I love you

I woke up. I stretched my arms while I'm yawning. I move my foot and I didn't feel so much pain. One week passed, how time flies. I stand up and I let myself enter my bathroom. I took a bath and I fix myself. I'm now on my way downstairs. The smell of the hot coffee is lingering on my nose. "Oh, darling, you're awake, come here and eat your breakfast," Mommy guided me on the chair. A smile appeared on my face. I eat my breakfast. It's delicious! I burp when I finished my food. Mommy chuckled and I felt shy. I stand up and my mother handed my bag to me. "Thanks, I'm going now!" I wave my hand at her before I step outside of our house. I saw our driver, I smiled at him when our eyes met. I get into our car and our driver drives gently.

I'm in a good mood today. I happily get off into our car. I wave my hand at him before he drives away. Woo! Finally, I'm in front of our University. I was about to step inside when a familiar scent hugged my nose. My eyes find where does the scent from. My face paled when I saw a familiar face. He walks closer to me and he smiles. "How's your foot?" he asked. My heart thudding so bad. It robbed my oxygen and my knees were trembling. My smile on my face faded slowly. Why is Kyle always talking to me? "Don't ruin my good mood understand?" I rolled my eyes at him. I walk faster to avoid him and I run when I saw our room. I hurriedly went in and I sit on Tiffany's side.

"Oh, are you okay?" she asked and I nodded. My sweat falling on my cheek. I gulp when I feel the presence of Kyle on my side. I look up and he was standing while reading my face. He sighed and he put his handkerchief on the table. "Wipe your sweat," he said before he walks away. My eyes followed him. He sits on the front row and I look away when he looks back at me. I stared at the handkerchief that he put on my table. Tiffany grabs it and she wipes my sweat. I was about to talk when our professor came in. Our lesson started and after that, we went to our next subject. I'm sitting between Kyle and Tiffany. We have the same schedules. I saw in my peripheral view that Kyle is staring at me. I want to argue with him. I want to shout at him but I just need to ignore him. I want him to feel irritated because of me. I want him to lose his attention to me. If he doesn't have a girlfriend, then I probably shouting at him today but he has a girlfriend. I want him to focus on his girlfriend, not on me. I admitted that I'm happy when he's irritating me. I don't know why. I'm happy when we are laughing, I'm happy when he is always following and talking to me. I'm happy when he is concerned with me. I'm happy with his presence but this happiness needs to stop. It's early to ignore him. I need to ignore him before I fall in love with him.

The ring bells. I stand up and I hang my arm on Tiffany's shoulder. "Let's eat," I said. She nodded and we went to the cafeteria. I didn't see Kyle. I don't want to see him. We ordered our food and we find a table for us. "There!" Tiffany pointed to the vacant sits and table. We sit there and we're about to eat when someone sits on my side. "What are you doing here?" I glared at him. "I want to eat with you," he said. I clasp my fist and I was about to let my anger out when someone calls him. "Kyle!" I beautiful woman waving at him. She's walking towards us. "Baby!" Kyle smiled widely before he hurriedly stands up. He hugged her and they snatched the attention of every student. Is she the girlfriend of Kyle? She's so pretty. Her long black hair is waving on her back. She has white and soft skin. She's like a model. She has dimples on her cheeks. She smiled sweetly at him before they walk away. I feel a pain in my heart. A pain that almost made me cry. A pain that slaps me from the reality that maybe, Kyle is just flirting with me. Maybe, she is longing for her girlfriend so that he uses his attention on me. Maybe, he didn't mean his words to me. He didn't mean that he falls in love with me. What a liar.

"Smells like someone is jealous," I glared at Tiffany. What is she talking about?! Is she talking to me?! I'm not jealous! Who is he?! Why would I jealous because of him?! "I'm not!" I gritted my teeth. "Oops, relax besty," she chuckled. I lost my appetite. I'm not hungry. I stand up and I was about to walk when Tiffany holds my arm. "Let's go!" We are now sitting and listening to our professor. I didn't see Kyle. He didn't attend his classes. Maybe, he is on a date with his girlfriend. Time flies and all our classes are done. Tiffany goes home and I'm all alone standing in front of the University. I message my driver that he doesn't need to go here. I can go home by myself. I let my feet walk wherever they want. I just found myself standing in front of a tree. "Hey!" someone pokes my cheek. I irritatedly look at him and my eyes rounded when I saw Kyle. "Why are you here?" I asked. "I drive Baby to our home," he said. A long silence appeared. Why is it so painful whenever he talks about his girlfriend? Why is he here talking to me after sending his girlfriend to his home?! "Why are you here?!" I gritted my teeth. His eyes widened. His eyes are frisky. "What?" He asked. I pushed him and I pointed at him. "Why are you here?! Why are you always following me?! Why you're so concerned to me?! Just why?! You have a girlfriend right?! Your girlfriend is the girl who called you earlier! You called her baby right?!" I clasp my fist while I'm breathing heavily. My face screwed when he laughed. Why is he laughing?! I gulp when he walks closer to me, he is laughing but he bit his lower lip to stop him from laughing. "You're so idiot my love," he said which makes me shivered. He gently touched my chin and he robbed my stares. "She's my cousin, her name is Baby Anne so that I called her baby," he chuckled. I felt my cheeks turn red. Omg! It's so embarrassing! He smiled and I felt his lips on my forehead. I felt like my feet are all numb. I don't know what will I do. He only kisses my forehead but it sends me goosebumps. My heart is racing and I can feel that something wants to go out from my tummy. I froze when he hugged me. He gently touched my hair and I sniffed his scent. He chuckled and he hugged me tighter. "I love you," he whispered.