
I'm currently sitting in the front seat of my cousin's car. We will go to the nearest grocery store. I don't want to come with him but I'm afraid of my mother. I'm looking at the side mirror and I saw a familiar car. I don't know if that car is following us or what? I shake my head, I felt the car stop and my eyes widened when I saw the grocery. Finally! We're here! "Get down by yourself," my cousin said. I rolled my eyes before I get down. I stretched my arms before I follow my cousin. We went inside the grocery and he gets a pushcart.

"Where's the list?" he asked. I look at him perplexed. "What list?" he shook his head. "The list of groceries that we will buy, where is it?" he glared at me. "Oh, that list, here!" I get the paper that is inside my pocket. I give him the crumpled paper. I can feel that he's controlling his anger. "I will push the cart and you will pick the groceries that is written on the list, okay?" I nodded. He gives back the crumpled paper to me. We started to pick when someone interrupted us. "Oh, I guess you're too busy that's why you don't have time to reply to my messages?" I looked at my back and my jaw drops when I saw him. What is he doing here?!

"Yvienna! Let's go!" my cousin shouted. I was about to follow my cousin when Kyle grab my arm. I look at my cousin, he looks at me confused. "Let's go," my cousin grabs my other arm but Kyle pulled me. "Let her go," my cousin said. "Why would I?" Kyle smirked. "Just let her go!" my cousin pulled me but Kyle also pulled me. It hurts! "Who are you?!" Kyle asked my cousin. "I'm his boyfriend so back off!" I was stunned when I heard it. Boyfriend?! My cousin is my boyfriend?! Yuck! "Oh, okay," Kyle chuckled before he let me go. I look at him, his eyes are full of anger. "Let's go, babe," my cousin pulled me and we started to walk away. I look back and I saw Kyle looking at me. He looks away and he started to turn around. I pinch my cousin. "Ouch! Why did you pinch me?!"

"You're not my boyfriend! Why did you lie to him?!" I gritted my teeth, my blood rises when he just laughs. "Hahaha! I knew it! You both have feelings for each other!" I pinch him again. "Ouch! Stop it babe!" he teased. "Yuck! Babe your face!" I started to pick the groceries that is written on the list. Kyle's face always bothering me in my mind. That look, that eyes, I can see it! But why his eyes are full of anger? Is it true that he has feelings for me? "He loves you," I looked at my cousin. "You're lying," I answered. "Trust me, he's jealous because he doesn't know that we're cousins," I just ignore him. Kyle is just using me, the one that he loves is Cassandra, not me. I think it's better if he knew that I have a boyfriend. In that case, I will ignore him and he will ignore me. "I guess we're finished," I said. We both go to the counter to pay for the groceries.

I'm now in the car, waiting for my cousin to start the engine. "What are you thinking?" he asked. I didn't answer, I heard him sighed, "If you love him, then let it be," he started to drive. "I'm scared," I look down. "You're brave Yvienna, I know that you can face it, I can feel that he loves you," I look at him. Why is my cousin being like this? "But he's just using me," The car stopped, I look at the front, It's traffic. "I don't believe it," why is he being like this? He looks like a mature person. "Being a mature person is not suit for you," I joked. "I pity him, he's in love with a childish brat girl," he stuck out his tongue. "Who is childish brat girl?!" he smirked. He didn't answer my question. Argh! The car started to move.

I felt like someone is poking my cheek, I slowly opened my eyes, and I glared at my cousin. "Stop poking me!" I gritted my teeth. "For your information my dear brat cousin, we are currently here outside of your house so please get out!" he pulled me out from his car. "Ouch! Don't pull me! I can walk by myself!" I was about to punch him when someone interrupted us. "I will get the groceries," Yaya said. My cousin handed the groceries to her. I yawned and I walk inside our house. I want to sleep, I'm so sleepy. I walk upstairs and I entered my room. I jump to my bed and I closed my eyes. Finally! I can have beauty rest.

*phone rings*

I get up and I'm annoyed because of my phone. Who the hell is calling me in the middle of my beauty rest?! I didn't consume time to look at who is calling, I just click the answer button.

[Hello?! Who the hell are you?!] I shouted.

[Miss me?] I froze. Why is he calling me?

[Kyle?! What the hell is your problem?!]

[Break up with your boyfriend, ]

I can't breathe. Why is he being like this?

[Why would I? As far as I know, you're just using me to make your precious Cassandra jealous!]

My eyes widened when I realize what I said. Shit! Shit! Shit! Why did I say it?! I heard a long silence, oh no.

[I'm not using you, break up with your boyfriend, or else I will snatch you from him, ] he hangs up the call.

I'm dumbfounded. I don't know what will I do. I lie on my bed, I forced myself to sleep but I can't sleep. Argh! Why is he being like this? I want to forget him, I want to ignore him, I want to be away from him but here he is, he always approaching me.

I'm not using you.

I'm not using you.

I'm not using you.

I heard his voice in my mind. I heard it over and over again.