First Kiss

I'm facing the ground while I'm walking. I don't know what will I do. I just feel that my soul came out from my body. I'm numb. I just want to be alone. "Ouch!" I touched my forehead when I bumped into someone. "Hey, are you alright?" I looked up and my vision darkened when I saw him. I clenched my fist and my jaw tightened when he smiles at me. What a disgusting smile. "Why are you not looking on your way?" he was about to touch my forehead when I step back. He gives me a questioning look but my face is blank. I entered my room and I heard that he was calling me but I just ignored him. I know your purpose. You're a liar jerk. You're in love with Cassandra and you're just using me to make her jealous. I hate you, Kyle! I cursed you to death. Maybe, you don't know me well. I'm not an easy girl that you can use anytime. I'm Yvienna and I promise that no one will hurt me again. I'm a brat. I'm bratty. I have a bad attitude so it's obvious that no one will in love with a girl like me. I'm so dumb that I almost believe that Kyle is in love with me.

"What's wrong with your face?" Tiffany asked. I sit beside her. I look at her and she hugs me. "Sshh, I know you, I know when will you cry and when you are hurt." A tear fell on my cheek. I pushed her gently and I wipe my tears. She gave me her handkerchief, I use it to wipe my face. "Yvienna, are you alright?" I froze when I heard that voice. I looked up and I saw Kyle. He's looking at me worried. He's a great actor. What a jerk. "You're not my doctor or nurse so stop asking me if I'm okay," I rolled my eyes. "What? Do we have any problems? Just tell me, I will do everything," all students are looking at us. I felt embarrassed. "Okay fine, you're my problem so stop messing with me because you're very annoying!" They gasped and Kyle's jaw dropped. "What?! Yesterday we're okay but what happened today?" My blood is boiling. I stand up and I pushed him harshly. "Yesterday and today are different, stop messing with me! Stop annoying me! I hate you! I hate yo-" I froze and I shiver when I felt his lips. All of my block mates are shouting in happiness. I pushed him harshly that's why he fell on the floor. I run away. I run and I found myself in the comfort room for girls. I can't believe it! I entered the cubicle, I closed the door harshly and I sit on the bowl. I pulled my hair. No! He stole my first kiss! I hate him! I hate him! He kissed me in front of our block mates! I'm so thankful that our professor is not there.

"Besty?! Where are you?" I heard Tiffany so I didn't hesitate to open the door of this cubicle. She runs towards me, she hugged me, and she pats my head gently. "Is there something that happens between you and Kyle? Are you and Kyle in a relationship? Why did he kiss you? You two are so sweet to each other, it's normal that you two have love quarrels." I pulled her hair. "Ouch!" I stand up and I went to the sink. I washed my face and I got irritated when I saw Tiffany smiling at me. "What?!" I asked irritated. "Are you and Kyle in a relationship?" she asked. I was about to talk when someone interrupted us. I heard a loud sound from the cubicle. The door open and we saw a familiar face. Oh, the witch is here. "Kyle kissed you?!" Cassandra's eyes are full of fire. "And so?" I teased. She was about to slap me when Tiffany slaps her face. "Ouch! How dare you!" She slaps Tiffany. My time stop and my eyes are full of hatred. I'm ready for a fight. I pulled her hair and I slap her face many times. "No one can hurt my best friend in front of me! How dare you slap her beautiful face?!" I pushed her which makes her fall. "Ouch! How dare you!" she shouted. "What's happening here?!" Kyle looked at me worried. "S-she hurt me!" Cassandra sobbed. What a great actress! Kyle hurriedly went to Cassandra and he helps her stand up. He even asked her if she's okay. What a great scenario. Tiffany pretends that she's coughing. I looked at Cassandra and she smirked at me. "Yvienna are you alright?" Kyle asked. He even pushed Cassandra gently. It's very obvious. He's just using me to make Cassandra jealous. He was about to hold me but I step back. "Are you alrig-" I didn't let him finished his question. I punched his face. I walk out and I can feel that my steps are heavy. I'm not dumb. I hate him. I hate myself too because I almost believe what he says to me. I almost believe in his lovable words.

"Wait! Yvienna!" I looked back and I saw Kyle running. He's panting when he stopped at my front. I was about to step when he holds my wrist. My eyes widened when he pins me on the lockers. I can't remove his hand on my wrist. "You're hurting me!" He gently removes his hand on my wrist and I was about to run when he locked me between his arms. "Get away from me!" He didn't follow what I said. He hugged me tighter. I can't do anything to get away from him. I smirked when I remember something. I use my knee to kick his knee. "Ouch!" He holds his knee and I didn't waste the chance to run away. "Wait! Yvienna! Ah! Ouch!" I don't know why I stop from running. I look back and I saw Kyle on the floor. He's holding his knee. Did I hurt him so much?! Why Am I worried about him?! I sighed and I run towards him. "Are you alright?" I asked. My eyes widened when he stands up. He holds my wrist and he dragged me. "Hey! Let me go!" I shouted but I think he's deaf. "Hey! Are you deaf?! Let me go!" I was about to kick his foot when he avoided it. "Shut your mouth or else I will kiss you." I shut my mouth and I didn't try to shout again. I don't want him to stole my second kiss. He already stole my first kiss. I found myself outside of his car. His phone rings and I thought that he will let me go but I'm wrong. My shoulder fell when he holds my wrist tighter.

[Okay, Mommy, bye!] He dragged me again and I'm not familiar with this place. "Where are we going-" I felt his lips on mine. Ahhhh!!! He stole my second kiss! " I told you, shut your mouth, or else I will kiss you." he winked. I want to shout at him but I don't want to open my mouth. I don't want him to kiss me again. What a jerk!