Kyle Zamora Ma'am," my mother's right eyebrow raised. "Aunt," Kyle awkwardly chuckled. "Just wait here okay?" Mommy hurriedly went to our kitchen. "You should go home!" I said irritatingly. "How polite you are," he said with sarcasm. "Don't you want to thank me?" he said. "For what?!" thank you for making my heart beats so fast? No way! "I carried you all the way and my arms felt numb," he massaged his arms. "It's your fault," I rolled my eyes.


"What did you say?" I asked. I didn't hear it. He looks at me with a shock on his face. "I didn't say anything!" why is he acted like that? He's being defensive. "Okay, fine moron," "Who's moron?!" Mommy asked. I look at her and I felt nervous when I saw swords in her eyes. "I'm the moron M-mommy," I gulped. "Here's your juice Kyle, drink it, I made it for you," she smiles sweetly. "How about me Mommy?" she gives me a glass of water. "What's this?!" I asked. "Water? Drink it, it is for your health," she said and she walks away.