Arrange Marriage

I can't move my body. I don't know what to do. I just let him hugged me. I don't know if I'm ready to have a boyfriend again. I don't know. Am I ready for a relationship? Will I let myself enter a risky love? Love is not all about happiness. Love is not complete if there is no sadness. He frees me from his hug, he holds my shoulders, and he makes my eyes focused on his eyes.

"Can I drive you home?" he asked in a husky tone. I nodded and a big smile appeared on his face.

I let him holds my hand while we're walking. He opened the door of his car and he let me sit in the front seat. He turned and he sits on the driver's seat. I buckled my seatbelt and he does the same. We smiled at each other before he started the engine. We are in the middle of the way when we see raindrops. The window is full of raindrops. I looked at him and he's so amazed by the rain outside. I felt his hand creeping on my left hand. He holds my hand and he drives happily. I chuckled and I felt likewise. When he's happy, I'm happy too. It's hard for me if I see his tears. I'm just thinking it and it makes my heart thud. "Here we are," he breaks the silence. He gets out first and he hurriedly went to our gate. It's raining, his clothes are wet. He hurriedly gets an umbrella from our driver and he runs to open the door of this car for me. He opens the umbrella and he gently holds my hand. He guided me inside the house and we saw my mother sitting on the couch. She glanced at us and he hurriedly stands up and goes upstairs. What's her problem? I looked at Kyle and we were both shocked when we heard footsteps. I looked to our front and I saw my mother holding a towel. I thought that she will give it to me but it turns out that her child is Kyle. My face is blank while watching my mother wiping Kyle's clothes. "Change your clothes, follow me," she said. Kyle looked at me before he follows my mother upstairs. "Am I a ghost to her?" I murmured. I just rolled my eyes and I don't have a choice. I followed them and I saw my mother giving Daddy's shirt and shorts to Kyle. She pushed Kyle to the bathroom and she turned her back. She's so shocked when she saws me. "Oh, darling, are you okay?" she runs towards me and she gently touched my hair. "Yes of course Mommy," I said. "Get change my daughter," she said. I entered my room and I hurriedly change my clothes. I wore a big printed white shirt and a pair of black shorts. I tie my hair into a ponytail and I put some powder on my face. I also put a bit of lip tint on my lips and I sprayed my victoria's secret vanilla perfume on my whole body. I looked at my reflection in my mirror and I smiled. I walk downstairs with elegance and I saw Kyle sitting on our couch. I can smell hot coffee. I saw my mother putting two cups of coffee on our center table. She watched Kyle sip on the coffee before she went to our kitchen.

Kyle looked up and he coughed when he saw me. "Hey! Are you okay?!" I run and hurriedly sit closer to him. My mother brought a glass of water and she gives it to him. He drinks it and I sigh with relief when he put the glass on the table. "Are you okay?" My mother asked him. Kyle nodded. I heard my mother's footsteps. My eyes followed her enter our kitchen. I looked at Kyle and his eyes widened. What's his problem? "What?" I asked. "Nothing," he sips on his coffee. I get the other one that is on the center table and I sip on my coffee. I hurriedly put it back on the center table when my tongue burnt. "Hey, are you okay?" he hurriedly holds my chin and he makes my head turned to him. I let out my tongue and I almost cried while pointing to it. "You should be careful, coffee is not a juice okay?" He gives me the glass of water that he used a while ago. I drink it and I can't feel much pain on my tongue. "Eat these cookies," my mother put the bowl full of cookies on the center table. I looked at her and she looked at me worriedly. "Is your tongue burnt?" she asked. "I'm okay now Mommy," I grabbed a cookie and I hurriedly eat it. She nodded and she went upstairs.

I grabbed another one of the cookies and I put it on Kyle's mouth. He chuckled before he eats it. Time flies and now he's gone. He's now in his home and I'm now lying on my bed. I'm so tired today. I let myself sleep. I heard my alarm clock. I woke up and I started to take a bath. I'm now happily walking inside of the University. I don't know why I'm so happy. Maybe, I can see Kyle, my inspiration. I bit my lower lip to hide my smile. I stopped when someone blocking my way. I smirked when I saw Cassandra. The witch. Does she want a fight? "I heard that Kyle drives you home yesterday huh?" her eyes are full of anger. "And so?" I asked listlessly. She gritted her teeth. She looks up at me and her eyes are full of swords. I'm not scared. "I'm his future wife, I'm his first love, he just wants me to feel jealous because I joked to him that I have a boyfriend, my parents and his parents agreed to have an arranged marriage between me and him, you're just a toy to him, he just wants to play around before we got married," she smirked. I breathe heavily. I was so shocked at what I heard. Half of me wants to believe in her but half of me doesn't believe in her. Is it true? "After we graduated, we will have a big grand wedding, and I will assure you that you are invited," she smirked before she walks away. I felt like something breaks apart in my heart. I felt like someone pushed me and I fell on the very high building. I shake my head. I must not get fooled by him. He's just my ex, he just wants to make fun of me. They thought that my heart is just a toy. I'm a person too, I got hurt and I'm crying too. I will not let Kyle hurt me. He's just fooling me. I'm not dumb.