
I slowly opened my eyes, I stood up and I entered my bathroom. I took a bath and I wore my uniform. Today is Monday and I have classes. Time flies and now I'm here in my room. I'm sitting in my seat while thinking about what Kyle's said to me yesterday. He's not using me. Is it true? Should I let my guard down and follow my heart? Should I trust him and give myself another chance to love again? For all those days, I forced myself to stop my feelings for him but I can't. This feeling is so strong. And I'm sure that in the next few days, I'm totally in love with him.

"Good morning my baby," someone said. I looked up and I saw Kyle smiling at me. Did he call me baby? "Your eye bags are too big, is it because of me?" he smiled playfully. I gritted my teeth, "Go away, don't talk to me!" he just shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, baby," he kissed my cheek before he go to his seat that is at my back. What did he do? Did he just kiss my cheek in front of my block mates?! I'm thankful that our professor is not here. "A-are you two in a relationship?" Tiffany asked. I just glared at her.

Am I too numb to not feel Tiffany's presence beside me? "Your blushing?" she asked. I rolled my eyes at her before I covered my face with my hands. Argh! This is so embarrassing! Why did he kiss me on my cheek?! I removed my hands from my face and my eyes roamed around. Every student here is now looking at me with a shocked face. I looked at my back and I saw Kyle smiling while tapping his fingers on his table. I hurriedly look away when his eyes and mine met. My heart beats so fast, I can feel butterflies on my tummy.

"Good morning class," I looked at our professor. He started to discuss our lesson and I'm happily listening to him. Time flies and now I'm here in the cafeteria with Tiffany. "What do you want? I will order our food," Tiffany asked. "Anything will do," I answered. She just give me a nod before she went to the counter. I was busy playing my fingers when someone sits beside me.

"Hi baby," Kyle winked at me. "What are you doing here? Stop flirting with me!" I hissed. He smiled at me bitterly. "I will snatch you from your boyfriend, break up with him Yvienna, or else..." he grinned. "Besty here's our fo-" Tiffany didn't complete her words when he saw Kyle. "Remember what I told to you baby," Kyle whispered at me before he stood up and walk away. I gulped. I don't have a boyfriend, should I tell him the truth? "What's that? You two, lover birds huh!" Tiffany smirked before she sit and eat her food.

I can feel the absence of my mind. I'm finally done eating. I stood up, "Where are we going?" Tiffany asked. I look at her, she's now standing beside me. "I want to be alone," she just give me a nod while smirking. I massage my forehead before I walk away. I want some fresh air. I'm not on myself. I'm just walking, letting my feet bring me somewhere. I stop when I heard that someone is playing the piano. I look at that room and the door is not slightly closed. I move closer and I started to enter that room. I saw a man's back, he's playing the piano.

River flows in you.

He is playing river flows in you. I smiled. I feel relaxed because of that music. I step forward and I gasped when I step on an empty bottle. Shit! "Who's there?" the man stops playing the piano. I hurriedly hide at the back of the door. "Meow!" I don't know why it came out from my mouth. Shit! "Stop hiding from me little kitten!" the man said. I looked at him and my heart almost fall when I saw him standing in front of me. I awkwardly smiled at him. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you, I'm going now!" I was about to walk away when he suddenly grabbed my arm. "Stay here, I know that you enjoyed the music earlier right?" I just nodded. He smiles at me and my heart almost fall when I saw his dimples.

"What's your name, pretty lady?" He asked. "I'm Yvienna," I answered. "I'm Nickolas, you can call me Nico if you want," he pulled me and he guided me to sit down beside him. "Should I continue playing river flows in you?" I smiled and I slowly nodded at him. "Can I call you Yvi?" he asked. "Sure."

He smiles at me before he started to play the piano. I closed my eyes as I feel the music that is now occupying the space of my mind. Music is one of my stress relievers. In the meantime, I forgot Kyle. I forgot what he says to me a while ago. I'm just happy listening to the music that is playing by Nico. I let myself smile, I don't care if he thinks that I'm insane for closing my eyes while smiling. I'm enjoying the music when suddenly, the music stops. I opened my eyes and I felt shivered when I heard his wonderful voice. A voice that can comfort you. He's singing a song and his voice is really good. He's playing the piano while he's singing.

Playing: You Are The Reason

"There goes my heart beating

'Cause you are the reason

I'm losing my sleep

Please come back now,"

He looks at me and I just give him a sweet smile.

"And there goes my mind racing

And you are the reason

That I'm still breathing

I'm hopeless now,"

I don't know why Kyle suddenly flash on my mind. I remember what he says a while ago. I remember what he told me yesterday.

"I'd climb every mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you

And fix what I've broken

Oh, 'cause I need you to see

That you are the reason,"

I remembered what my cousin told to me. Should I let myself love again? There's nothing wrong to try again, right? Maybe, this time, I think I should let my guard down. I want to give myself a second chance to love again. I knew that my ex and Kyle are different. I should not compare them.

"You enjoyed it right?" I looked at him. "Y-yeah, you're amazing!" he chuckled and he pats my head. " I'm late now, see you next time!" I smiled at him. We both stood up and went out of that room. I waved my hand at him, "I'm going now to my class! See you next time!" I said.