I'm in love with you

I heard him chuckled. I glared at him and he just pretends that he didn't see me. I sighed and I just forced myself to drink this water. I want to drink that juice! I glanced at him and I saw him drinking juice. His Adam's apple move when he swallowed. He bit his lower lip and glanced at me. "Do you want?" he asked. I look at the glass and I swallowed hard. I strained myself to look away. I heard him chuckled. I felt that he moves closer to me, I pursed my lips. "Do you want?" he asked again. I shake my head and I let myself drink water. I strained to closed my eyes when I smell his scent.

"M-move away," I said. He didn't move and I got annoyed. I looked at him and his eyebrows waggled. "Stop messing with me!" I said irritated. "I'm not doing anything," I rolled my eyes and I was about to stand up when he holds my wrist. He pulls me and my eyes widened when I fell on his lap. "Kyle, here is your-" my mother froze when she saw us. "O-oh wait I forgot something," she immediately went to the kitchen. I felt shy, it's so embarrassing! I was about to stand up when I felt his arms encircled on my tummy. My time stop. My heart beats so fast. I froze when he hugged me tighter. I can feel the beat of his heart on my back. I didn't know what will I do. This scene can't sink into my brain. I felt scared because I feel this feeling again. My heart beats so fast and I can feel some butterflies on my tummy.

"I think I'm in love," he breaks the silence. My eyes rounded, I felt shivers when he moves his lip closer to my ear. "I'm in love with you," he said which makes me shivered. I use my full strength to remove his arms from my tummy. I stand up and I felt pain in my foot. He looks at me worried. He holds my wrist and makes me sit on his side. I look up when he stands up and went to our kitchen. What happens earlier? Why did he hug me? I thought he has a girlfriend? He's like my ex-boyfriend, all boys are all the same. they are all cheater! I clasp my hand when I saw Kyle holding a bandage wrap and first aid kit. He kneeled and he holds my foot. "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked. He just ignored me. I removed my foot from his hand, His jaw tightened. "You don't have to do that, I can call my nurse, you can go home," I said. He looks at me and I raised a brow. He sighed and get up.

"Call me if you need anything," he said. "I don't need anything and I don't need you either," He looked at me and I look away from him. I heard his footsteps. My eyes followed him walking away. I sighed when he was gone from my eyes. I felt guilty but this is the right thing to do. He has a girlfriend. I don't want her girlfriend to get hurt like me. I know what it feels when your boyfriend cheated on you. From now on, I need to ignore him. I don't want to grow my feelings from him. I know that I can stop this feeling. I don't want to be a slut that snatches the boyfriend of another girl. I'm not a snake.

I lie down and I closed my eyes. Maybe, I need a nap. I'm so exhausted. I woke up when someone poking my face. "What?!" I gritted my teeth. Dad chuckled. Oh? The one who poking my face is my Dad. "How are you my darling?" he asked. "I'm fine Dad," he looked at my foot. "I already call a nurse, I let her check your foot even if you're asleep," Our conversation stop when my tummy growl. My face turned red when Daddy laugh. "I guess you're hungry, your food is on the table," he said. He helps me get up and I walk carefully. I didn't feel much pain from my foot. He guided me to the chair and he helps me to sit.

"Dad, Can I not go to school for 1 week?" I asked. "No problem, I will tell your professor that your foot is not okay," "Thanks, Dad!" I heard footsteps and we both look at it. "Oh, you're awake my daughter," Mom's said. "Are you okay?" she added. I nodded and I started to eat. I'm currently lying on my bed. I'm looking to the ceiling. I was shocked when my phone ring. I reach my phone from the side and I tap the answer button when I saw Tiffany's name.

[Hello besty? Are you okay?] she asked.

[Yeah, why did you call?]

[I heard that you will not go to school for 1 week?]

[Yeah, you should write all the topics and send it to me alright?]

[What if I don't want to?]

[Then, find another friend, ]

[I'm just kidding, I'm going to sleep, bye!]

I chuckled when she hangs up the call. My smile faded when I remember what Kyle said to me earlier. He is in love with me? How come? Did he felt out of love with his girlfriend? What a cheater, playboy, scumbag, moron! He's just like my ex-boyfriend. I hate all men! They are all cheaters! Heartbreakers! I don't want to fall in love again. I don't want to feel pain again. I don't want my heart to break apart again. My heart is like a glass. It's fragile. Glass must hold carefully so that it will not fall and break apart. Just like my heart, my heart needs a hand that will hold it carefully. My heart needs proper care. I'm fragile but my ex-boyfriend takes off his hand. He let me go, he didn't fulfill his promises. He promises me that he will not hurt me. I'm so idiot that I believed in that jerk. I just want to forget that bad memory. He's my first love but I believe that true love is more powerful than first love. I'm still finding my true love but I'm so scared to fall in love again. I don't want myself to fall in love with another man. I will just focus on my studies. My mother once said, when I grow up, I must find my Ken. For her, I'm the most precious barbie. I thought that my ex-boyfriend is my Ken. I'm so wrong to love that man. I don't need a Ken because I'm not a barbie. I don't believe in happy endings. The happy ending is just for fantasy.